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Everything posted by Hawkwing

  1. well i figured out how to download food. lets trade.
  2. While we're at it, let's make food and clothes free. From consumer standpoint that makes sense doesn't it?
  3. well of course. or else many people would be very angry.
  4. You know what i'd be even more excited for than CT on the DS. Secret of Mana. Or even Seiken Densetsu 3.
  5. I couldn't get into anything after Suikoden II. =/
  6. I love my dreamcast. PSO 1&2. Grab some friends its a good time. Sonic Adventure. Skies of Arcadia Grandia II. Shenmue
  7. Thats what i did and i'm perfectly happy with my decision! haha.
  8. I enjoy the FFT remake much more than the original. The re-translation is amazing.
  9. Since when does a classic Megaman have a fembot boss?
  10. Site temporarily unavailable?
  11. how do you do it? you just bring your DS in and they give it to you?
  12. Just about any of the Harvest Moons (mostly SNES and BTN). Final Fantasy Tactics. Fire Emblem for GC and Wii. Secret of Mana FFIV and FFVI. Breath of Fire 1 & 2.
  13. OK ill contribute more than my last post did this time around. The short anime's i have actually downloaded and kept on my computer: Black Lagoon Claymore Darker Than Black Death Note S-cry-ed Big O Wolf's Rain Zombie Loan
  14. I want more ZOMBIE LOAN! Why did they have to cancel it. =(
  15. I used to be a Ragnarok Online fanatic. I am very familiar with this mix. It felt a little like I was listening to the original. About half way through it finally starts to show some variation from the original, but only for a little bit.
  16. .... maybe it was too much to assume i already noticed that too. Thats why i'm confused, because they look EXACTLY the same. Since when do different manufacturers make the same exact motherboard? I know they can use the same chipset but everything else too?
  17. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813141005 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813188024 Besides the price. They have all the same specs....they even look exactly the same!
  18. you dont need any of the RPG maker RTP bullshit do you? i know a lot of rpg maker games need that isntalled
  19. which school do you go to, cause my school does co-ops too, and not many schools i know of do that
  20. Three words... Heavy Water Jogger
  21. better yet...who cares? its facebook
  22. and who said you need a reason for eating free food and drinking far too much alcohol??? haha happy birthday
  23. really awesome playing man, kudos
  24. haha is till have the stupid thing in my signature
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