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Everything posted by Lemonectric

  1. Agreed. Nightmare in Dreamland is basically the same thing with smoother controls and nicer graphics. I still play the original for nostalgia's sake, though. Kirby's Adventure is my favorite NES title by far.
  2. Peach. She'll rescue her lookalike for no explicable reason, just like Luigi in Galaxy 1. oh wait her dress is too hard to animate
  3. Happy birthday! whoooo

  4. It's like Video Games Live but with more interesting selections! I would definitely check it out if I lived nearby.
  5. My mom has liked a couple of my remixes that she overheard, but hey, she's obligated to, right? I've played tracks from OCR in the car, and nobody really expresses any interest besides my younger sister. Basically, there aren't enough country ballads or Eastern Orthodox funeral dirges on OCR for them. But my parents aren't really video game type people. The extent of my dad's exposure is a bit of Oracle of Ages and Metroid Prime, and the extent of my mom's exposure is seeing me play Super Mario 64 and getting confused about whether I was underwater.
  6. Definitely wasn't expecting that intro. Interesting way to start off a great remix. I'm glad you've expanded on the source while still maintaining the parts of the original that made it so awesome in the first place. Some people completely butcher this source. So, nice work on making it even cooler, blackguitar.
  7. I'm trying to remember coming here, but I'm not sure my conscious brain had fully developed yet. I was, what, 12? My earliest memory of a video game remix is Dr. Fruitcake's Wicked Windmill. I'm pretty sure I found stuff on my own, googling for video game music remixes or something.
  8. Hitoriiiiiiiii


  9. Every time I see an awesome unclaimed song on the tracklist, I think "why aren't people claiming that? It's awesome!" But then I realize they are all awesome. (But seriously guys, Way of the Fighting King is awesome.) Also related to the tracklist: halc, ProtoDome, halc, ProtoDome, ProtoDome, halc, ProtoDome, halc, halc, halc, halc. It's a good thing I like you guys, because you're practically pulling an Essence of Lime on us here. P.S. Sent an updated WIP today, since I didn't deserve to be listed as green just yet.
  10. Sorry guys, pretty sure my earbuds are the real thing. I know because they rattle sometimes.
  11. I always freak out when I listen to stuff through different headphones or speakers. WHICH VERSION IS THE REAL VERSION
  12. Happy birthdaaaaaaaaaay

  13. The Story of Hyrule might interest you. It's got remixes from the first three Zelda games and original music.
  14. OCR hasn't done one, but did you ever see this? Heavy Troopa Is Ready to Launch There is one posted remix from that album.
  15. Pretty much what Krow said. I never really intended for the project to become as big as it did, so from the start I wasn't planning on going official. I've asked/been asked about it, but the powers that be ultimately decided we're not cool enough. There are definitely a few OCR-worthy tracks on the album, but mostly it's stuff that's pretty cool but probably not OCR-worthy. Official or not, you will enjoy it at least a little. Hopefully you'll enjoy all my tracks more than I do, now that I've gotten sick of hearing them all the time. I did like them at first.
  16. Proto, you can't be good at music and art at the same time. I hate you. Also happy birthday Arek!
  17. ProtoDome got his overworld track accepted to OCR. I'll make sure to try to work out a release date when his track can be posted at the same time, so when you see Oracle of Ages on the main page, we've released. I'll make a new topic on the community board for the release, as well.
  18. I feel empty inside now that I'm not adjusting and exporting tracks all day.
  19. Not very hard. People are just being LAZY Three of the leftover tracks are basically ready for wav status, but the other three aren't quite done yet. Pirate's Gigue is all Proto's fault. No. But you can have this picture that is completely unrelated to the site: I think I was bored and made it specifically for a post poking fun at Proto. Hmm, I'm seeing a theme here. Behind the scenes info, people. You guys are lucky. (Seriously, we don't have a basic version of the site. But if we did, I wouldn't post it.)
  20. A few people still need to turn in their wavs, but the deadline went better than expected. Most of the music is final now; we're just a little behind on the site design.
  21. You just go to someone's profile and click "befriend" under their little friend box.

  22. Why aren't you my friend yet >:c

  23. I guess I don't know anything about this kind of stuff. What's the benefit of mono if the stereo file is small enough? Basically I finished something but I don't know how to export mono from FL Studio.
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