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Everything posted by Navi

  1. the show with paige and DMS
  2. this is pretty old but still a good listen. the amen was instrumental in the advancement of hiphop. hell, i use it in some of my originals.
  3. Got my files. Expect a complete track i nthe next few days.
  4. Yeah, I brought that up with him last night. I love that movie.
  5. http://www.ocremix.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=7588
  6. I might have a couple of things. I'll upload them when i get back from work tonight (11pmEST~)
  7. Because i was tired and i didnt notice. Locked. Move it to the old thread.
  8. Rather than spending hourse tweaking compression on everything and spending a lot of time with all sorts of gobbledy-gook, this is a very useful practice. Dont forget, you can always raise your overall volume at the end. Like i mentioned in another thread, i start all my levels at %50 and push up whatever needs to be louder.
  9. Dreamy. Ethereal. Beautiful. Loving the vocals there, TO. Now if you played Hearts half as good as you mixed... Kiddin.
  10. http://www.ocremix.org/remixer/mythrilnazgul/
  11. I feel like an ignorant asking this but... Who? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mike_Jones
  12. Anyways, I'll maybe write a bit more later, but there were some impressive tracks on this that really stood out for me. First off, Akumajo - I heard a wip of your Eurobeat Ryu stage way back when, but the guitar addition really fleshed it out. I can't imagine the amount of time that went into programming the J-Pop sound, and while I had a few issues with the mixing at points, overall this track blew me away with its authentic take on the genre. Vurez - Morricone overdrive, man. I'm impressed. Seriously. Jose - Reggaeton! We want more reggaeton! Honestly, man, when I heard that bullhorn, I got so excited! Could have used a bit more dem bow, and the chorus was a bit lackluster in comparison to the verse, but wow, man. I listen to the local spanish station on the way to work in the morning, and I dug this track like crazy. Your flow is so authentic to the style! Havent had a chance to really dig into the album yet, but I will over the next few days, and then I'll give some more opinion.
  13. I wouldn't call it garbage. Rather, it's more raw and (intentionally) lofi than the shiny pop-rap recordings. As you can tell, I'm a wu tang nerd.
  14. Well, to refer back to the example (ODB's rap from the latest Ghostface album), I hear it a lot specifically in Wu Tang albums - and I wouldn't say the Clan are basement recorders or newcomers to the game. I'm leaning towards it being more intentional, albeit slightly more noticable than usual. I'll try and pull up some more examples tonight.
  15. It's a common thing i notice in a lot of the alternative hiphop/underground sound - not heard much of it in mainstream rap (production is too slick, i guess).
  16. one question. sometimes, in rap songs, there's a slight distortion in the vocals, particularily if the rapper is raising his voice. I assume this is distortion caused by specific compression or maybe the tube? http://www.mythrilnazgul.com/odbsample.mp3 for example
  17. When you say this, do you mean that they should rather be applied to send tracks? Also, thanks so far to everyone who has contributed, especially Compyfox.
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