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Everything posted by Hawkwing

  1. Final Boss in FFT was a joke. Especially when you have a party of lvl 99s.
  2. yeah if you read the comments and looked at the post date its pretty obvious its fake
  3. Just got back from seeing this. I thought it was fucking amazing My only "wtf" moment was when Megatron turned into a jet as soon as he was unfrozen. All the other transformers had to see the object first.
  4. My dad has MS. So I will personally send a thank you letter to anyone who buys this CD if you send me your address in a private message. And all you guys can bitch about how its only 20% but how much have you donated to help MS research? At least hes doing SOMETHING to help.
  5. Stylus's are usually more accurate to use than fingers. Thats a good reason.
  6. I was dying to play this when i heard that it would have drums, but im really disapointed in the "drum set" in this game...it's literally 4 toms. no high hat, no bass drum, no cymbals. you cant effectively play anything with just 4 toms edit: IT NEEDS MORE COWBELL
  7. Don't forget Navi....sheesh... haha
  8. Even if you don't know what you're doing you can regather the scattered members in under 4 hours. If you know what you're doing you can do it in under 2 hours. It's not that hard.
  9. He's lying to you.
  10. did you read the updated info i put the release date in it
  11. I prefer 6s story over 7. Hands down.
  12. My vote is for Tactics
  13. Ok heres my Diamond friend code - 0516 3831 1077
  14. Ok heres my Diamond friend code - 0516 3831 1077 BTW i have added EVERYONE that posted one in this post.
  15. i don't want to lower my encryption to WEP. does the USB wireless connector work well?
  16. you forgot my recommendation for Harvest Moon SNES...it was also seconded
  17. i havent played since red/blue/yellow but i bought fire red and leaf green. would this be a good one to get back into the series with? The penguin starter is a bonus cause they're my favorite animal haha in other words is it worth the money?
  18. Yeah thats what i ended up doing. There wasn't a book and i was using google to find everything but this one was hard to find an answer to because the question was so vaguely worded. thanks for the help guys this is what i ended up answering it with: If we use the format /mbr command and want to save the image and then restore the OS will boot or not boot depending on when the image was made. If the image was made while the master boot record was defective the OS will not load, if the image was made while the master boot record was useable the OS will load to its default OS.
  19. thats exactly my problem
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