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  1. Like
    DarkeSword got a reaction from Tuberz McGee in Mega Man X: The Sigma Fortress Remix Gauntlet 2015   
    Please keep in mind that right now, the draft, the submissions gathering, the encoding, tagging, and uploading; the voting, vote collection, and tallying; it's all done manually by either you guys or by me. There's very little that's automated about this process for gauntlets, and it's why scoring hasn't gone up yet (I have spreadsheets to help me tally but it's still some manual labor on my part to get everything in there).
    In my spare time, I'm working on a database-driven web application that will help me manage and automate practically everything having to do with the competitions I personally run on OCR. This is a large-scale, complicated software development project and I'm still in the data design phase of the whole thing. These kinds of ideas can certainly be incorporated into that, but it's a long ways off. I don't anticipate this application being done any time soon.
    It's also worth noting that the more complicated you make the voting process, the less likely people are to vote at all. VGMix had a lot of these problems with their review system. They attached scores and weights to reviews (through meta-ratings on reviews) which ended up intimidating people from participating, which led to a total crash of the entire system.
    Building the kind of things you're asking for into the current competition's scoring system is pie-in-the-sky; it sounds great and I understand the intent, but to be honest it's needlessly complicated for the purposes of this competition. If you're interested in detailed feedback about your track, please feel free to ask for specific feedback either here or in the Workshop forum.
    Nonetheless, I appreciate the comments and aware that feedback can be an issue. Perhaps next Gauntlet we do (rest assured, we will be doing one next year), we can have a one-week break in between blocks where people can be encouraged to review and dissect tracks from the previous three rounds. Maybe setting up a separate review thread per round could also be beneficial next time.
    On a related note, this December 18th will be 6 year anniversary of the first Grand Robot Master Remix Battle, which is the first of the large scale choose-your-theme competitions that everyone has enjoyed so much over the years. I'm happy to say that I've seen so many awesome artists who've either gotten started or gotten better by competing in these large scale events, many of them honing their skills to the point of going pro and making careers out of music. I'm not pretending to take any credit for any of that, but I will say that I'm proud of everyone that's given the compos a shot and have managed to push their skills higher and higher.
  2. Like
    DarkeSword got a reaction from Shadix in Mega Man X: The Sigma Fortress Remix Gauntlet 2015   
    Please keep in mind that right now, the draft, the submissions gathering, the encoding, tagging, and uploading; the voting, vote collection, and tallying; it's all done manually by either you guys or by me. There's very little that's automated about this process for gauntlets, and it's why scoring hasn't gone up yet (I have spreadsheets to help me tally but it's still some manual labor on my part to get everything in there).
    In my spare time, I'm working on a database-driven web application that will help me manage and automate practically everything having to do with the competitions I personally run on OCR. This is a large-scale, complicated software development project and I'm still in the data design phase of the whole thing. These kinds of ideas can certainly be incorporated into that, but it's a long ways off. I don't anticipate this application being done any time soon.
    It's also worth noting that the more complicated you make the voting process, the less likely people are to vote at all. VGMix had a lot of these problems with their review system. They attached scores and weights to reviews (through meta-ratings on reviews) which ended up intimidating people from participating, which led to a total crash of the entire system.
    Building the kind of things you're asking for into the current competition's scoring system is pie-in-the-sky; it sounds great and I understand the intent, but to be honest it's needlessly complicated for the purposes of this competition. If you're interested in detailed feedback about your track, please feel free to ask for specific feedback either here or in the Workshop forum.
    Nonetheless, I appreciate the comments and aware that feedback can be an issue. Perhaps next Gauntlet we do (rest assured, we will be doing one next year), we can have a one-week break in between blocks where people can be encouraged to review and dissect tracks from the previous three rounds. Maybe setting up a separate review thread per round could also be beneficial next time.
