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Geoffrey Taucer

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Everything posted by Geoffrey Taucer

  1. I'm in the same boat. Except I'm at the top of bronze instead of gold.
  2. Gah! Earlier today I was playing a match and got utterly flattened by a roach rush seemingy done in no time at all. I wonder if this is what he did?
  3. I'd be happy to pay for the tickets, but I thought that was just for live stuff -- are the matches available to watch after the fact for ticket holders?
  4. Is there some way I can watch the rest of the games from that set? GOM only seems to have the first game of each set for anybody who didn't watch it live.
  5. Yeah, I was definitely dissappointed in fruitdealer's play. His biggest strength in the last tourney, I thought, was how he used a different build every game, so he was utterly unpredictable. Much less so this time around.
  6. The bottom of the well in Ocarina of Time always scared the shit out of me. Usually when I play through a zelda game, I'm OCD about getting EVERYTHING, but I was in my late teens before I could bring myself to do a full sweep of the bottom of the well. Until then, I'd always just get in, get the lense, and get the fuck out. Also, Silent Hill 2. To this day, I have not finished that game, because it just scares the shit out me.
  7. Holy shit. Did fakeboxer seriously just take out the fruit dealer?
  8. Goddamnit I knew that was coming as soon as I saw the thread title.
  9. The more I think about Tychus's character, the less sense the whole thing makes. I thought the whole betrayal subplot just didn't make any sense. WARNING: SPOILERS Here's the series of events, as I understand it: -Arcturus "frees" Tychus on the agreement that if he kills Kerrigan, he will then go genuinely free. (Keep in mind that at this point, Arcturus has no reason to believe that Tychus could ever possibly get close enough to Kerrigan to kill her, and no reason to believe he'd have the ability to kill her even if he got the opportunity.) Arcturus has the ability to send a signal which will instantly kill Tychus at any time. -Tychus (while still secretly reporting to Arcturus) steals the Odin (from Arcturus) and uses it to lay waste to a bunch of Dominion forces (ie Arcturus's forces). All this while Arcturus has the ability to kill Tychus any time. -With massive help from the Odin, the raiders launch a surprise attack that allows them to pretty much destroy Arcturus's claim to legitimate emperorship. The raiders cause widespread open revolt against Arcturus, largely due to Tychus's help. All this while Arcturus has the ability to kill Tychus any time. -Kerrigan is neutralized and deinfested, and Tychus then attempts to kill her. This does not make any fucking sense at all. Otherwise, fantastic game.
  10. Man, gario, I am definitely going to miss debating with you. That's been a real blast. As I said, I hope to still pop in from time to time to take a few potshots at you and relyance By the way, one thing I should mention: I'd prefer if nobody congratulated me for this on facebook -- without going into detail, I got this position as a result of a friend getting fired, and I don't want to rub his face in it or anything like that.
  11. Up until now, my life has been more-or-less equally devoted to two things: music and coaching gymnastics. I was fortunate enough to have time for both. This past weekend, however, I got a promotion; I am now head coach at my gym. This is my dream job; however, it leaves me very little time to devote to music, and when you get down to it, music is a mere hobby for me, while coaching is the career I've wanted since I was in elementary school. So I'm pretty much backing out of the OCR community. I may still pop in from time to time to say hi or to perhaps to take a few potshots at relyance or gario on PP&R, and I'm hoping I'll still be able to make it to MAGfest, but I believe my days of extensive involvement with this community are over for the forseeable future. It's been a pleasure this community has introduced me to many very close friends, and I've had some truly amazing experiences. Rather than simply pulling a gray lightning and vanishing entirely, I thought I owed it to you all to say how much this community has meant to me and how much I love it here. Peace.
  12. I love everything about this mix. Probably my favorite mix on the project. Awesome work!
  13. OH SHIT YES Wish I didn't have to leave for work right now. I'll be watching this as soon as I get home tonight.
  14. Man, I can't imagine OCR without you. You're an awesome dude, and I've really enjoyed our friendship. I hope you won't be completely out of touch -- I still want to hear from you! Best of luck.
  15. Didn't see this until now. This is awesome! Congrats! First video is excellent, and I eagerly await tomorrow's installment.
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