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Everything posted by Blake

  1. Well, US is raping the Chinese basketball team. Go US! I wish it was a little closer, but then again, I like to see us dominate.
  2. Wow this is extremely sad news. I don't really know what to say at this moment, except rest in peace. Gah
  3. Well, I was definitely blown away by that opening ceremony.
  4. Since I last checked in, I've lost a lot of my stomach fatness. I haven't weighed myself because I've also been working out. Oh the joys of your arms beginning to fill the sleeves of your tshirt. It's a great feeling.
  5. I took my dad to a Doobie Brothers concert at my school and I must say, I was blown away by their ability to perform live.
  6. live content download is really fast in my house, with a wireless adapter on the xbox receiving from the cheap wireless router upstairs. Gets a lot of "oh wow this demo is already done downloading?" moments from me.
  7. I really do like watching the Cavs and the Cadets because of their generally well thought out choreography and tight attention to technical detail. However, I also really look forward to whatever the Scarlet Knights put on(are they even in it this year). They really aren't contenders for the best technical band, but their choreography/end goal usually has serious balls and ends up to be a lot of fun to watch.
  8. If you have a GameCrazy or GameStop near you, I guarantee they'll have a used one for 60 bucks. Well I can't guarantee, but the GameStop I went to had like 6 used wireless adapters for 60 bucks. Works like a charm. (Still it's 60 bucks. Then again it's not 100.)
  9. I live an hour away from this, but I'll be in Pullman for school during this event. But hell if those wackos can make the drive from Cali I'll figure somethin out.
  10. I loved Transformers. And I eagerly await the next one.
  11. lol@Larry's face. "i freakin hate white people"
  12. Nope not true. Every song if you turn down all the mids will sound absolutely perfect. FUCK MIDS.
  13. That makes me really sad. : ( Reminds me of part of my favorite George Carlin bit(RIP): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3M5Xm5RYTRY
  14. What tension of snare are you using? I would suggest changing it up to make it easier.
  15. It is. It's going to really suck.
  16. Spoiler: Joker tricked him.
  17. Well done man. This is some neat stuff. The vocal clip is odd though.
  18. The higher the resolution input your TV receives, the less upscaling it has to do. Or was it downscaling? Either way, it doesn't take as long with HD resolutions.
  19. Currently watching whilst trying not to read spoilers but *spoiler* EARTH ARMOR IS AWESOME!! Toph is a badass. Well, just finished it. Hat's off to Nickelodeon for finishing out a quality series in a quality way. As far as a wrap up, that was definitely satisfying. Hope to see more from this team in the future.
  20. I agree about the bat vision thing. It was just retarded rotating CG imagery. However I'm really impressed that it's the only obvious CGI aside from the helicopter.
  21. By the way, matter of opinion: Heath Ledger wearing a nurse uniform, waddling away from an exploding hospital will go down as one of the greatest scenes in film. I'm still sitting here impressed with the acting. When the Joker is filming that video, and yells "LOOK AT ME". Wow, scared the crap out of me. Same when Dent shouted "SAY IT!" to Gordon. Good rage goin on.
  22. Depends squarely on the film used and how it's manipulated. I don't know enough about it but the projectors just project whatever light it sees. However according to the internets its digital equivalent can usually be 4000xsomething, obviously higher than 1920x1200. On IMAX, according to wikipedia they use HUGE film, whose digital equivalent resolution can reach 10000 x 7000.
  23. I saw it again as well. I really don't know how one could pull off a sequel that can compare to this movie. Joker was the character that could bring a pure psycho, amazing Departed style crime drama, and Die Hard (with a vengeance)all in one explosive package. Once you reach that level I donno, that's a tough formula to beat.
  24. This guy is an amazing actor. He really has the Jtard persona down, but coulda wore a crash bandicoot shirt instead of a Nike. Also, he's trollin' it up in his video comments. The comments are just hilarious
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