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Everything posted by Hawkwing

  1. Yes but some people put a lot of hours of their free time to produce grade A mixes that dont get the respect they deserve. when you put your heart into something, and it is worth while, and doesn't get a chance it's just plain disrespectful.
  2. I bought Suikoden 1...but i had to download an ISO of Suikoden 2 to get it. =X The first 2 suikoden rocked my socks.
  3. Yggdra Union
  4. Taken from YouTube's FAQ... Depending on site traffic, changes to video information can take 8 hours or more to show up in the search index after they have been uploaded, changed, or removed. This includes changes to tags, ratings, views, and comments. Under extreme site traffic we have seen some videos take over 24 hours to index. To bypass this time you may want to send your friends the link of the video via email or private message. Note that unless the user name of the uploader is specified as a tag it may not be indexed for a video search. To find a user (and their videos) perform a search for their user name select "Channels" on the left side of the search results.
  5. i think FFXII is the best FF since FF6, i like it better than 7. sure you have to level grind, but i like leveling in this game, cause you can do it with monster hunts and stuff which keep it fresh and theres secret areas all over the place you can discover while leveling
  6. Personally I think FF12 is better than FF10
  7. 4867 songs 13 days 11 minutes and 4 seconds
  8. I came across him by accident and just said "what the fuck is this guy?" and realized he was rare game. pissed me off cause i was on my way to hunt bloodwing and get zalera.
  9. So after not having the time to play this for 2 months i sat down yesterday and played it again...and i realized that a lot of the music sounds like its from FFIV
  10. Remove ALL the books from the library for one day..goes over really well. You need help form staff though. I miss high school sometimes.
  11. you want fun...play Yggdra Union on the GBA. This game is so refreshing because i actually have to THINK to play it.
  12. its not rape...its surprise sex
  13. I like it... Retranslation is nice. Yes the difficulty is easy, but there are a few hard bosses (Chardanook comes to mind) Its just refreshing to play through and see some new things. I've beat this game more times than i can count, but playing it on the gba seems fresh and new.
  14. I recieved Yggdra Union for x-mas but ive been too busy with Magical Starsign and FFIII. Can you tell me what you like about Yggdra Union (and what you dont like)?
  15. I just dont think it was necessary to immediately call him "noob." Hes been on signed up on the forums for almost a year. I myself lurked here for 2 years before signing up, and to boot I barely ever post.I never post in the remixing threads. Doesn't mean I dont know about the content of the site. How long did you lurk before you joined? To top it off your post had nothing to say that related to his topic. In my opinion, it was completely unnecessary. And yes I know my post has nothing to do with the topic, but I can't stand when someone gets all high and mighty with their "you joined after me, so I know more than you" crap.
  16. no problem...dick
  17. i can get Windows Vista Business...for free. With CD Key. 100% legal. MSDN Alliance.
  18. after being on cnn for about..30 seconds i found this http://www.cnn.com/2007/US/01/08/austin.birds.ap/index.html
  19. well where are you from ill add you to the list if you want
  20. I love it. Storyline is ok, but music, graphics, battle system and overall gameplay are great. Its just a fun game to play. A nice refreshing RPG.
  21. Seeing as how Magical Starsign has local multiplayer only, I was wondering if there were any people in my area from OCR that play. And then i decided why not make a list of OCR members and they're respective locations. So if you leave your name and location ill add you to the list. Rochester, New York: Hawkwing
  22. Oh i did this and won the competition at my school you make a big cylinder, make a coen and put it titled in the cylinder make little cylinders aaround the side for stabalization and then cut the rest of your paper into shreds and put it between the cone and the cylinder and some inside the cone too works like a charm
  23. if you're going to give prizes, at least do a game that isnt already over-remixed. something like, Star Ocean or Harvest Moon, so we can actually get some material from games that also have good music but are overlooked. money is a good incentive to get games with little remixes to their name up there.
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