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Everything posted by Lemonectric

  1. Ok...so let's say I want to link to a youtube video using text. I should be able to do something like this: Click here[/url*] But when I use the URL for a youtube video, it just embeds the video. And even when I try to show an example by placing an asterisk inside the tag, all the post shows is [url= There has to be a way to simply link to the video page, rather than embed it, right? How would one go about doing this?
  2. Shameless advertising! The new project topic. Once I get to those songs, you'll find them there.
  3. I agree with all this. Sure, it wasn't an amazing, groundbreaking movie, but it did what it set out to do: entertain. I don't think I could really rank the Indiana Jones movies if I wanted to, but Indy 4 was definitely on par with the older ones, in my opinion. I mean, seriously. All the other movies had equally ridiculous parts in them. They're not trying to be believable. They're trying to be entertaining.
  4. We've released! See the community thread for links and comments. -------------- Essence of Lime is an unofficial remix project covering the soundtrack of The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages. Music appearing only in Oracle of Seasons will not be covered...yet. stay tuned History: I announced this album as a one-man remix project in May 2008. Hence the citrusy pun on "essence of time." Gradually, people offered their help until the project was finally "officially" opened to other remixers. The project was completed in June 2010. Project forums (contributors, please join) Full track list here (all tracks finished) Signature banners If you link them anywhere, link them to this topic. The_Maverickk (official project artist) Lime, Maku Tree (present) - 400x70 Harp of Ages (past) - 400x70 Link (present) - 400x70 Nayru (past) - 400x70 Game cartridge - 150x150 Hangman Delta Link closeup - 400x70 Hylian Lemon Link sprite (light background) - 400x70 Link sprite (dark background) - 400x70 Link sprite (light background) - 150x150 Link sprite (dark background) - 150x150
  5. Yeah, the EQing could use some work; the flutey thing in particular sounds rather low-quality. And the piano gets a little loud for something panned so heavily, in my opinion (I'm the kind of person who can't stand sharing earbuds for this reason). But wow, great arrangement/interpretation. It worked well, and I really enjoyed it.
  6. I'm working on an Oracle of Ages remix project. No telling how long it'll be until these songs get done, but they'll get done. Unless they don't get done. It's too bad those games don't really get much attention.
  7. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/0903/sawdead/c0935df3.png[/img*][/url*] Maaah. Couldn't find any good, large pictures.
  8. Yeah, I've been dropped into second after crossing the finish line. It was...irritating, to say the least. Especially when it was to a really good racer I had been sweating to catch up to for the last few tracks. I really think I have never cursed at a video game as much as I have at Mario Kart Wii. The fact that he evaporated four shells does make you wonder. But I'd think we would have heard something about a shell-dodging trick by now...
  9. I've had a red shell "evaporate" once, leaving the racer ahead of me with their item intact. It was kind of irritating, but I probably ended up owning them anyway. But then I've also had people suddenly jump places. The red shell thing could have to do with the online aspect...
  10. I drew my mom an amazing stick figure picture of her riding a roller coaster with a balloon. Then I colored outside the lines with marker.
  11. Generally for me, I either get kicked off before I can start a race or I don't get kicked off at all. Although I have been kicked off in the middle of the race. It just stopped the race and gave everyone their points. Weirdness. Also: My vote in the cuteness competition will have to go to Baby Daisy. I've been using her a lot now.
  12. I decided on a cheap OCR ripoff to spice up the logo a bit. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/0903/sawdead/d057ccc2.png[/img*][/url*] Also, make sure you fix that deadline, Rexy.
  13. I believe Z makes a thicker line or something. Drawing the lines really quickly helped me. When you have to draw straight up (like with waterspout), it can be a bit more difficult to control.
  14. I'll be sure to submit a bunch of Oracle of Ages remixes once I get my little project going. I'm really lazy though. Also, Happy ThaSauce Day whooo
  15. My sister started playing as Baby Peach and then left, so I finished the cup for her. I didn't particularly like the kart she had chosen (its power slide curved in too much), but the sassydance was pretty great.
  16. Yeah, I actually couldn't beat anything past 50cc until I switched to the Gamecube controller. It's easier to power slide more often with an analog stick. The game is mostly similar to MKDS in track design and music, I think. Which is definitely a good thing. If I could only change one thing about the game, it would be the amount of racers. 12 is just too much. For one thing, it can get really crowded sometimes when you're not in first place. Also, I think going back to 8 racers would cut down on the ridiculous amount of weapons of mass destruction. Two birds, one stone.
  17. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/0903/sawdead/b35dea94.png[/img*][/url*] This is what you get when I'm busy playing Okami.
  18. Hahaha the IGN logo on the Okami box art is even more obvious when you have the actual thing in front of you. I just got it today, and the waggle-fighting has been a lot more responsive than Twilight Princess's, so I'm happy. Everything about the game is pretty sweet. I can't get over how beautiful it looks.
  19. Kimmoto has a pretty good remix of Castle Bleck over at vgmix. That's the only Super Paper Mario remix I've heard, though. The game definitely deserves some more coverage.
  20. I listened to the whole thing. You can never get enough Wal-Mart. I probably would have been bored, had I not been doing other things at the same time.
  21. Round 5: Pokemon-Diablo combo. The banner makes me laugh.
  22. Hey, there have been rounds with only one entry.
  23. There is something so comforting about Atma's predictability. I think I might pick the game up as I get Mario Kart Wii. Just to save myself a trip. I didn't mind Twilight Princess's waggling, so I should be ok with Okami.
  24. Wait, what? Okami Wii is out tomorrow? I didn't hear it was coming to the Wii until yesterday. I'm definitely going to have to pick that up soon; it looks amazing.
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