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Everything posted by Skrypnyk

  1. I O U a revuew when I'm sober. As of now, it sounds very default and basic. Empyy, etc. Kinda cool, but empty. ore cinmment to come some time toomrorrow.
  2. there's literally 101 ways to ADSR everything in sytrus. On the main screen at the top, there's an ADSR for both volume and filters. Clicking the various OP tabs, then clicking VOL, then ENV gives you the option to ADSR that particular wave. You can either make your own ADSR by fiddling with the lines, or if you push the little circle at the bottom left, you can use the ADSR knobs. Same thing with the filter tabs, and a majority of the other tabs.
  3. Click Me And you didn't even answer your own question. For shame =(
  4. Isn't that tuning? Like, you would have 2 saw waves, one would be set to the 12th oct and the other wave would be 17th or 7th oct?
  5. lol @ fx_eh DANCE DANCE!! We're falling apart....something something... I actually liked that little bit. As for a whole though, it sounds like you've had FL for a little while, not enough to real develop your own library though as a lot of the effects and samples are FL, same with the drumloop, etc. and as hb said, it sound like a cover/rip with little interpretation. advice: Download samples/drumloops/VSTs off the net. There's a shit load, they're free, they'll improve your sound (a little bit). Pick a genre and try and emulate it (preferably not rock because slayer sucks ass.) Keep at it.
  6. BEAT HIM I SAY!!!! Update. go go go. etc.
  7. FL would simply fire it's 3xOsc and Crunk beats. No one could survive that.
  8. Comments Rawk! Although I'm quite surprise with the artists you all are referring me to, because they had NOOO influence on me whatsoever =o . B33J: *shrugs* MOAR STUFF will definitely be released in the future.
  9. I hate to pimp like crazy....... BUT GO GO GO OGOG OG OG OGO GOGO GO GO OOG GO!!!!!!!!!
  10. You haven't heard my latest EP, have you?
  11. A rather normal day. No special occasion or reason to do anything today, and yet, I've decided to release a free EP. Brainwork it's called. An interesting blend of ambient, IDM and drill'n'bass. Enjoy or something...
  12. K updatorz. Still by no means complete, issues with the bassline will be resolved later, issues with the drums can be directed to that brick wall (). I will be screwing around with the drums @ 1:56 and on wards, that's just to give you the basic idea of the song, progression, etc. etc. Probably add a tamborine as well...you can't go wrong with a tamb :3 . Click me, or the above link, wuteva
  13. YOU SIR HAVE INSULTED MY DRUMS~!!1 They cry in pain and distortion =( Actually, I can do that. Fills, stuff, etc. can/will do. As for my whereabouts, I have been pretty busy the last couple of weeks, leaving me little to no time to actually sit down and work something out. I have 'just' done a little something now, extending it with drums. I'm going to go back and iron out some of the drums (add a rev cymbal, perhaps change the cymbal at the 1:00 or so mark, etc.) Hopefully I'll have time on Sat. to do some of this.
  14. I pretty much agree. The info is waaaay to vague.
  15. I just want to say that I too have yet to hear anything from him since my last PM (which was more then a week ago). So you aren't along joshish, and unless this guy comes back from the dead, I wouldn't trust him in the future.
  16. uhhh...I think you just did. zomgpixcuminsoonlol
  17. >___> I'll probably make it more balanced, less chaotic in the end. We'll see how this goes. Either something will happen, or something won't.
  18. Alrighty. So I compiled everything so far in a little short song. Click Me Because Taucer gave me a recording of the guitar with the original track, I used that as the main file, and having the guitar and e-piano playing at the same time was a little too much, I left out the e-piano. (Although I left a bit of it in...didn't want to completely leave it out ). Surprisingly no sax =o . Oh well, fun fun.
  19. ok, so the reaction I'm getting from this is pretty sweet. SwordBreaker, I have gotten your vocals and they're pretty rockin'. I'm just wondering if you're using a pro/semi-pro mic? The quality sounds a little weird when trying to mix it (otherwise I've found out I suck at mixing vocals D=!!) Plus it goes pretty well with Taucers guitar =D andyjayne, sweet sweet sweet sweet piano/e-piano. Is it possible to get each individual sample from you? High encoded MP3 is fine.
  20. lol, after reading the comments, I was thinking 'wtf was this mix again???' If I recall correctly, this is just 1 synth (and a kind bass synth if you pay attention to the right speaker), run through like 6 plugins. No voices. (what the heck are YOU on avaris?? Hearing voices =P) I'm kinda thinking of removing that bass...it's a little pointless.... Thanks for the comments though =)
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