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Everything posted by Blake

  1. I have GPO and let me tell you I'm lovin it. However, I do need some quick powerful brass articulations.
  2. Updated: http://blizihizake.googlepages.com/terra2.mp3
  3. Happy bday shnabubula. Hey are you going to Magfest? I'd like to the Shnabubula in person.
  4. That's right, I'm taking two games and making an orchestral mix out of them. So far I plan on using the "other world" theme from Chrono Cross as my main upbeat theme, and the title screen theme from Kingdom Hearts/KH2 as the slow theme of this song. I have already begun to quote from both games in this wip, however, I've only finished the introduction- it's about 40 seconds long. It's named terra.mp3 because I originally planned to make a terra mix. Well I hope you like it! And if not, CRITIQUE PLX. http://blizihizake.googlepages.com/terra.mp3 http://blizihizake.googlepages.com/terra2.mp3 http://blizihizake.googlepages.com/terra3.mp3 Latest: http://blizihizake.googlepages.com/terra4.mp3
  5. Blake

    Halo 3

    Halo 3 has an awesome soundtrack. But it doesn't come close to that of Oblivion's.
  6. Edward Scissorhands and the Corpse Bride had some pretty good music.
  7. Im bringing a trumpet so I can bust out some harmonies on 2nd and 3rd
  8. My flight leaves Seattle in the wee morning and I arrive in DCA at 5:55 on thursday. I miss most of the first day but apparently they're still sort of setting up. I think I'm just gonna use the rest of my day that day to go sight seeing. We should get a group together for sight seeing for those who haven't been to D.C. Oh, and I get to switch planes in New York. I've never been in either of these places before. Exciting.
  9. So yeah. I'm gonna need some people to split the cost of a hotel room with.
  10. You're missing quite a bit. This is more of an audio masterpiece as opposed to a musical one, not to say the music is really lacking IMO.
  11. Guys, I'm going to MAGfest. : D That's right, I'm flying all the way from fucking Washington.
  12. I really wanna go. There may be a slight chance I can get funding to fly all the way across the country as a Christmas present.
  13. Blake

    Halo 3

    Oh lawd is dat sum troll.
  14. Blake

    Halo 3

    I want that helmet. T_T
  15. By the way, KEEP DIGGING! Almost to top ten dug items! http://digg.com/music/Final_Fantasy_VII_Voices_of_the_Lifestream http://digg.com/music/Final_Fantasy_VII_Voices_of_the_Lifestream If you dont have account, register!
  16. Thanks so much for this. It owns. The artwork is great too. Zircon pwns for getting this together.
  17. Holy fucking shit Norg, you rule. So do you Snappleman.
  18. Wow I wish I went to a Daft PUnk concert. And their helmets are so cool. Not in a cheesy way, well, slightly, but they're just so damn cool.
  19. I'm a mechanical I'm a mechanical I'm a mechanical man.
  20. are there no stretch/skew buttons on your monitor?
  21. This game looks awesome.
  22. Irate gamer is like angryvideogamenerd but not good.
  23. Cavs 2006 performance was pretty awesome. Some may say it's not the best, but even if it isn't, those are some extremely epic formations and choreography. EDIT: ok i just watched the 2002 performance and hoolly shit.
  24. Those pics actually made me smile. But I hate the peanuts one. Oh and if you need confirmation, watch this vid http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hEtZHOj4vHo and this one too: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5PRnIenhk2g&NR=1
  25. They better lead in to a follow-up movie where the horde become less antagonized. (I sorta wish it was CG too. Lots of talent thar.)
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