    On a related note, this December 18th will be 6 year anniversary of the first Grand Robot Master Remix Battle, which is the first of the large scale choose-your-theme competitions that everyone has enjoyed so much over the years. I'm happy to say that I've seen so many awesome artists who've either gotten started or gotten better by competing in these large scale events, many of them honing their skills to the point of going pro and making careers out of music. I'm not pretending to take any credit for any of that, but I will say that I'm proud of everyone that's given the compos a shot and have managed to push their skills higher and higher.
  3. Like
    DarkeSword got a reaction from Eino Keskitalo in Mega Man X: The Sigma Fortress Remix Gauntlet 2015   
    Please keep in mind that right now, the draft, the submissions gathering, the encoding, tagging, and uploading; the voting, vote collection, and tallying; it's all done manually by either you guys or by me. There's very little that's automated about this process for gauntlets, and it's why scoring hasn't gone up yet (I have spreadsheets to help me tally but it's still some manual labor on my part to get everything in there).
    In my spare time, I'm working on a database-driven web application that will help me manage and automate practically everything having to do with the competitions I personally run on OCR. This is a large-scale, complicated software development project and I'm still in the data design phase of the whole thing. These kinds of ideas can certainly be incorporated into that, but it's a long ways off. I don't anticipate this application being done any time soon.
    It's also worth noting that the more complicated you make the voting process, the less likely people are to vote at all. VGMix had a lot of these problems with their review system. They attached scores and weights to reviews (through meta-ratings on reviews) which ended up intimidating people from participating, which led to a total crash of the entire system.
    Building the kind of things you're asking for into the current competition's scoring system is pie-in-the-sky; it sounds great and I understand the intent, but to be honest it's needlessly complicated for the purposes of this competition. If you're interested in detailed feedback about your track, please feel free to ask for specific feedback either here or in the Workshop forum.
    Nonetheless, I appreciate the comments and aware that feedback can be an issue. Perhaps next Gauntlet we do (rest assured, we will be doing one next year), we can have a one-week break in between blocks where people can be encouraged to review and dissect tracks from the previous three rounds. Maybe setting up a separate review thread per round could also be beneficial next time.
    On a related note, this December 18th will be 6 year anniversary of the first Grand Robot Master Remix Battle, which is the first of the large scale choose-your-theme competitions that everyone has enjoyed so much over the years. I'm happy to say that I've seen so many awesome artists who've either gotten started or gotten better by competing in these large scale events, many of them honing their skills to the point of going pro and making careers out of music. I'm not pretending to take any credit for any of that, but I will say that I'm proud of everyone that's given the compos a shot and have managed to push their skills higher and higher.
  4. Like
    DarkeSword got a reaction from SuperiorX in Mega Man X: The Sigma Fortress Remix Gauntlet 2015   
    Please keep in mind that right now, the draft, the submissions gathering, the encoding, tagging, and uploading; the voting, vote collection, and tallying; it's all done manually by either you guys or by me. There's very little that's automated about this process for gauntlets, and it's why scoring hasn't gone up yet (I have spreadsheets to help me tally but it's still some manual labor on my part to get everything in there).
    In my spare time, I'm working on a database-driven web application that will help me manage and automate practically everything having to do with the competitions I personally run on OCR. This is a large-scale, complicated software development project and I'm still in the data design phase of the whole thing. These kinds of ideas can certainly be incorporated into that, but it's a long ways off. I don't anticipate this application being done any time soon.
    It's also worth noting that the more complicated you make the voting process, the less likely people are to vote at all. VGMix had a lot of these problems with their review system. They attached scores and weights to reviews (through meta-ratings on reviews) which ended up intimidating people from participating, which led to a total crash of the entire system.
    Building the kind of things you're asking for into the current competition's scoring system is pie-in-the-sky; it sounds great and I understand the intent, but to be honest it's needlessly complicated for the purposes of this competition. If you're interested in detailed feedback about your track, please feel free to ask for specific feedback either here or in the Workshop forum.
    Nonetheless, I appreciate the comments and aware that feedback can be an issue. Perhaps next Gauntlet we do (rest assured, we will be doing one next year), we can have a one-week break in between blocks where people can be encouraged to review and dissect tracks from the previous three rounds. Maybe setting up a separate review thread per round could also be beneficial next time.
