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Everything posted by Devyn

  1. If this game comes to the U.S., I will be getting it reserved. It looks awesome. 2-D? That graphic style? Can't beat it. It's like those old school 2D games that make you look in the background and think "Whoa. I wonder what it would be like to walk around back there." And those monsters look cool as hell too. I bet the music will be awesome as well. Edit: This just in. The Wii is getting even more badass: http://www.nintendic.com/news/1124 May be old, but hey, crazy Japanese games are exactly what this console needs.
  2. You can edit your current post instead of double posting.
  3. Well, I'm going to go buy some Wii games soon, and none of them will be Mario, Zelda, or Halo. It's important to pick up those no-name titles, just like it's important to listen to music that isn't popular. You will find a diamond in the rough, and no one else will know about it. Yeah, I plan on picking up Ninjabread man, a budget platformer with a ninja gingerbread man. I like quirky weird shit like that. I thought it was coming out today, but apparently it's October 3. Once I get my Wifi back, I'll be downloading Neutopia 1 and 2. Meanwhile, the rest of the world will be playing Halo 3, and I'm fine with that. But we're off topic here. Maybe we should bump the Wii thread.
  4. I think he means that it isn't as truthful and sincere as doing your own thing in music, not that the performers are evil or losers. I've always been much happier writing, recording, and performing original music - And if I do a cover, I interpret it my own way and I try to put meaning into my music (thus it would be a rearrangement wouldn't it?). In other words, not mindless music only for entertainment purposes. Playing nothing but songs that have already been heard on Clearchannel radio 1,000 times will make you fall under this category. Playing it safe for people who don't want to hear anything new - It does seem a bit soulless to me.
  5. So true. I also bet that it varies greatly from area to area. In Auburn AL, you often get really good pay. Down here, not so much - Unless it's a frat party. The CD deal they have is good, but I can see where they waste a bit in the other areas.Plus, what band doesn't have day jobs? Hell, even Dragonforce work day jobs. By the way Danimal Cannon, I want to hear your Blaster Master mixes dammit.
  6. Kiss a lot of ass dude. Look at me. I've gone nowhere. Kiss their ass.
  7. I have to go get my Sonic Mega Collection back from my brother. That thing is made of win. By the way, can I get some pointers here? I just got hi-speed cable, and my machine is a 6-year-old frankenstein sitting upstairs. I bought a modem which doesn't transmit wireless. I need a wireless router to have a signal for my Wii, which is downstairs, but my computer only has two USB ports, and can it even work that way in the first place? I know they have an adapter, which is cheaper, but then I have to run a big-ass cord through the house? So, what do you think?
  8. I've always been impressed by Elliot Easton from the Cars. He has a really unique style and tone. As far as guitar masterpieces go, I recommend Cliffs of Dover by Eric Johnson.
  9. Word up. I think Sonic is likely to appear in there. I'd be surprised if he wasn't.
  10. Well, Square already said that they aren't going to release their games on VC - because they can make more money by doing remakes or repacking the old games, etc. In other words, Square sucks a big corroded nut sack.
  11. Forward+B for moonwalk dash. Down+B and he turn for his post-90's pedo transformation.
  12. Michael Jackson, Skeletor, Oprah, and King Vitamin. Oh yeah, that would be awesome.
  13. Mega Man. I know a lot of you grow weary of us Mega Man fans, but seriously, there is no other third-party character that deserves placement in brawl more than him.
  14. I agree, as long as they bleed a lot when you hit them.
  15. Cecil or Kain would actually be kinda cool, but that won't ever happen. Edit: You could have Rydia as the alter-personality of Pokemon Trainer.
  16. When Aeris died I cut a hole in a giant watermelon and climbed inside. Then I rolled down a big hill and hit a rock and it exploded. Rainbows went everywhere!
  17. She deserves it. She never gives Mario jack for saving her. She even completely ignores him in Super Paper Mario. That frigid bitch.
  18. One pirate alone can take on five ninjas. The only true power ninjas have is in numbers.
  19. Speaking of pirates, you can listen to my pirate song on my myspace page. If you like pirates, you will dig it.
  20. That was a touching page, I must say. Anyway, I bet most of you have seen this, but anyway: http://www.duelinganalogs.com/?date=2005-11-24
  21. Yaaaarrrr, I was wondering when the day would come.
  22. Yeah, unfortunately, it may be a PS2 port. If so, then I will stay far the fuck away from it. I can still see hardcore Star Wars fans fainting over this.
  23. Star Wars / Light Saber game being made: http://wii.ign.com/articles/820/820763p1.html
  24. I'm kinda scared to fight some of you on Smash Brothers, because some of you are obviously insane with that game. But when Kart rolls around, I will take no prisoners.
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