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Everything posted by Blake

  1. Going to GameCrazy and getting an X-Box 360 wireless adapter for 50 bucks. Found out they have millions of used xbox 360 adapters. This is a great price compared to $100 for a new one. EDIT: Also Orange Box on black friday for 20 bucks at Best Buy. Lol wtf that is cheap.
  2. The resident evil games have also successfully unraveled plots without too many full blown cutscenes. The use of diaries scattered throughout the game lets you (as well as the character) learn more about the story. And with RE4, which is totally moving in the right direction, has QTE's during its cutscenes.
  3. That is the laziest animation I've ever seen ever.
  4. http://blizihizake.googlepages.com/meowmeowmeowmeowmeow.mp3 Whatcha guys think? I actually did it all in one session. To me that's a milestone as I either get too frustrated or run out of ideas before leaving the comp. Ah the pleasures of actually waking up early. Used FL 8 with some free soundfonts, Garritan Personal Orchestra, and RARE taikos I bought off Zircon.
  5. This is a Discovery channel documentary on humanity's endeavors into outerspace. And let me tell you, if you are in any way interested in spaceflight/NASA/aerospace, this is great stuff. There's lots and lots of testimony included, combined with video I've never seen before. Most of the on-mission video was either remastered, or was high detail stuff just released. I only watched the Apollo Missions one last night. There's a new one every sunday night apparently, and it started back in June 8 which surprised me. I was blown away merely because I didn't really know that much about the Apollo missions. Anyway, it's worth checking out.
  6. I find your comments about Iron Man and The Incredible Hulk hard to agree with. I don't really think people cared if Norton acted disturbed. They just wanted to see stuff torn up. They both fulfilled their respective roles as good summer blockbusters. Also, Ironman and The Incredible Hulk are the first movies that Marvel is actually heading, as opposed to having their rights bought and used by other studios for movies such as X-Men and F 4.
  7. Saw it last night. It was a shit ton better than the other one. The fights were awesome, and there were more of them. The final one doesn't feel anti-climactic either, and it was freakin rage/awesome/hulksmashing. Go see it. Not quite as good as Ironman overall, but the action sequences were very well done. Oh, and PS: Continuity Don't wanna spoil anything. But it does make me giddy.
  8. I agree. I can't really think of a movie he was in that was actually bad. (I haven't seen Pick of Destiny though). Hell, he was even a star in King Kong. All of the ones that I've seen were at least good. I especially loved School of Rock.
  9. Lawl. True that.
  10. There is lots of Kung Fu, just animal style.
  11. So I saw it last night. I loved it. Last week I thought it was gonna suck massive balls, but then I read in a newspaper that it was actually pretty good. So I went in with medium/high expectations, and was not disappointed. This movie has a great soundtrack, a cliche yet solid storyline, amazing animation, and good voice acting. (Even though it's pretty much star studded cast, with characters modeled after their voices, and not vice versa. Makes me sad for people like Billy West.) The colors in this movie are great, and contrasts greatly with Finding Nemo in the oranges and reds but have the same beautiful intensity. I loved the opening art style, and could watch an entire movie on that alone. It was very beautifully done, props to whoever headed that. This is a kid's movie, but I really enjoyed it. The jokes aren't dirty, and there were moments that were just hilarious (with a lot of giggles in between). One thing I was really impressed with was the fact that the fighting in this movie wasn't completely half-assed as I half expected it to be...being a CGI and a movie named "Kung Fu Panda"...I mean come on, a panda can't do kung fu! Well, it may not have been Kung Fu, but the fight scenes were both engrossing and clever, and sometimes hilarious. I haven't really liked too many Dreamworks films recently, but this one is awesome...I might actually have to buy the DVD or Blu-Ray when it's released. But if you're a fag and are going to go in to the movie and say "THIS IS SO UNREALISTIC ANIMALS ARE TALKING" then don't see this movie. However, I recommend that if you wanna have a good time this weekend at a genuinely good (IMO, great) movie, see Kung Fu Panda instead of that Zohan movie and you will not regret it. Edit: By the way, if you don't want to see it because you dislike Jack Black, don't worry. He does a considerably good job and holds back from his extreme mannerisms (except perhaps in the beginning). It never gets annoying really.
  12. This might be the first DBZ game I buy. I d/l'd the demo and love it.
  13. Haven't had time to exercise for the past 4 days, but I've been keeping with a realistic diet. Played really intense bball today for about 2 hours. It was great- I thought I was gonna die. : D
  14. Bump and cool beans. Well...I think the product itself was more than enough to get on Kotaku, but all that background definitely helps lawl.
  15. I read it earlier today. I was really impressed. I personally think the music was perfect, and if it changed, I think it would be too noticeable and sort of cheesy (just my opinion). Ending was awesome. Sub it to Kotaku?
  16. Lots of good guitar players highly recommend taking lessons. So if you can do it! And practice every day. If you don't have time to go to lessons (nor the money), check out http://www.jamplay.com/ 20 dollars a month for a huge database of video lessons (with a nice range of instructors with different teaching styles). I am using it right now and absolutely love it.
  17. I hooked up my 360 wirelessly to my comp and now I'm streaming movies. I've done this easily at my dorm though the residence hall network, but I've just now figured out how to host my own stuff. So now I'm streaming movies and it's great. However, HD movies stutter a bit. That's probably due to the fact my wireless router can't keep up. However, I read about a trick that uses two wireless routers so your X Box 360 has its own access point or something (I suck at networking) and the guy that thought up of it has no trouble streaming 1080p. I only need to stream 720 p stuff but I might look into this. It's either that or buy a high end "N" router, but that's expensive.
  18. What the hell are you talking about...? What do you mean by "doesn't matter"? And for no one playing it- the people who've been waiting for a sequel will be playing it.
  19. I suppose I'll join the game. Goal: My goal right now is to get my BMI down to below 20%, but I plan on adding some pounds of muscle along the way. I'm at about 27%. Plan: I've been eating less more often, but have also been consuming less food than in college (and less junk food than in college too). I'm going to continue strength training every other day and throw in cardio as often as possible. I've been doing it on both non-lifting and lifting days.
  20. Haha good job dude. I'm sure this has far exceeded your expectations. When do you plan on telling everyone you're not a professor?
  21. Thats true. Oh well. Anyway I might think about seeing Postal.
  22. Whoa. Pretty good interview. I'd like to see what he could do on Michael Bay's budget. I'm skeptical, but I'm almost tempted to encourage a movement to support Boll. Just to see what he could do if he had more cash coming in.
  23. Three days I've gone with about a 500 calorie deficit. I feel awesome, on the way to shedding my freshman fifteen (slowly but surely). I went to a movie last night, really sad that I couldn't have popcorn. But afterward I was really thankful that I didn't have a 1650 calorie bucket of grease and salt, stomach wise, energy wise, and mentally. I have this horrible obsession with movie popcorn, but I guess my abstaining from popcorn is a testament to my commitment to getting rid of the flab. Oh and I love five dollar foot longs.
  24. Wow I love it.
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