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Everything posted by Blake

  1. I absolutely loved this movie. A lot of great "Wow!"/"HOLY SHIT" moments in that movie. It's great to see with friends.
  2. Saw Cloverfield. HOLY SHIT.
  3. He's done something on the zipline this entire week. I love it. Apparently he saved Abraham Lincoln (the drawing was hilarious) but I missed it. : ( Conan seems to be getting the hang of his show without writing, and I'm starting to enjoy it more.
  4. Wow...awesome.
  5. hahahahahaha
  6. This thread is becoming way too serious.
  7. http://blizihizake.googlepages.com/st1.mp3 haven't tweaked it fully, and you'll know which note is the wrong one. critiques welcome. i want to make this as good as possible.
  8. yall shouldve came to 1408 on sat night. we heard some fine stories from Snappleman.
  9. Going tomorrow morinng as well. Taking the 4 am airporter to SEATAC.
  10. Omg guys. It's so close.
  11. If you can get someone to hit that double high G# cuz I haven't played jazz trumpet in two years : (
  12. This movie is impressive in terms of production value and direction. Good soundtrack. You should be proud Will.
  13. This is gonna be really fun.
  14. Finally finished that beat: http://blizihizake.googlepages.com/Blake_Perdue-Sunrise_Stroll.mp3 Enjoy!!
  15. I'm half filipino. Sorry.
  16. I don't know if you've seen the movie, but the "vampires" in I Am Legend aren't really meant to be vampires. They're just people who got infected by an airborn disease. That movie made me jump so many times. Will Smith is a great actor (as well as the dog/dogs). At least a few parts where I felt very emotional about what was happening.
  17. No, that's the OLPC XO.
  18. Happy belated birthday!
  19. Yaaay! I'm going there.
  20. So did anybody see this movie? There really isn't talk about killing God or whatever. I found it really entertaining. I thought it was gonna be gay, but I ended up enjoying it a lot. I gotta admit the whole concept of the daemons is really cool. And armored polar bears was indeed kickass. Read some Yahoo! reviews to see what other people thought about. I looked at some posts by people who gave it an F. WTF? I didnt even get the slightest hint of that sort of message in the movie. It was just your basic good vs evil, or fight for free will. Yay for 2007. But then I saw things balance out with reviews (or just discussion) like these: I guess it's just human nature to be up in arms about certain things.
  21. That's really cool. Someone should hit up SGX or something. I am actually also interested because I'll have nothing to do after this week (finals week) for like a month. There are a million people way more qualified and more in need of money to do this however. But put me down for being interested EDIT: Nevermind. Watched the video and thought about it a little and realized I'm not really cut out for this style.
  22. Dangit. I forgot about this. Magfest is going to be the biggest slice of sausage I've ever seen.
  23. I'll drink to that. In uni, age means nothing!
  24. http://blizihizake.googlepages.com/BEAT.mp3 hope you enjoy so far.
  25. That's weird because the XBox 360 wasn't released with a Halo game. And the game that has sold the most for 360 is Gears of War, and none of these links to lists of top selling games have Halo 3 at the top. As one of my favorite quotes from Perfect Dark go, "You cannot make accusations like that without evidence." While it may be true that Halo 3 made the XBox 360 a profitable product to sell, games like Rock Band and Assassin's Creed and Mass Effect were just around the corner. http://www.pazsaz.com/top360.html http://www.gamespot.com/games.html?platform=1029&category=&type=games&mode=top&sort=views&sortdir=asc http://www.gamerankings.com/itemrankings/default_x360/1029 Besides, every console has its staple franchise. That's like saying "The only reason Nintendo made Wii's is because of Super Mario Galaxy." when Twilight Princess was selling like wildfire when the Wii came out. There are other games you know. From what I see, Microsoft has enough cash to throw around to make a console whether or not there's a Halo game. And if one were financially skeptical of making a console, Halo 3 would have to be the one and only economic gift from god that outsold all other games forever to make a justifiable "this game is the only reason we're selling XBox's" case. Microsoft is going to make its next console based on a million other factors as opposed to one game. I thought people had already stopped making stupid assumptions like this when the X-Box 360 came OUT, you know, when it was topping out competition with a year to go till its apparently "only game" came out. On another note, I really can't wait till the new Metal Gear Solid comes out. It just looks amazing.
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