    On a related note, this December 18th will be 6 year anniversary of the first Grand Robot Master Remix Battle, which is the first of the large scale choose-your-theme competitions that everyone has enjoyed so much over the years. I'm happy to say that I've seen so many awesome artists who've either gotten started or gotten better by competing in these large scale events, many of them honing their skills to the point of going pro and making careers out of music. I'm not pretending to take any credit for any of that, but I will say that I'm proud of everyone that's given the compos a shot and have managed to push their skills higher and higher.
  5. Like
    DarkeSword got a reaction from timaeus222 in Mega Man X: The Sigma Fortress Remix Gauntlet 2015   
    I don't want to get into the weeds here, but my point wasn't that VGMix was intimidating for artists, it's that it was intimidating for reviewers. They had an admirable goal of encouraging people to review remixes by introducing an RPG-like XP system, but people could essentially upvote/downvote reviews which introduced a whole complicated weighting and scoring system that reviewers themselves had to keep in mind. The whole thing was too much work for most people who just wanted to leave some feedback and that's why people just didn't review that much.
    Anyway the point is that you can't over-complicate these things. Goodness knows that the Gauntlet-style competitions we run here are already kind of complicated. With regards to voting picking a top three is already hard enough; providing 5-point scoring on a variety of categories for each remix is just going to discourage people from even voting at all.
    I want to avoid using off-site services for these kinds of things right now because I want the competitions to be something that we do here on the forums so that people come to OC ReMix and participate in the community. I also need that verification that people who are voting are part of the community and not just ringers that people have brought in from other communities; ballot stuffing has been an issue in other competitions, which is why the Competitions Code of Conduct exists in the first place. For the application I'm developing, the goal is to have some kind of authentication bridge that will link your OCR account to the app's own user accounts. Still a long ways off.
  6. Like
    DarkeSword got a reaction from KingTiger in Mega Man X: The Sigma Fortress Remix Gauntlet 2015   
    I don't want to get into the weeds here, but my point wasn't that VGMix was intimidating for artists, it's that it was intimidating for reviewers. They had an admirable goal of encouraging people to review remixes by introducing an RPG-like XP system, but people could essentially upvote/downvote reviews which introduced a whole complicated weighting and scoring system that reviewers themselves had to keep in mind. The whole thing was too much work for most people who just wanted to leave some feedback and that's why people just didn't review that much.
    Anyway the point is that you can't over-complicate these things. Goodness knows that the Gauntlet-style competitions we run here are already kind of complicated. With regards to voting picking a top three is already hard enough; providing 5-point scoring on a variety of categories for each remix is just going to discourage people from even voting at all.
    I want to avoid using off-site services for these kinds of things right now because I want the competitions to be something that we do here on the forums so that people come to OC ReMix and participate in the community. I also need that verification that people who are voting are part of the community and not just ringers that people have brought in from other communities; ballot stuffing has been an issue in other competitions, which is why the Competitions Code of Conduct exists in the first place. For the application I'm developing, the goal is to have some kind of authentication bridge that will link your OCR account to the app's own user accounts. Still a long ways off.
  7. Like
    DarkeSword got a reaction from shadow24 in Mega Man X: The Sigma Fortress Remix Gauntlet 2015   
    Please keep in mind that right now, the draft, the submissions gathering, the encoding, tagging, and uploading; the voting, vote collection, and tallying; it's all done manually by either you guys or by me. There's very little that's automated about this process for gauntlets, and it's why scoring hasn't gone up yet (I have spreadsheets to help me tally but it's still some manual labor on my part to get everything in there).
    In my spare time, I'm working on a database-driven web application that will help me manage and automate practically everything having to do with the competitions I personally run on OCR. This is a large-scale, complicated software development project and I'm still in the data design phase of the whole thing. These kinds of ideas can certainly be incorporated into that, but it's a long ways off. I don't anticipate this application being done any time soon.
