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Everything posted by Lemonectric

  1. Well, we've got official confirmation on the project's unofficial status. However, ProtoDome has already infiltrated the site with his overworld mix, so we should be getting a bit of OCR exposure anyway (and of course I'll be advertising elsewhere). In other news, Ralph's Theme is open again. I'm leaving it open the same way Trouble on the Raft is open: you can't claim it until you have at least a minute of WIP to show me. The final deadline is March 31 if things go as planned. Work fast.
  2. Nice work choosing this day to be born. You have a good eye for that kind of thing. You'd better also have a good ear for all my submissions or I'll move my birthday elsewhere. [/compelling threat] Happy birthday!
  3. TheKrow and I have that track covered. Waiting on ProtoDome to record some sax and then I'll just have production stuff to worry about. Whoo (and yes, a probable April release, if everything works out)
  4. Thanks, that helped. I downloaded ASIO4ALL, and I can get sound now, but not through headphones--even with the headphones plugged in, it always plays through the built-in speakers on the monitor. All of my output options in the ASIO settings are for the speakers for some reason. Still trying to figure that out, but the manual and google searches haven't been any help. I'm still at a loss for why FL doesn't want to properly load the EWQL orchestra.
  5. The WIP deadline has passed. Not a bad turnout. But Trouble on the Raft is open again. To claim it you'll need to send me a minute-long WIP. I won't be too upset if it doesn't end up on the project. Pretty sure it wasn't in the game. But I guess it must've been on the cartridge, because it's always in soundtrack collections. Anyway, it sounds pretty Oraclesy, and I like it, so that's why it's on the list. Whatever. It's not really important, but I'm not going to turn down remixes of it.
  6. My samples all ended up in the right place, but I'm having some of the same problems as Emperor Charlemagne. I can get it on the channel list in FL, but it says there's a problem loading it for an unknown reason. As a standalone, it won't play any sounds. I can open instruments, but hitting notes at the bottom makes only visual changes on various measurement thingies. I don't get any message about missing files.
  7. Could someone answer this? I'm lost as well, and searches have come up with nothing. I'm not seeing anything that I know how to load into FL.
  8. Illidari has given up his claim on Ralph's Theme. Nase is giving it a shot.
  9. Trapped in OCR's bottomless pit of album projects, I imagine. There might be more interest when it opens up to unrecruited people, though.
  10. Found your email from Monday. You can send stuff to hylianlemon@gmail.com from now on. Anyway, this is better timing for me because I was still taking finals last week, haha. I'll get to work.

  11. Just right click on the tempo box and edit events for each pattern, right? Or am I not understanding the question?
  12. I need to stop fidgeting, pacing, tapping my feet, etc. during every waking moment. That kind of stuff makes you lose weight. I will eat entire sticks of butter every morning and use a wheelchair to minimize energy use. I also need to get a job and/or try harder in college so I don't lose my scholarships.
  13. On that note, Essence of Lime's tracklist is actually full. The WIP deadline might open up some tracks, but right now they're all taken. For the status, you can mention that we don't need any more remixers right now, but some spots might open up in January.
  14. You will literally never get a response from some people. At least that's my experience. I guess it depends. I might be interested in contributing to this at some point. For sure I'll be interested in downloading it, haha. Good luck with it.
  15. Cool, cool. Send it over whenever you're done with your part.

  16. Apparently I have a referral. No idea where that came from. I did show the site to a friend in high school who liked video game music, but he never joined the forums. Generally the subject of video game music doesn't come up with my friends. I wear my shirt around, though.
  17. My god, that level was hard. I'm assuming you're not having trouble with coin 1, but here's what I did for the other two: For coin 2, stand to the left of the coin, just far enough to the right that the piranha plants below you can eat away at the ice above the coin. Staying to the left keeps the mass of piranha plants to the right dormant so they don't destroy your exit bridge. As soon as you have an opening, jump down there, nab the coin, and run like hell to the right before the other piranha plants have a chance to melt all the ice. For coin 3, fall down into the gap as soon as you get a chance, and wall jump back and forth until you're all clear up above. Do a midair spinny move before landing on the top of one of the walls to slow yourself down. In general, just pretend you're doing one of the super skills videos. Run fast and do a lot of spinny moves to maximize air time. The piranha plants are easier to get through if you don't wait around for them to fill the screen with fireballs. Speaking of spinny moves, I was playing the old New Super Mario Bros a while back, and I kept accidentally shaking the DS trying to save a bad jump.
  18. Sometimes it's more convenient/nice looking to just link to a video with text. If you wanted to link to a bunch of videos for a project tracklist, for example. Glad to hear that the youtube tags will be necessary this time.
  19. Make sure we can still link to them with normal url tags, please! It was annoying back when they were automatically embedded.
  20. It's the music from the trailer. Some of the samples aren't the greatest, but no, it's not the original music. It's very similar, though, for the first half. I don't know if the song has been extended for the actual game, but the second half is unfamiliar to me. Dafydd's criticism sounds valid to me, and I have nothing to add in terms of production. I don't know if you're interested in submitting this or if you just wanted to share it with people, but I don't think the arrangement is different enough from the original to get past the judges. Still, I really enjoyed it. The original song was good enough that I don't mind a fairly light arrangement like this.
  21. My computer's screwy and it's not letting me listen right now, but I remember this from PRC. I assume the new version isn't too much different. I love the weightless feeling this remix has. Nice and spacey. Not too different from the original, but different enough to be unique and enjoyable. I don't see this leaving my iPod anytime soon.
  22. Awesome. This is right up there with Kennen Sie Mario. Apparently Nase is amazing at Mario medleys. I love what you did with the underground section.
  23. Thank you for making the video game-like-ness! I still love Hallucinogenic Ethics the most.
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