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Everything posted by sephfire

  1. Nice to have that settled, then. Kinda what I expected to hear. Just thought I'd bring it up in case.
  2. I've had several games on my to-do list for far too long and haven't had the time to do anything about it. I'm determined to at least get started on one, but I can't choose where to start. So I figured: "The ReQuest people almost never get the remixes they ask for. Why not let them pick?" And so, here is my list of games that I am determined to remix. I've got some specific tracks I'm looking into for each, but I'd love to hear what you guys want most. Disgaea 2 God of War Katamari Damacy / We Love Katamari Kingdom Hearts 2 Okami Psychonauts I've had some other games on my list too, but these are the highest priorities. If you want to ask which tracks in particular I'm looking at, feel free to ask.
  3. "sephfire" was the file name of a jpeg I saw once and it had a nice ring. Since then, I think most people have assumed I either liked sapphires or was a ravenous Sephiroth fanboy (or some mixture of the two). I've gone by other handles in other places. The most frequently used: "cAtf00d." Since OCR is one of the first places I used this handle, I feel it "belongs" to OCR in some way. What do you guys think? Should I consider changing my handle or just leave well enough alone?
  4. Animation Reel: http://www.sephfire.com/3d/reel_lores.mov Going to Savannah College of Art and Design this winter. I expect my work will improve drastically.
  5. Why pidgeon-hole the game into one of the two genres at all? It doesn't belong exclusively in either one, so what is the point? This issue seems more pointless with every page.
  6. Look, we're not saying that Metroid is just a shooter like any other. That's obviously untrue. But Metroid has had shooter elements since the NES. Samus does a lot of shooting. The shooting may not be the primary focus of the game, but you have to at least admit that shooting occurs with some frequency and is a key function in the Metroid series. Can a game really not be a shooter and an adventure at the same time? The notions that Metroid is "just a shooter" or "not a shooter at all" sound equally absurd.
  7. This would probably be a better way to put it. I understand the point you're trying to make, but Metroid Prime has very prominent shooter elements that can't just be glossed over.
  8. The "goody two-shoes" behavior is entirely your choice. You can help the villagers out, or you can wipe them from the map. It's fun game, really. Imagine Pikmin and the the Lord of the Rings crossed together. One of the most enertaining things is that the world shows you what Middle Earth must look like from Sauron's point of view. Hobbits are gluttonous, disgusting hole-dwellers, dwarves are nothing but boisterous drunks, elves are fruity little whiners and men are just about worthless. You can help most of these groups out in exchange for their servitude and homage, or you can just save yourself the trouble and exterminate them. There's not really much "goody two-shoes" to be found here. You can either be evil-evil or mostly-evil. "Chaotic Good" may be a better term.
  9. Genre distinctions are helpful, but there's a certain point where you have to let individual games just be what they are within their broad genre. Halo, Half Life and Metroid may all be First Person Shooters, but each of them has their own strengths, weaknesses and unique experiences to offer. A game doesn't need it's own genre category to offer a unique experience. For a glimpse at what happens when you define your genres too narrowly, just have a look at techno music. That said, the fact that one could almost fit Oblivion into the genre of FPS does kind of show that some additional genre specifications might be useful. I kind of wish the camera viewpoint were left out of genre names entirely. Third-person shooters are almost the same exact thing and plenty of non-shooter games offer the first-person view. I don't know. In the end, I doubt too many people lose any sleep over genres. I don't have to know that Psychonauts was a platformer to know it was awesome. I need sleep, I think. I'm starting to babble.
  10. The beginning felt a little un-Metroid to me until I watched GameTrailer's retrospective again and remembered that Samus dealing with the Feds is far from new. I think the beginning just feels a little un-Metroid Prime. But a little change is not a bad thing.
  11. Are we doing Friend Voucher exchanges in this thread? If yes, 7672 3179 6340 3241. If no, ignore me completely.
  12. At least MGS online play is coming back with MGS4.
  13. Until complete VR gaming is realized, the keyboard/mouse duo will likely reign supreme. Heck, may be even after.
  14. You know, I think I could stand to never hear the Space Pirates theme again. It was fine at first, but now it's just annoying.
  15. On a similar note, is the ability to edit thread titles just not vB supported? It was handy back in the day to update your WIP thread title with a progress notice or just to alter your thread title when necessary. I'm sure this has been brought up numerous times already, I'm just curious if this is a code limitation or a moderation choice.
  16. You know those 5 classic notes that play every time Samus exits her ship onto a new world? I want a little speaker that plays that every time I get out of my car.
  17. Would we be encouraged to limit our content to gaming/music related posts? Either way, count me in.
  18. Haven't gotten to start the game yet, but the 360 demo was nothing short of incredible. I'm anxious to start the real thing.
  19. I meant to say so earlier, but I eagerly anticipate purchasing this album.
  20. I haven't even had a chance to listen to the album yet, and the packaging has already made me glad I purchased it. Signed CD insert with smiley face: check. Handwritten note of thanks with confetti and butterfly stickers inside: check. Wrapped in blue tissue paper and sealed with another gold butterfly sticker: check Lovely album art to top it all off: check. I don't think I've ever had an album give such a great impression before I even listened to it. This CD is already a one-of-a-kind experience. Thanks, Helen!
  21. I was worried we'd never see Destiny around here again. Not only does she pop in, but I've got a whole album of Helen-y goodness coming in the mail. This is a fine day indeed.
  22. It will. The demand is high enough, Tetsuya Nomura has expressed interest and we all know Square Enix knows how to milk a franchise. It's really just a matter of time at this point. Everything about MGS4 is looking fantastic. I need to start saving for my PS3.
  23. I've had a few people recognize the shirt. Still waiting for someone to recognize the shirt and know who sephfire is. Hasn't happened yet.
  24. WHOA. I had no idea you still frequented OCR. Awesome.
  25. The torrent keep giving me a "Bad File Component" error message when I try to run it. Any ideas why it might tell me such things?
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