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Everything posted by Nekofrog

  1. It's actually at a high school not far from where I went in my last year. And one close to Ash's brothers. I've been there before, but never attended it.
  2. you're a fucking faggot and deserve to be hanged by your toes and then raped
  3. ssh has great composition and arrangement but goddamn if the guitar synth isn't fucking awful.
  4. syndrome is a funny word. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. syndrome. the aristocrats!
  5. I was rapin' in nineteen-diggity-three and video games hadn't even been invented yet, so don't go and tell me video games are responsible for rapin'. If anything, it was the talkies.
  6. Everything in Malevolent Mansion was audix/sole signal. I just recorded the guitar and he did the mixing.
  7. I don't use ANY post processing. I don't use EQs, I don't use compressors, none of that junk. It kinda shows, but I still get good sounds just straight-up recording.
  8. voice dialogue is shit because they ruin pronunciations.
  9. @sega: 0 good sonic games in the last 15 years? for shame
  10. who gives a fuck what it originally meant it is now in our lexicon accept it move on
  11. i've seen better threads locked for so much less than this shit
  12. ponder this: games now drop to near bargain-bin level prices faster than any other generation. this is not a reflection of quality, because even AAA games drop in price 3-5 months out, regardless of its sales (FF13) or perceived quality (... ... FF13). this is the market at work. learn to love it and quitcher bitching. the only thing that stays high is nintendo, because nintendo is kind of a prick about it
  13. profit is evil, guys anyone who makes money is WRONG WROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG
  14. you're also being a condescending fuckstick. you jump from one topic to another, and when people prove you wrong you backpeddle and say "well maybe it's cheaper NOW, but EVERYTHING IS STILL TOO EXPENSIVE" it sounds like you're on the outside looking in on this situation (ie, you have never REALLY lived on your own and never REALLY had to pay for anything with the sole intent of having to be 100% independent and survive on your own). no, college loan money/financial aid doesn't count as paying for something yourself. as someone who has been in a shitty situation and is now financially comfortable to enjoy pretty much anything I want (within reason), it sounds as if you just have a lot of growing up to do. not the fake kind of growing up that you think you did when your college professors ingrained their thinking into your brain, but the kind of growing up that can only come from having your back to a fucking wall and having to make huge sacrifices just to survive. tldr; if you disagree with the price of a videogame do not buy it. it is a videogame. it is not a necessity. bitching about it will not change the mind of the executive (and that you know enough to name executives in the video game industry that aren't the big obvious ones ie miyamoto/wada/nomura/meier etc, shows you have way too much time on your hands and take this RECREATIONAL HOBBY too seriously. wtldr; stop posting in unrelated news, for some reason I googled "gay pose" and this image came up:
  15. You lost this long before it even began, sir.
  16. You can head down that path, should you so wish, but I feel obligated to inform you that due to the Nekofrog-Is-Awesome-And-Always-Right-And-Also-Better-At-Guitar-Than-Sixto-And-Tensei-And-Fishy-And-Suzu-And-LuIzA-And-everyone-on-DoD-combined Bill of 2005, I will automatically win the duel.
  17. no, they're pretty much on the same level of worthlessness the only difference between the two is how much you paid to get a piece of paper that will enable you to do almost nothing in the future. on the upside, at least he'll have an expensive 8 1/2 x 11 sheet of toilet paper.
  18. oh. a philosophy major. that explains everything. you may resume your dead-end future
  19. Holy shit, did you just say that there were "very few" good games released this year? This thread is over, the poster is dumb, and he needs to go away. Every year has gotten better for games, no exception. Ever. Except 1996. Stupid N64.
  20. Yes it would. People will justify anything. Irrelevant.
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