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Everything posted by Lemonectric

  1. Edit: Oh, you beat the game. I think the code might give you access to a GF lore thing in the same room or a message from the ship's Aurora unit. I can't remember for sure. Also: Nobody knows for sure, but some people are suggesting it's Nexus from Hunters because of the ship's shape. Although it wouldn't really make much sense.
  2. I have a WIP as well. Having trouble naming it, but I have the story set up. Hoping for at least four entries.
  3. One of my favorite things about video game music is how it brings back memories. Another thing is that most of the time there are no lyrics (not to offend anyone who likes lyrics. I just don't). And then there's always the fact that video games just have really great music. I'm really glad there are a bunch of people who appreciate it. Seriously, sometimes I'll make a comment about a certain song that just played in a video game and the person next to me will be all like "I wasn't listening." Painful... D:
  4. So, that would mean you're coming back in the other direction, right? The space pirates should destroy the gears when you get back to that room, and then you should be able to screw attack straight across to the other door. Are you timing the jumps so that they last as long as possible?
  5. Chozen One is a Metroid Prime minimegamix. I've remixed 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8 songs from Metroid Prime, depending on how you count (Do previous Metroid songs count? Do you count the two Phendrana Drifts songs separately? Tricky stuff like that). But it's just short of four minutes, and I haven't remixed everything, so you really can't call it a megamix. Yeah, the menu/credits music isn't in there. I'm a terrible person. But that's actually a separate project. Contents (in order of appearance): Getting Item Samus Appearance Tallon Overworld 1 (Metroid Brinstar) Magmoor Caverns (Super Metroid Lower Norfair) Phendrana Drifts 1+2 Crashed Frigate Tallon Overworld 2 Samus Appearance again! I basically picked out several songs that I think convey the general mood of Metroid Prime. The location themes are sort of in order, but I switched Crashed Frigate and Tallon Overworld 2 because I felt TO2 better represented the feel of Prime, and thus made a better ending. And then Phendrana Drifts 1 and 2 should obviously be together since they share a part. I guess. But yeah. Comments are cool, I guess. I guess too much.
  6. Yes. You just use the platform over to the right. Or if you're coming back, a mildly interesting thing happens and you'll know what to do.
  7. Whoo! Theo makes a compelling choice. I just might have to enter again. >.< I'm much more likely to enter when I recognize the source. Edit: I decided to be lazy this time. I just stole an official wallpaper. The result is a better-looking sig. Maybe. Whoot. Edit 2: Sigh.
  8. Explanation plz. Also, what is this arena of which you speak?
  9. Is this a joke? Seems kind of random... I'm quite bad at reading sarcasm in text.
  10. Hint hint much? XP Also, this is Theo's first win? Gasps and happies! This is also my first not win. XP I'm happy to give it up for someone as good as Theo who has entered several times before. I also look forward to the next song choice, though it is likely I won't have time to enter. You all can still probably look forward to another terrible ad sig! :3
  11. I would have entered, but I have nothing without my soundfonts. XP
  12. I'm going to have to agree with you there.
  13. When I first found the observatory and sent out a few satellites, I was like "Ooh, it found suit expansions" and then forgot completely about it. Later, as I was exploring Norion to find missed expansions, I was like "How did those dots get there?" and then finally remembered the satellite thing. I guess I had thought it was going to show me actual suit upgrades.
  14. I agree. And this update is like the coolest thing ever. Being able to choose from a bunch of different amazing songs? Win.
  15. ONOZ 7 HOURS LEFT AND ONLY 2 ENTRIES. Come on, people. We're counting on you to pull through. *reaches for whip*
  16. Now, if they made OCR-style arrangements of more obscure songs from popular games, I might be interested.
  17. My first time was 13:01 with 97%. On normal. I thought I was being slow about it (taking the time to observe stuff everywhere), but I guess other people observed/wandered longer.
  18. White'd just in case anyone mean gets mad at me. If you go through Bryyo Fire as if it was your first time through (taking the original route), you'll come across a morph ball area where you have to use the little creatures to get you up to a ledge (I think). You'll come out into a room with an open-mouthed statuey thing that used to be covered in ice. You go that way. Personally, I found it kind of annoying how you can't look at the Bryyo Ice map unless you travel there. Not that it really matters unless you have the satellite data.
  19. I wouldn't say I don't want another 3D one, but I definitely want a 2D one more. In reply to someone else who was talking about using the grapple beam to drain/overload enemies: I love hooking onto wasps and sucking the life out of them. Almost as entertaining as the Nova Beam battle.
  20. You might be interested in this. It's a remix of the potion shop and regular shop from OOT. You know...just to hold you until someone cooler comes along and remixes it.
  21. Same with me. I was thinking the same thing. I had been a little worried about the voice acting, but it turned out pretty good. Then that narrative...holy crap. There's a video on youtube where someone added a similar narrative to the ending of Metroid Prime...it reminded me of that.
  22. You're welcome. I did my entry over the weekend, and I refuse to work on it any more. Too much textbook reading to do...please just kill me now. Also: Hooray, we have three possible contestants.
  23. Gasp! You dare anger the almighty nova beam? I agree about the hint settings, though. It was especially annoying how it reminded you of stuff when you started up the game again.
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