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Everything posted by irriadin

  1. Here are some recommendations... Within Temptation ~ Symphonic Metal Lacuna Coil ~ Symphonic Metal, for the most part. Krypteria ~ Symphonic Metal Beautiful Sin ~ Power Metal Edenbridge ~ Symphonic Metal with a lot of Neo-classical overtones Xandria ~ Symphonic Metal / Rock Evanesence and of course, Nightwish, but you mentioned you've heard them already. Inkubus Sukkubus (Pagan Rock) if you're... uh... feeling adventurous.
  2. vlc player ftw. as for music, I use winamp, but I've heard foobar2000 is very good.
  3. Not a remix, but an amazing song nonetheless... Walking in the Air by Nightwish. From their Oceanborn album.
  4. very nice song, but 104 kbps makes me wish for a much higher quality version.
  5. 1.) What is your favorite game series? Legend of Zelda series. 2.) What is the game series you are best at? Probably Super Smash Bros Melee or Metroid. 3.) What game from your favorite game series is your favorite? That's a tough one. At the moment, Twilight Princess is my favorite, but next week it might be Wind Waker or Link to the Past. 4.) What games in your favorite series do you OWN? 1. Legend of Zelda (NES) 2. Adventure of Link (NES) 3. Link to the Past (SNES) 4. Ocarina of Time (N64) 5. Majora's Mask (N64) 6. Link's Awakening (GB) 7. Link's Awakening DX (GBC) 8. Minish Cap (GBA) 9. Wind Waker (GCN) 10. Twilight Princess (Wii) 11. Oracle of Ages (GBC) 12. Oracle of Seasons (GBC) 13. Link to the Past (GBA) 5.) WHY is your favorite game series your favorite, and why would you suggest others to look into it? Zelda games are always engrossing and intricately detailed. The puzzles are typically top-notch, the bosses are larger than life, etc. But above all it's the escapism and mood that are practically unparalleled in any other game series.
  6. Haven't really been able to think of much else today other than this. Robert Jordan made quite an impression on my life and I can't help but feel that one of my personal heroes is gone. You know, I met him once. October 15th, 2005 at the Philadelphia public library. He was doing book-signings for Knife of Dreams, and I decided to go. I almost didn't, thinking "Well, I can always go for his last tour." Little did I know, it WAS his last tour. RJ was a very kind, personable figure at the signing (as was his wife, Harriet, who allowed me to get three books signed at once without having to re-enter the line) RJ gave careful thought to the question I posed and even allowed me to ask a second question (most people were being told to "read and find out.") Despite the fact that I got into a serious accident on the way back home from that signing (totaling my car) I can say it was definitely worth making the journey. Rest in peace Mr. Jordan.
  7. ((((((((((((((((((((((((
  8. pre-loading on steam at this very moment.
  9. maybe I'm a bad player. maybe the time I fought him, I got really unlucky. But when I first fought him (knowing nothing other than that he was supposedly hard as hell) he wiped out my entire party with darkja. I died soon afterwards. Next time I went in, I brought some dark resist stuff, and proceeded to have an epic 20 minute fight. He used darkja at least once every minute or so.
  10. I am confused as to how this is "revolutionary" or anything of the sort. But some of the concept art reminds me of the Dark Tower.
  11. Finished it. Several twists I had guessed from the start, and as a whole I'd have to say the book was predictable, but in the best way possible. The highlight of the book was probably the Snape-reminiscence chapter. It carried a certain degree of finality, and illustrated Snape in an altogether believable light. To be honest, I hate epilogue's like the one in this book. I suppose Rowling did it to dispel any public expectations of sequels, but I felt the conclusion was fluff, plain and simple. Now I guess I'll go back to the Dark Tower series... Wolves of the Calla ftw.
  12. pretty pro. At first I thought it would just be the synth-laden stuff usually done by AE, but I was pleasantly surprised by the vocals. Nice stuff.
  13. The source material for this arrangement is fantastic and this remix does it justice. If I could find a fault in this song, it would be DarkeSword's tendency to cram too many themes in a single arrangement, but this is just a minor gripe.
  14. You're utterly brain-dead if you think reseting the UI will fix this kind of problem.
  15. it would also be awesome if my 8800gts didn't run like an nvidia fx 5200 since the patch. way to go blizzard. I used to get between 80-100 fps in orgrimmar with everything maxed and 4xAA, now I get 20-30. Great.
  16. excellent source material, but in my opinion this remix is just "so-so." It's too light, too cursory and doesn't do the original justice.
  17. .....fixed
  18. awesome dude. Your stuff is always well done, so I'm going to download this once the digital downloads are up.
  19. There's a few choices here. On one hand, there's lineage 2 private servers, such as L2 Revenge or L2 Exile. Then there's this game called Rappelz that a few people I know are obsessed over.
  20. Lineage 2 ftw. Sorry, I don't like killing giant bees and rabbits for hours and hours, coupled with a terrible user interface.
  21. Tim Rogers ftw
  22. I recommend Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series. Just pray he lives long enough to finish the last book... I also highly recommend the farseer trilogy by robin hobb.
  23. heh. Fighting him wasn't as hard as making it to the top of the department store without getting killed by the scalding hot coffee cups, rotating record discs and electric guitars. Damn, those coffee cups were evil!
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