    It's also worth noting that the more complicated you make the voting process, the less likely people are to vote at all. VGMix had a lot of these problems with their review system. They attached scores and weights to reviews (through meta-ratings on reviews) which ended up intimidating people from participating, which led to a total crash of the entire system.
    Building the kind of things you're asking for into the current competition's scoring system is pie-in-the-sky; it sounds great and I understand the intent, but to be honest it's needlessly complicated for the purposes of this competition. If you're interested in detailed feedback about your track, please feel free to ask for specific feedback either here or in the Workshop forum.
    Nonetheless, I appreciate the comments and aware that feedback can be an issue. Perhaps next Gauntlet we do (rest assured, we will be doing one next year), we can have a one-week break in between blocks where people can be encouraged to review and dissect tracks from the previous three rounds. Maybe setting up a separate review thread per round could also be beneficial next time.
    On a related note, this December 18th will be 6 year anniversary of the first Grand Robot Master Remix Battle, which is the first of the large scale choose-your-theme competitions that everyone has enjoyed so much over the years. I'm happy to say that I've seen so many awesome artists who've either gotten started or gotten better by competing in these large scale events, many of them honing their skills to the point of going pro and making careers out of music. I'm not pretending to take any credit for any of that, but I will say that I'm proud of everyone that's given the compos a shot and have managed to push their skills higher and higher.
  8. Like
    DarkeSword got a reaction from Flexstyle in Mega Man X: The Sigma Fortress Remix Gauntlet 2015   
    I don't want to get into the weeds here, but my point wasn't that VGMix was intimidating for artists, it's that it was intimidating for reviewers. They had an admirable goal of encouraging people to review remixes by introducing an RPG-like XP system, but people could essentially upvote/downvote reviews which introduced a whole complicated weighting and scoring system that reviewers themselves had to keep in mind. The whole thing was too much work for most people who just wanted to leave some feedback and that's why people just didn't review that much.
    Anyway the point is that you can't over-complicate these things. Goodness knows that the Gauntlet-style competitions we run here are already kind of complicated. With regards to voting picking a top three is already hard enough; providing 5-point scoring on a variety of categories for each remix is just going to discourage people from even voting at all.
    I want to avoid using off-site services for these kinds of things right now because I want the competitions to be something that we do here on the forums so that people come to OC ReMix and participate in the community. I also need that verification that people who are voting are part of the community and not just ringers that people have brought in from other communities; ballot stuffing has been an issue in other competitions, which is why the Competitions Code of Conduct exists in the first place. For the application I'm developing, the goal is to have some kind of authentication bridge that will link your OCR account to the app's own user accounts. Still a long ways off.
  9. Like
    DarkeSword got a reaction from KingTiger in Mega Man X: The Sigma Fortress Remix Gauntlet 2015   
    Please keep in mind that right now, the draft, the submissions gathering, the encoding, tagging, and uploading; the voting, vote collection, and tallying; it's all done manually by either you guys or by me. There's very little that's automated about this process for gauntlets, and it's why scoring hasn't gone up yet (I have spreadsheets to help me tally but it's still some manual labor on my part to get everything in there).
    In my spare time, I'm working on a database-driven web application that will help me manage and automate practically everything having to do with the competitions I personally run on OCR. This is a large-scale, complicated software development project and I'm still in the data design phase of the whole thing. These kinds of ideas can certainly be incorporated into that, but it's a long ways off. I don't anticipate this application being done any time soon.
    It's also worth noting that the more complicated you make the voting process, the less likely people are to vote at all. VGMix had a lot of these problems with their review system. They attached scores and weights to reviews (through meta-ratings on reviews) which ended up intimidating people from participating, which led to a total crash of the entire system.
    Building the kind of things you're asking for into the current competition's scoring system is pie-in-the-sky; it sounds great and I understand the intent, but to be honest it's needlessly complicated for the purposes of this competition. If you're interested in detailed feedback about your track, please feel free to ask for specific feedback either here or in the Workshop forum.
    Nonetheless, I appreciate the comments and aware that feedback can be an issue. Perhaps next Gauntlet we do (rest assured, we will be doing one next year), we can have a one-week break in between blocks where people can be encouraged to review and dissect tracks from the previous three rounds. Maybe setting up a separate review thread per round could also be beneficial next time.
