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Majin GeoDooD

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Everything posted by Majin GeoDooD

  1. They both probably just copied a reference nVidia board.
  2. Change the CPU to an E8400, you'll get the benefit of 45nm (runs cooler, uses less power), more cache (6MB vs 4MB) and SSE4. It's generally only $10 more than an E6850.
  3. Yea I hadn't played regularly for almost 2 years and it took me a couple weeks to get back into the groove of doing heavy songs, though I still can't do them great .
  4. My week was still the same as before, DDR 2-3 a week times during the day and 100 crunches before I go to bed. According to the scale I've already lost 9-10 lbs, so I'm not doing too bad. I don't usually get to do DDR on the weekends but I'm pretty sure I'm gonna do a session tonight before the hockey game.
  5. I think I did pretty good this week.. still doin the DDR routine, did it on Tuesday, Wednesday, and today. My routine on Wednesday was a bit shorter (25 mins), so I did an hour today to help make up for that. I had Quiznos on Wednesday and Thursday, but I incorporated that into what I was eating and doing each day (Thursday I worked; I rarely eat while at work so it kinda balanced out). On Tuesday I started a crunches/pushup routine. I think I did 100 crunches/10 pushups on Tuesday. I increased the crunches to 150 on Wednesday, but did 100 again yesterday. I can do the crunches fine, it's those damn pushups that get me though.. Hopefully they have that sinkhole fixed soon so I can start hitting the gym, until then I'll just have to kill myself with DDR
  6. Just got the game today, I've added everyone on the DB so far.. my FC is 1418-7520-5885. Gimme a day or two to play first before I play some online games, heh.
  7. Well normally I would be able to, but right now they've already brought in machinery to start working on it, the whole area is taped off. The sidewalk/street is the only way to go in that direction, unfortunately :/. The sinkhole is really in the worst possible spot, lol. (Plus, I'd feel real uneasy walking over the little bit of ground left where a sinkhole just occured.)
  8. Well damn.. I was gonna start going to the gym today, which is located at my work just 2 minutes down the road, but nature ruined my plans. We had about 7" of rain the other day which caused a big sinkhole on the main street just outside of my neighborhood. The sinkhole is in the perfect spot where it takes a long way to go around just to get to the other side. My work is now 15 mins away instead of 2, and with gas prices I can't afford that drive 2-3 times a week right now. I'll just have to stick to my DDR routine, which right now is working as I've lost approx 6-7 pounds already. (Pics for those interested - http://www.nbc4.com/slideshow/weather/16239777/detail.html - It's pretty crazy..)
  9. That's pretty cool. DDR is definitely a great tool to aid in losing some weight. As for my check-in, I won't be as detailed as the others: On Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday I did a DDR workout for ~40 minutes each day. I've also been surprised at how easy it is to eat less than 2000 calories, I didn't keep exact counts but I've probably stayed around an average of 1700 a day. I haven't cheated on any food, and I've had a beer a night (except last night when I had 2), which is definitely less than my usual consumption . Next week I'm gonna keep with the DDR and start going to the gym twice a week.
  10. Hehe yea, I got quite a collection going. I don't have enough room on the mantle for everything!
  11. Guess I'll be the first "overweight" person to post pics: Not sure why the second pic came out blurry o.O Anyway.. I did a DDR workout today for ~45 mins, worked in some songs above my level to stress myself a bit. I think I'm gonna wait a couple weeks before hitting the gym just to get my body back into the swing of things.
  12. Oops.. didn't realize this thread was here. I'll have to start tomorrow with everything, but here we go. GOAL: I'm 6'0" and ~235 lbs. I managed to get down to 215 (from 250) a couple year ago and I'd like to get down to 210, hopefully more, but I'm not gonna get ahead of myself. This is my main goal at the moment, but I may add another one once I see how I've progressed. PLAN: Diet When I lost ~35 lbs a couple years ago I didn't really "diet" much, all I did was stop eating fast food and start drinking diet soda, which gives me hopes for losing more weight if I can manage to actually diet a bit. I rarely eat fast food now, maybe 3 times a month, which I will cut to zero now. I already rarely drink soda, and when I do it's only diet soda - I mostly drink water or diet tea - I'll also try to cut down my beer consumption. As for eating on a regular basis, I don't eat bad but I don't eat great. I tend to buy cheap stuff at the grocery store that isn't the best for me, however now I'll go over my choices and try to find something that will fill me up and be much better. This will be the hardest part for me, much harder than the exercising. Exercise I recently got another PS2 adapter for my PC, for my DDR pad. I was decent at DDR a couple years ago but haven't played in ages; I've already played a couple times and I'm seriously out of shape at it. I plan to slowly work up and do this 3-4 times a week for 30 mins to an hour. At my work we have a little weight room, nothing too fancy in there but we have a shoulder press, leg press, row machine, exercise bike, etc. I haven't been in there in about a year, but I did a routine last year where I went 3 times a week (Tues/Wed/Thurs), which will probably stay my routine this time, with the exception of changing Thursday to Friday. I'll see what I can do about getting a couple pics up, but they won't be pretty
  13. Just donated another $10. I'll probably buy another shirt in a month or so, and a new hoodie closer to Fall/Winter.
  14. The 45nm chips are great. I have an E8400 myself. Due to them being 45nm they use much less power than the previous 65nm generation, and should therefore generate less heat.
  15. I'd be interested in doing this too. I've already had an "eat better" thing going on for the past year and a half or so, and was working out routinely a year ago. I actually just started working out again this past Friday. I'm 6' and ~230lbs so I could definitely lose about 30 lbs.. I was 250lbs back in late 05 and got down to 215 after some serious working out. I've just let myself go since then
  16. The guitar work is really the only reason I listen to bands such as (old) In Flames, Bodom, Opeth, and Lamb of God. In the case of LOG I can get into the vocals a bit, cuz Randy is just that good. Also, Vai is awesome.
  17. Already been discussed here - http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=15595
  18. Hmm.. oh well. Maybe he just had another WIP version floating around that I never snagged.
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