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Everything posted by Hemophiliac

  1. i'd be down for a meetup, it just depends on when and where...and who's picking me up, because i'll have no transportation when i'm up there.
  2. i didn't think i'd actually say this, but it actually kinda bothers me how similar in structure this is to Acrosst the Stars. it's probably how much it uses the same ideas and changes that AtS does. i was really hoping after the intro harp that it would change up and be less of AtS but it didn't. this is rather muddy and needs a lot of separation and clarity in the writing. a suggestion: instead of having a lot of contrabass stuff, have the contrabass part being played by the cellos an octave higher, and just have a viola part and 2 violin parts. i think that'll help with that a bit.
  3. there's a good chance that i may be coming from CA for this.
  4. i'll be going to this and i'll be at Fanime as well. it's gonna be an awesome weekend.
  5. time to rant... Venom needed double talk (Brock and Venom talking about the same time), as well as him saying "We" or "Us". this movie was poorly editted and was lacking in pacing, this movie could've been easily 20 minutes shorter, being dancing and emo parts cut shorter, oh and too many damn "walking" scenes. *SPOILERS* for some reason, right before spidey came in to receive the key to the city, i had a thought that one of the 3 main characters were gonna die. my reason for thinking that, in the previous 2 movies Spidey/Parker were both having shitty lives, and here everything was going way too well for him. also i felt that the end of the film was very anti-climatic, especially with Flynt Marko just going away <--random no resolution to crap setup earlier, sure he was forgiven but what about the other crimes that he committed? *SPOILER OVER* oh was anyone else annoyed by that weird 5 note brass motif that was continuously used in the music whenever the "darker" side of Spidey came out? rant over... i feel that the best character in the whole series was Harry Osborne by far, he had the largest character arc you could've possibly have had. anyone think that this isn't the end of the series?
  6. he's back! bless you mr. oji, bless you!
  7. haha hot dinger and that's the track i originally wanted to do.
  8. 3:05 - 4:00 Zelda 3 Credits (?) <--yes correct 2:21 - 2:37 Nights (?) it's pilotwings also everything dhsu said was right.
  9. you'd think by the lack of noise (crowd most specifically) would lead to indication that it's fake. as well as the poor sync.
  10. is there going to be any kind of chatroom for this?
  11. i was considering doing something at least, i definitely have the equipment and the ability to do one as well.
  12. hamachi network name: OCR FG Tournaments pass: ocr see you on also i beat Schwaltzvald 3-0
  13. that guy used way too much of the Burly Brawl from Matrix Reloaded in it. very cool otherwise.
  14. we're playing without Ratking and Ki-ari? right?
  15. and your winner of the Hyper Street Fighter 2 tourney is... Epic Poster, he raped me 0-4, and he chooses Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tournament Fighters for the next game.
  16. i would have to say that most music that is written for film is very incidental at times and not necessarily written to sound good but to serve a function. ie: capture "Hits" in the music where something in the music is to sync with the images. a great example of this is Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, in the opening sequence with young Jones on the train, iirc Williams said there were 20+ hits he had to capture in the music in a manner of a few minutes. this is however also a good example of something rather listenable, but semi-funny at the same time because a lot of the music is just big hits in the track. the other point i wanted to make is that the "hits" aren't always going to be perfectly lined up at times in music where it's convenient for a normal time signature. meaning there may be strange musical events happening at odd times. So when the picture is taken away from the music the listener will feel like certain things in the music are off-time. just a couple thoughts for you
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