    On a related note, this December 18th will be 6 year anniversary of the first Grand Robot Master Remix Battle, which is the first of the large scale choose-your-theme competitions that everyone has enjoyed so much over the years. I'm happy to say that I've seen so many awesome artists who've either gotten started or gotten better by competing in these large scale events, many of them honing their skills to the point of going pro and making careers out of music. I'm not pretending to take any credit for any of that, but I will say that I'm proud of everyone that's given the compos a shot and have managed to push their skills higher and higher.
  10. Like
    DarkeSword got a reaction from Flexstyle in Mega Man X: The Sigma Fortress Remix Gauntlet 2015   
    Please keep in mind that right now, the draft, the submissions gathering, the encoding, tagging, and uploading; the voting, vote collection, and tallying; it's all done manually by either you guys or by me. There's very little that's automated about this process for gauntlets, and it's why scoring hasn't gone up yet (I have spreadsheets to help me tally but it's still some manual labor on my part to get everything in there).
    In my spare time, I'm working on a database-driven web application that will help me manage and automate practically everything having to do with the competitions I personally run on OCR. This is a large-scale, complicated software development project and I'm still in the data design phase of the whole thing. These kinds of ideas can certainly be incorporated into that, but it's a long ways off. I don't anticipate this application being done any time soon.
    It's also worth noting that the more complicated you make the voting process, the less likely people are to vote at all. VGMix had a lot of these problems with their review system. They attached scores and weights to reviews (through meta-ratings on reviews) which ended up intimidating people from participating, which led to a total crash of the entire system.
    Building the kind of things you're asking for into the current competition's scoring system is pie-in-the-sky; it sounds great and I understand the intent, but to be honest it's needlessly complicated for the purposes of this competition. If you're interested in detailed feedback about your track, please feel free to ask for specific feedback either here or in the Workshop forum.
    Nonetheless, I appreciate the comments and aware that feedback can be an issue. Perhaps next Gauntlet we do (rest assured, we will be doing one next year), we can have a one-week break in between blocks where people can be encouraged to review and dissect tracks from the previous three rounds. Maybe setting up a separate review thread per round could also be beneficial next time.
    On a related note, this December 18th will be 6 year anniversary of the first Grand Robot Master Remix Battle, which is the first of the large scale choose-your-theme competitions that everyone has enjoyed so much over the years. I'm happy to say that I've seen so many awesome artists who've either gotten started or gotten better by competing in these large scale events, many of them honing their skills to the point of going pro and making careers out of music. I'm not pretending to take any credit for any of that, but I will say that I'm proud of everyone that's given the compos a shot and have managed to push their skills higher and higher.
  11. Like
    DarkeSword got a reaction from fxsnowy in Mega Man X: The Sigma Fortress Remix Gauntlet 2015   
    Please keep in mind that right now, the draft, the submissions gathering, the encoding, tagging, and uploading; the voting, vote collection, and tallying; it's all done manually by either you guys or by me. There's very little that's automated about this process for gauntlets, and it's why scoring hasn't gone up yet (I have spreadsheets to help me tally but it's still some manual labor on my part to get everything in there).
    In my spare time, I'm working on a database-driven web application that will help me manage and automate practically everything having to do with the competitions I personally run on OCR. This is a large-scale, complicated software development project and I'm still in the data design phase of the whole thing. These kinds of ideas can certainly be incorporated into that, but it's a long ways off. I don't anticipate this application being done any time soon.
    It's also worth noting that the more complicated you make the voting process, the less likely people are to vote at all. VGMix had a lot of these problems with their review system. They attached scores and weights to reviews (through meta-ratings on reviews) which ended up intimidating people from participating, which led to a total crash of the entire system.
    Building the kind of things you're asking for into the current competition's scoring system is pie-in-the-sky; it sounds great and I understand the intent, but to be honest it's needlessly complicated for the purposes of this competition. If you're interested in detailed feedback about your track, please feel free to ask for specific feedback either here or in the Workshop forum.
