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Everything posted by Sir_NutS

  1. Sorry about being late, I have been busy. I have sent my song.
  2. I'm so sorry, I forgot to vote again... I listened to the songs, and I liked Oneup song a lot, very original! hewhoisiam did a good job too very good groove and ambience
  3. Hello, Never had published an original song in this community, but there's always a first time! I've been hearing a lot spacedance thanks to a friend remixer. Koto, Laserdance, Droids, amazing music! now every time I try to make music, almost always ends up in this style. This song is not finished and just a few hours invested in it, but I liked many of the ideas and will probably continue to develop them. What do you think? http://www.mediafire.com/file/yjmkkdhimnd/Showroom_Dummy-Pluton_Orbit.mp3 (Used google translate, sorry!)
  4. I *might* join this. Take it with a grain of salt.
  5. I made a bonus! please listen, leave a comment but no voting for it!!!
  6. Thanks oneup, sometimes my music sounds a hurry because I spend a lot time to experiment and not in refine. I agree with your critic. I love to join because it makes me try with new things I liked your song too!
  7. I started back in 2000 when I found OCR. from then on I really worked on getting better at this until around 2006-2007, after that I think my interests shifted to other things and I stopped advancing.
  8. Well, the cat's out, I'm GrayLightning. He was my alt for when I wanted to make good remixes and be a cool guy.
  9. No, by daring I meant that, it was daring. As in, they didn't just grabbed the original and did a midi rip with new samples, but dared to go in a new direction. Can't say it was all a masterpiece, but for a remake, the composer actually did something bold instead of what we usually get which are the original tunes with new samples. Personally I liked some of them, like Heat Wave.
  10. So I got it 2 days ago but couldn't play it until yesterday, I am now on stage 3 and here are my thoughts so far: 1.-The music is definitively better than the one in the trailer, I don't know what's up with that. Don't expect a lot though, its just a 16-bit rendition of the 8-bit songs, nothing too daring unlike say, bionic commando rearmed. 2.-The controls are tight and the car feels like a heavier version of the original. Overall I find the gameplay was slowed down a bit from the 8-bit original but it's still solid. 3.-Graphics are well done but repetitive. The same goes for the original but for some reason the world felt like it had more variety in the NES version. I still haven't got to the "flashier" stages like the lava world from the trailer though. Also: I miss the open green fields from the original. Stage 1 and 2 are very similar underground caves. 4.-The on-foot gameplay is solid and an improvement over the original. The caves or "gates" are all very alike though and don't offer much excitement when it comes to exploration. The weapons are very nice and offer some variety on how you tackle your enemies, although the homing laser thingy sucks IMO. 5.-Difficulty is very good (If you like difficult old school games like me). The save points are welcome and bring some ease to the game but still if you die you'll sometimes have to go a long way since your last save point, which isn't bad to me as it gives it a more old school feel. So far, the game is solid and looks like it will only get better later on. Still it feels like they could have done more to improve it, it still feels like the original trumps it in some aspects. It's totally worth the 10$. This game brings me hope for future sunsoft releases as well, as with Konami's Rebirth series, they didn't get it quite right the first time(gradius rebirth) but they have gotten exponentially better with each new game (contra/castlevania rebirth). And Sunsoft did a better job with his first wiiware release than konami, imo. TLDR: GO GET THIS GAME!
  11. Hai thar. I mix sonic musaks. I approve of this movement.
  12. Yeah I just read about that on neogaf, a real shame. Also, the guy representing sunsoft in USA (a former Working Designs employee it seems) says that this is just the first of more to come. Journey to Silius 2 anyone? EDIT: Actually is Victor Ireland, former president of WD. For those not in the know they used to port japanese games that otherwise wouldn't have made it this isde of the world, like the awesome Lunar series.
  13. Awesome, can't wait to get home! thanks for the review.
  14. Im going to download it today as well, I was just waiting for my paycheck, I rarely check reviews from mainstream press.
  15. Sunsoft had some NES games with really memorable music (Batman, Journey to silius, Blaster Master, Spy hunter) so it's kind of a let down that they couldn't get someone who could give the game's music the same energy from the nes game. Crossing my fingers for another journey to silius after this!
  16. Yeah most of the problems that went down with SFHD (from the post from udon and the interviews I read) was trying to make the sprites faithful to the originals and also the animations were looking clunky when they were re-done in HD. For a company like vanillaware who is used to work with this kind of art and that doesn't have to stick to some old and small sprites it shouldn't be as hard. Also remember that the same "every little detail is apparent" also goes for 3d models meant to run in HD, so although you don't really have to draw every frame of animation for a 3d model there are many, many other things that have to be done to get a good and detailed 3d model.
  17. Going back to this, how is murasama not "pure 2d"? I didn't see a single polygon in that game, maybe the effects weren't 2d sprites but certainly not 3d. Also I don't see how it would be "unbelievably more expensive" to produce hd sprites to sd sprites. They're just drawings, and the artists just have to make their initial drawings bigger, which I think that they do now anyways to later scale them down for the sprites. Making a big drawing is more time consuming than a smaller drawing? why yes, but I don't think the difference would be so huge, as i said they're just drawings after all.
  18. Coming out tomorrow for wiiware, sunsoft is back. Gotta say these last 2 years have been AWESOME for retro gamers. Though I find the remixed music in that video a bit meh, I hope the gameplay lives up to the original!
  19. uh.. WELL if that was the case then Vanillaware would be selling their games for a shitload of money, which they aren't. Not that I want sonic done in 2d HD, Im just fine with 2.5D, I love what has been done with bionic commando rearmed and new super mario bros.
  20. You are completely missing the point about old sonic games. They weren't fun because you could sit down and roflpwn every level on the first try. Sonic games were about memorizing patterns, finding the best route, and beat the level as fast as you can through constant practice AND exploration. If you want a game that isn't like this, there are plenty around, but then if you want a game that isn't like this, then you don't want a true sonic game. Also, this doesn't mean in any way that the games are flawed or not fun, it means that they're not fun to you. edit: it's like calling bionic commando a flawed game because you can't jump, which is common among other platformers, or the classic ninja gaidens because they were hard as fuck, or battletoads because it was all about pattern memorizing.
  21. I love how some companies are taking a step back and bringing the old school feel to old franchises. I absolutely loved Bionic Commando rearmed, New super mario bros, megaman 9, contra rebirth and castlevania rebirth. We also have been waiting for a 2d-only, sonic-only game for a looooong time and endured so many shitty sonic games for more than a decade(yes I know about the handheld games, but its not just the same). I hope they deliver.
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