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CC Ricers

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Everything posted by CC Ricers

  1. I agree with Emunator on the same things. I listen to a lot of dubstep styles from the deep and chill to the high intensity punch-the-wall kind. I REALLY hate a lot of the fanbase though- it's very divided as far as music fans go. Anyways, that's probably why my expectations were high. The synths are mostly basic analog sounds. Usually that's fine when they're layered really well (a lot of dubstep uses plenty of analog goodness), but the production is way too dry and unprocessed, and am surprised this cut the mustard for an OC ReMix. To make a comparison to the more oldschool OCR-heads, it's like a dubstep version of Liquid Neon/DJ Pheonix mixes. But if I were to say something good about it, at least the arrangement holds up pretty well and it's not as repetitive. The drums also sound a little better at 1:35 and the wubwubwub rhythms do a good job in complementing the drums. The same applies for 2:37, that part will sound pretty good if I imagine it with more effects. So the passion seems to be there, but it just needed more time in the oven. (Edit) What makes this even stranger to me is that he really is , and could've went with something else.
  2. Here's a remix I completed, though just probably not gonna submit it since there's too much source and not enough original stuff. But I'm letting you guys enjoy it at least. Jak X Combat Racing only had a few electronic tracks, and this one is pretty standout to me. I just liked hearing it during a replay, or when I'm fixing up my car in the game. The beat was just catchy, and I gave it a harder edge. The source track is called "To Be Reborn" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aFjb4iPPNZw The remix can be found here Enjoy!
  3. Bad title. You should call it "Scary Monsters and 8-Bit Sprites" :tomatoface: I like the music box intro, especially that winding sound. Good atmosphere. The mix gets muddy at the busier parts, and the drums don't seem to push through as much as they should. I will echo chthonic about the drums. This is one thing a lot of people don't realize about aggressive dubstep when they listen to it- part of the aggressive effect is that the drums jump out at you. isn't very chaotic and has a lot of empty space, but it's hard and loud because of the percussion. I'm not saying you should go in that direction, but making a point that dirty dubstep is more than just abrasive synths.Aside from that, the loud sections feel "caved in" listening through headphones. The break down parts are fine, but when it moves into the dirty parts, the whole soundscape feels crammed together. I feel like you could use more of the stereo space here. Expand the wobble sound with a stereo phaser or chorus effect, for instance.
  4. The synth work, when you get to the actual dubby wubby stuff, is actually good. But the mixdown of the whole track feels off. Either the lead instruments needs to be in the center, or stereo-panned enough on the sides. Right now it stays around an awkward in-between area. But Soundcloud's also been known to mess up some bass sounds in its file compression. Fix the bass and you have a real head-nodding tune there. I also agree with the others to drop the source tune. It's shrieking too much on the high end, and sounds like a bad recording of it. I like dubstep and glitch hop but that part was grating on the ears.
  5. I hardly use the step sequencer other than some claps and kicks. I do subtle variations in pitch with hi hats and snares on the piano roll. Most of my patterns are more complex than just 4 beats long anyways. Especially for swinging/shuffling beats, there's no way you can do that precisely playing it by key.
  6. There is some amazing ambience going on here. I can definitely hear the Burial vibe. Instant download for me.
  7. I actually like the feel of vinyl, and the artwork that sometimes comes with it, but shit's too expensive. I'm no audiophile though, I just DJ and like digging through stuff. With that said, I've been buying more and more digital tracks. They're just too easy to get. Plus any aspiring producer can distribute mp3s much more easily and cheaply than get a pressing company to press his music on CD or vinyl. I would use CDs to make backups of my favorite tracks. If a CD album exists I would buy it. Unlike mp3 files, CDs are legally re-sellable so if you no longer want it, you can get some money in return.
  8. Seth worked on Dexter's Lab. I'm gonna give him the benefit of the doubt.
  9. I definitely feel you on the drums, they need some switchups and fills, and maybe with different drum sounds too. But what do you think about the bass drum? Does it sound strong enough to you or is it just my headphones? The rest of the source will continue on after the 3 minute mark, but I may be making some chord changes to accommodate.
  10. This is a re-visit from the time The Vagrance and I collaborated on a Chrono Trigger remix... we submitted it to the judges but it didn't pass mostly because of sound quality problems. This time I'm giving it a go again, by myself. Same drum & bass genre, but different style and instruments, and a more updated feel. It's not gonna be hard to complete this one.. the arrangement almost wrote itself with the old version. Hope you enjoy it as well as people did back then. The source music is Secret of the Forest
  11. FYI not all dubstep is dark or heavy, but it's a great adaptation. Most everything in here is surprisingly dry (in a good way) and it gives it a "crunchier" sound than other dubstep of this kind. PrototypeRaptor knows how to approach it in his own style.
  12. Presets are there for a reason, to give you a feel of what the instrument is capable of. A well-picked group of presets is a major selling point for them. Then again, many musicians can work their synths better than the people that designed and engineered them, like pro players that find exploits in games not found in the testing phase. When I want a particular sound, I often go to the present that sounds most like that, and tweak it from there. I kinda stop at loop packs for synth instruments though. If the loops sound a lot like presets, I think "why bother" and just use a synth and not a sampler. There's also the notion that (most) people here are musicians so these things are more glaringly obvious to us. To virgin ears, they don't care about the pieces as much as the whole of the song. I hear the same thing about DJs that don't seem to enjoy other DJ's shows as much as the average person because they can pick out technical flaws.
  13. These kids give me hope in the next generation.
  14. Wiz Khalifa - Never Been Samples Go to 0:46 of the Wiz Khalifa to get to the actual song.
  15. I have a finished song and I need to export the stems (instrument parts) for a song/track that needs mastering. Is there a special macro available that lets me do this instead of clicking solo-export-solo-export-solo-export for the 15 or so instrument channels I have?
  16. It's been over a week since I PMed Flexstyle so I guess he's too busy with other things to be on this project As for you, I'd cut you slack since you probably have to empty your inbox every few days now. If someone has a macro in FL that lets me auto-export stems that will be awesome too.
  17. I hope Tommy Tallarico is gonna remix his own Color A Dinosaur music.
  18. This source is awesome!
  19. Venezuela is so far ahead in the VGM scene.
  20. FINISH YOUR AIR MAN REMIX DAMMIT This has a good beat. The drums are crisp and I like the atmospheric sfx. That backing arpeggio sound is too similar to the instrument in the original. Maybe play with that sound some more.
  21. I've already sent the final WAV a while ago, but is there still time to prep the track for mastering? I'd really want to hear what Flexstyle will do.
  22. Timing indeed is crucial, that's why I uploaded my (ripped from website feed) E3 videos up, and my Castlevania Harmony of Despair trailer got more views than Konami's own. I'd like to think my subcriptions have segmented because some people subscribed for my E3 videos, and some for my DJ mixes. My most popular self-made video got 5000 views in one day out of sheer luck. It ended up being #1 on the search results for "dubstep" for a while Try getting in as relevant video responses. I usually post them as responses to a very popular but relevant user with tons of videos. He holds a monthly contest for DJs to show the best 10 minute mixes, but I care more about the views than the prize.
  23. The source starts at 0:20, foo I like switching the main sections around when I remix. Also new update, reworked the melody and bass after the 2 minute mark.
  24. That picture is the artist btw
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