    Nonetheless, I appreciate the comments and aware that feedback can be an issue. Perhaps next Gauntlet we do (rest assured, we will be doing one next year), we can have a one-week break in between blocks where people can be encouraged to review and dissect tracks from the previous three rounds. Maybe setting up a separate review thread per round could also be beneficial next time.
    On a related note, this December 18th will be 6 year anniversary of the first Grand Robot Master Remix Battle, which is the first of the large scale choose-your-theme competitions that everyone has enjoyed so much over the years. I'm happy to say that I've seen so many awesome artists who've either gotten started or gotten better by competing in these large scale events, many of them honing their skills to the point of going pro and making careers out of music. I'm not pretending to take any credit for any of that, but I will say that I'm proud of everyone that's given the compos a shot and have managed to push their skills higher and higher.
  12. Like
    DarkeSword got a reaction from timaeus222 in Mega Man X: The Sigma Fortress Remix Gauntlet 2015   
    Please keep in mind that right now, the draft, the submissions gathering, the encoding, tagging, and uploading; the voting, vote collection, and tallying; it's all done manually by either you guys or by me. There's very little that's automated about this process for gauntlets, and it's why scoring hasn't gone up yet (I have spreadsheets to help me tally but it's still some manual labor on my part to get everything in there).
    In my spare time, I'm working on a database-driven web application that will help me manage and automate practically everything having to do with the competitions I personally run on OCR. This is a large-scale, complicated software development project and I'm still in the data design phase of the whole thing. These kinds of ideas can certainly be incorporated into that, but it's a long ways off. I don't anticipate this application being done any time soon.
    It's also worth noting that the more complicated you make the voting process, the less likely people are to vote at all. VGMix had a lot of these problems with their review system. They attached scores and weights to reviews (through meta-ratings on reviews) which ended up intimidating people from participating, which led to a total crash of the entire system.
    Building the kind of things you're asking for into the current competition's scoring system is pie-in-the-sky; it sounds great and I understand the intent, but to be honest it's needlessly complicated for the purposes of this competition. If you're interested in detailed feedback about your track, please feel free to ask for specific feedback either here or in the Workshop forum.
    Nonetheless, I appreciate the comments and aware that feedback can be an issue. Perhaps next Gauntlet we do (rest assured, we will be doing one next year), we can have a one-week break in between blocks where people can be encouraged to review and dissect tracks from the previous three rounds. Maybe setting up a separate review thread per round could also be beneficial next time.
    On a related note, this December 18th will be 6 year anniversary of the first Grand Robot Master Remix Battle, which is the first of the large scale choose-your-theme competitions that everyone has enjoyed so much over the years. I'm happy to say that I've seen so many awesome artists who've either gotten started or gotten better by competing in these large scale events, many of them honing their skills to the point of going pro and making careers out of music. I'm not pretending to take any credit for any of that, but I will say that I'm proud of everyone that's given the compos a shot and have managed to push their skills higher and higher.
  13. Like
    DarkeSword got a reaction from Sir_NutS in Mega Man X: The Sigma Fortress Remix Gauntlet 2015   
    Please keep in mind that right now, the draft, the submissions gathering, the encoding, tagging, and uploading; the voting, vote collection, and tallying; it's all done manually by either you guys or by me. There's very little that's automated about this process for gauntlets, and it's why scoring hasn't gone up yet (I have spreadsheets to help me tally but it's still some manual labor on my part to get everything in there).
    In my spare time, I'm working on a database-driven web application that will help me manage and automate practically everything having to do with the competitions I personally run on OCR. This is a large-scale, complicated software development project and I'm still in the data design phase of the whole thing. These kinds of ideas can certainly be incorporated into that, but it's a long ways off. I don't anticipate this application being done any time soon.
    It's also worth noting that the more complicated you make the voting process, the less likely people are to vote at all. VGMix had a lot of these problems with their review system. They attached scores and weights to reviews (through meta-ratings on reviews) which ended up intimidating people from participating, which led to a total crash of the entire system.
