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Everything posted by -RK-

  1. I think Fishy and myself should have Facing done reletively soon, we talked about it breifly, and I think within at LEAST the next 2 weeks we should have this puppy almost knocked out. Keep working guys!
  2. This sounds really cool. If I find time I'll definately give this a go.
  3. Hey, just nag me when I need to be working. I'm very ultra amazingly busy, but, tell me once it starts to get down to the wire, and I'll update all those tracks.
  4. Thanks man, hopefully I'll get more of the songs written up soon enough.
  5. He couldn't have handled that better, honestly, BT is just an inspirational human being, let alone an inspiratoinal musician.
  6. Allright, this is fininshed up now. Thanks for listening.
  7. I want the Opening theme and the Cave Dungeon/Hazy Cave songs. I'm gonna do em both, cause I'm fuggin sweet as hell. Thanks.
  8. This is seriously some very intelligent work, but in sound design and composition. Both peices have some of the most creative audio processing I've heard. Just great shit overall man. AND their WIPs. I cant imagine how insane the final versions will be.
  9. Yo, Another themed thing. This is the WIP of the first part of a series of songs (an album of sorts) based on a short story I wrote. I have no idea if the short story will ever make it to the web (titled "A Boy"), but, this is a project for a class, so it will all end up somewhere. At least the music will end up here. Here's my start on Part 1. I wanted some early comments on direction, then will probably dissappear with this to finish it. Part 1: Artifical Growth I really appreciate comments, especially on a bigger project such as this. Thanks!
  10. After using the beta's for so long, it's not that huge of a shock, but, after jumping from 6 to 7 a minute ago, this is definately a very large update. Edison in and of itself is a massive improvement. Add Pattern Clips, the Love Philter, and the new EQ, not to mention bugfixes, the brand new look and function of the FPC (even though I just bought Battery), Dual Core support (finally)... Just damn. FL just got about 1000 times more usful. Now if they'd finally just implement notation (I know, fat chance).
  11. So SGX rocks for letting all of us remix his stuff. This is what I've got so far after an hour and a half sitting at my computer. It's about 80% edited / processed loops, 20% Original stuff. I'll get around to finishing it eventually, but I wanted some early opinions of the general direction I'm going first. EDIT: It's all done now. Let me know how it is. Be Coactive and Find Your Haven (Phresh Lettuce Mix) Enjoy.
  12. This is pretty cool. It gets alot better toward the end of it, when more is actually done with the original tracks.
  13. Trust me, we cant hear it enough.
  14. Wooo, these tracks are awesome. I've already done a little with Coactive, and it's sounding good. Thanks for the opportunity to do this man, it's SOOOO much fun.
  15. I could never have imagined the source being taken in this direction. Parasite Eve's score was so cinematic to begin with, but this just takes the film feel straight out of the roof, and the piano work throughout is so simply fantastic. This is fantastic work.
  16. So, when are we shooting for? I was thinking of making massive improvements to both my songs, as I finished both nearly a year ago (Yes I've done Aqualiss Boss, take away the question mark), and would like to update them to better serve the project. Oh, and, Just put Ross Kmet for the remixer name if you would. Thanks
  17. I would LOVE to remix Haven, but plan to give Coactive and Crowdpleaser a go as well. Thanks for the opportunity.
  18. Ambient music like this is SOOOOO easy to screw up. You did just the opposite. The thing of it is, despite the ambient title, this grows quite a bit, in subtle but meaningful ways. I think that's what makes it so appealing, that and your backing harmonies for the bulk of the song are superb and lush. I have to say this is one of the better original works I've heard in this fourm in awhile. Great work dude.
  19. The M-Audio Prokeys 88sx has a decent piano feel, and a fairly decent piano sound. No speakers built in, but, its fairly inexpensive, and you could probably afford a pair of headphones or small practice keyboard amp as it's 400. I'd say a Yamaha PSR series, but, I dont think many of those have a full 88 keys, nor are the keys weighted in any way, so practicing on them can be frustrating imo. As far as programs, I love FL Studio, and I always hear great things about both Sonar and Ableton Live.
  20. From the looks of it, MMS 11 looks to do everything someone starting out could dream of. It's got bundled plugins, effects and instruments, Audio and Midi support, easy looking GUI, and enough sequencing features to allow for effective composition. I dont use it myself, but, it SOUNDS from the website like it should be a fine solution to get your feet wet. Learn to use that, then move onto new programs.
  21. Along with FL Studio Kontakt 2 Garritan Personal Orchestra Alesis Fusion Roland SH-32 Free VSTi shits Now add Battery 3 Garritan Jazz and Big Band 4 sexy new Monster Cable patch cables Yay chritsmas.
  22. Aha. This explains alot. This is why I typically buy from sweetwater.
  23. God, Gold XP would be KILLER. And that's nice Garritan decided to extend the group buy. They're all killer deals, but, is it just me, or does East West have alot of sales?
  24. Just adding that Garritan has a huge Group buy going on right now. I just ordered Jazz and Big Band for $140. I think that the group buy ends tomorrow, so, hit it up people, quick. You can't beat Jazz and Big Band for... I think $120 dollars off. That goes for all their main libraries too I believe. Hit it up.
  25. Hell, even some minimal degraded percussion, or low bassy hits in the background would help the "experimental-ness" of this track. Regardless though, this is a great sounding track already.
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