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Everything posted by Skrypnyk

  1. Instead you'll make a post completely irrelevant to anything on or close to what's being discussed. GJ OSO!!! 8-O
  2. I know I'm a little late on this: I guess you could replace FLStudio for Reaper, or just look on your favourite torrent site.
  3. The amount of time Thief has said 'fruity loops' instead of the now politically correct 'FLStudio', and the fact that he is completely new to the forum, has led me to assume that he has a magical copy of "fruity loops" that has a magical full version of Sytrus. And the fact that he finds most tutorials "confusing" leads me to believe that he doesn't know how to use any of the above well. WHICH leads me to say, stick to learning the program, stick with making original music, practice practice practice, come back after a year if you have any other questions.
  4. Step 1) Find the midi of the song you want remixed Step 2) Import it to FLStudio and replace all the instruments with sytrus presets Step 3) Take 2 or more default drumloops and have them loop through-out the entire song. Step 4) Render.
  5. I <3 you, so very very very much Coop.
  6. Nice try Blanco-Nino... But too bad your ass just got saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaacked!!!
  7. that actually kinda sorta maybe made me lol a little.
  8. Now we gotta wait for the admfgts to post the long ass accepted remixes. Which judging by some of the dates, is already 6+ months. MIRITE??
  9. I guess you can start by building a portfolio of what you can do, and go from there?
  10. /me whacks Dyne with the failed project stick
  11. out of the infinite numbers of topics you could come up with, this has to be the first one? shame =(
  12. and all, for what audience? Three easy monthly payments, of $13.33. But wait! There's even more...
  13. perhaps it's because these input operate on a line-in, and not a mic-in?
  14. The correct answer, is 9. Small update, still doesn't go anywhere, and I fucked up a little bit changing the tempo from 94 to 197 (or something like that). Really re-worked the drums so they flow a little better, will probably continue to tighten up some stuff here and there till I figure out how to extend it and make it sound...less repetitive? Though it does sound nice =<
  15. hmm...perhaps then I fail to see a point in a non-serious project. If it's non-serious, you probably wouldn't care for freeback. And if the songs aren't good, people won't listen to them for long.
  16. =( My first problem is that this, is not, breakcore. Listen to statas for breakcore. My second problem is slayer =( If this is a side project, I'm curious as to what you originally do, though I must say I'm a little worried.
  17. I'm surprised this got a bump, as next to no one visits ye olde WIP: Other. Which makes it quite tempting to spam the general forum..... Again, thanks to everyone who commented, it's really appreciated.
  18. oh wow, you aren't kidding. Guess I shouldn't drink and reply to posts so early in the morning
  19. k real reply. The drums themselves really like a punch, a snap, a quick 'pow', and the sound really over used really quickly. I know the snare sound sticks out really hard, and you aren't using it twice in a typical 4 beat pattern, rather then you'll hit it several times. By this I mean, take a typical kick, snare, kick, snare beat. You have the snare going all over the place during the other parts of that beat, at the same volume as the main downbeat, so it sounds quite cluttered. If you make it sound subtle, kind of like a snare brush is hitting it, it may open things up more. The kick right from the beginning I didn't really like. It sounds compressed/slight distorted, with some reverb or something on the low end, making it a little muddy. The hats/shakers don't seem too bad imo though... One thing that could easily fix all this, is you finding an amen break, and substituting what you have for it. and then just finding a better kick for the intro. or that could just be my solution to everything.....
  20. That's kinda like saying "I've never met George W. Bush, but I'm sure he'll make a great president because he was hand-chosen by the American people."
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