    Building the kind of things you're asking for into the current competition's scoring system is pie-in-the-sky; it sounds great and I understand the intent, but to be honest it's needlessly complicated for the purposes of this competition. If you're interested in detailed feedback about your track, please feel free to ask for specific feedback either here or in the Workshop forum.
    Nonetheless, I appreciate the comments and aware that feedback can be an issue. Perhaps next Gauntlet we do (rest assured, we will be doing one next year), we can have a one-week break in between blocks where people can be encouraged to review and dissect tracks from the previous three rounds. Maybe setting up a separate review thread per round could also be beneficial next time.
    On a related note, this December 18th will be 6 year anniversary of the first Grand Robot Master Remix Battle, which is the first of the large scale choose-your-theme competitions that everyone has enjoyed so much over the years. I'm happy to say that I've seen so many awesome artists who've either gotten started or gotten better by competing in these large scale events, many of them honing their skills to the point of going pro and making careers out of music. I'm not pretending to take any credit for any of that, but I will say that I'm proud of everyone that's given the compos a shot and have managed to push their skills higher and higher.
  14. Like
    DarkeSword got a reaction from Jorito in Mega Man X: The Sigma Fortress Remix Gauntlet 2015   
    Because I screwed up and didn't check the file names as thoroughly as I should have.
    Once the competition is over I will be going through and verifying and redoing all the tags and file names to make sure everything is completely correct, and will drop an archival release of the whole competition.
  15. Like
    DarkeSword got a reaction from Cam3leon in Mega Man X: The Sigma Fortress Remix Gauntlet 2015   
    This week's Sigma Theme is Sigma Fortress 2 from Mega Man X.

  16. Like
    DarkeSword got a reaction from Brandon Strader in Final Fantasy III: Resurrection - Wrapping Up (Sign Consent Form!)   
    Ah yeah it looks like you did. Better to send a conversation (private message) than a profile message. Not sure if I get notifications of those.
    Jorito and zykO added.
  17. Like
    DarkeSword got a reaction from shadow24 in Mega Man X: The Sigma Fortress Remix Gauntlet 2015   
    FYI you wouldn't refer to the 6th note in D minor as A#. In D minor, A is natural, and B is flat. Yes, technically A# and Bb are enharmonics of each other, but that's not the point.
    Don't skip a letter when listing notes. Always list all letters from the note to the octave, and use either flats or sharps (never both) to adjust the notes to fit the type of scale you want.
    D minor is D E F G A Bb C
  18. Like
    DarkeSword got a reaction from Tuberz McGee in Mega Man X: The Sigma Fortress Remix Gauntlet 2015   
    Yes, I will try to get things up to date this weekend.
  19. Like
    DarkeSword got a reaction from Jorito in Mega Man X: The Sigma Fortress Remix Gauntlet 2015   
    Yes, I will try to get things up to date this weekend.
  20. Like
    DarkeSword got a reaction from Eino Keskitalo in Mega Man X: The Sigma Fortress Remix Gauntlet 2015   
    Yes, I will try to get things up to date this weekend.
  21. Like
    DarkeSword got a reaction from Troyificus in Mega Man X: The Sigma Fortress Remix Gauntlet 2015   
    Yes, I will try to get things up to date this weekend.
  22. Like
    DarkeSword got a reaction from Garpocalypse in Mega Man X: The Sigma Fortress Remix Gauntlet 2015   
    Yes, I will try to get things up to date this weekend.
  23. Like
    DarkeSword reacted to Arrow in Rare Zircon release!   
    Was honestly disappointed this wasn't a topic about https://soundcloud.com/zeb-ro/hashtag
  24. Like
    DarkeSword got a reaction from Tuberz McGee in Mega Man X: The Sigma Fortress Remix Gauntlet 2015   
    This is a Mega Man X competition. Elec Man is from Mega Man Classic.
  25. Like
    DarkeSword got a reaction from Tuberz McGee in Mega Man X: The Sigma Fortress Remix Gauntlet 2015   
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