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Everything posted by Skrypnyk

  1. What a fantastic idea!!! I wonder why no one has ever thought of this.
  2. wtf? Xelebes makes music?? hmmm...I didn't expect to hear this style though. Fun.
  3. layering: when you take the sound of one kick and place it on top of another kick you can substitute other sounds instead of a kick.
  4. if it CAN be automated, someone will find a reason to automate it.
  5. christ rama, don't mention the fact that he took OTHER mixers mixes as well. btw, let the flamming begin.
  6. That's exactly what happened. But Big Brother doesn't want you to know this.
  7. I kind of liked Cube Zero better then Cube, if only because it made a little more sense. I don't care who you are, I doubt anyone would come to the conclusion that math girl did in "figuring the traps out". Although I will say Hypercube sucked some sort of fatty rectum. Also, the original Saw is great.
  8. you can sample my music when I sampled people sampling other people samples.
  9. you bumped a topic after 3 and a half hours? Here's a crazy thought, how about you find a forum dedicated to flash animation and ask people there?
  10. the 'get the full version' was more or less me saying don't make something that has potential if you can't save the file. I'd figure you've at least used the program in the past before as anyone who just started using a new program isn't likely to make something like this. the sample (and by that, I'm talking about the 'ahhh' sample), is just really....fl default =( . Same with the hat I suppose (and 50+% of the song) but those 2 samples really just stick out as being cheesy and poor. By me saying the hat is a machine gun, is even when it's the downtempo part of the song, the hat it stale and monotonous, ticktickticktickticktickticktick. Not a whole lot of sound variation. But since this is a demo, I can't really bust your balls for not having the absolute best sounding samples.
  11. feedback #1) GET THE FULL VERSION SO YOU CAN SAVE THE FILE NEXT TIME!!! feedback #2) ah ah ah ahhhhhhh!!!! I would complain a lot on that sample but I won't. (I still think it's a bad sample though) feedback #3) the hat is a machine gun, which loses point on the downtempo side of things. That said, it was fun for a demo.
  12. k, this sound pretty identical to the original. Except at 1:51, which I haven't heard of, then again I'm not TOO too familiar with the original. overall, this is very plain, stale, dull, boring, simple, minimal, etc. the synths sound thin, the drums have no punch whatsoever, and the song doesn't really go anywhere. Not the worst thing I've ever heard, but it's pretty beginner sounding. Keep practicing.
  13. dude, wtf?! It took several minutes to download 30 seconds?? why'd you encode in .wav? =(
  14. I thank you. I really do. I have no problem with the odd person making the odd rayman remix, but plz just keep it at that.
  15. Uhh...if you see how OTHER projects aren't going anywhere, what makes you think a new project is suddenly going to come out great with l33t mixers presenting l33t mixes and l33t album covers done in a l33t amount of time? please don't answer btw. Less you want a facepalm macro posted.
  16. zomg someone said my name! I must reply. wow, that kick at :32 was sexy. k...........now I should say like, shit I don't like....or something..... Well, the first thing I don't like is the snare. I'm appauld with the use of a 909 snare used in like, anything remotely breakbeat. The intro kinda just starts. By that I mean as soon as I hit play and hear that first split second of the track, I have to blink. Kind of like when someone is slamming a hammer right beside you or something. imo, it doesn't sound good, if only cause I don't think it sounds like anything. It's not too too bad in the background...subtle in the background, but alone at the beginning, I'm just not feeling it. Kick at :32 is still sexy. The lead, imo, doesn't have to have a sustain as long as it does. It kind of defeats the purpose of the delay. It also hides that background synth that's also playing notes. Listening to the song, I think you have one too many instruments blasting to be the center of attention in the mix. A little more sound craving to have the background sounds stay background, and have the leads be heard and stuff. The hats are one thing that can be turned down. Also, that tamb has no business being in this mix =P . Overall though, tis a pretty bitchin mix. I see no problem with submitting this though. Worst case scenario it'll DEFINITELY be a re-sub and I'm sure the judges would be more then happy to simple repeat what zircon will eventually say about this mix.
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