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CC Ricers

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Everything posted by CC Ricers

  1. Damn, this lives up to its name because it is meaty indeed. Didn't think such an aggressive punchy sound like this would be attempted for OCR, much less direct posted. I want to drop this in a DJ set so badly. KICK, SNARE, it's unbelivable.
  2. Great stuff! You're certainly versatile with the cello.
  3. To me it sounds big enough already Rozovian, you're right, I jumped too far ahead with the compression so I removed it and re-adjusted the levels of the instruments without compression so they don't clip. Then I just threw a soft limiter on it. It's still not perfect but you should hopefully hear more dynamics (at least when I compared the two versions I noticed a huge difference). Also, the lack of reverb on the arpeggio lead was intentionally a stylistic choice but I guess it won't sit well with a lot of people so some reverb has been added. I re-uploaded this new version, same link as before.
  4. Those "bells" at 0:48 is probably a gamelan.
  5. With all the Stickerbush/brambles remixes out there, I didn't bother to attempt my hand at remixing it, until now. This one's going for a more laid back, ambient but still groovy type of dubstep. I got most of the sounds down pat, now to just finish remixing it up. Transitions might sound a bit jumpy in the beginning but I think it all smooths out from there. http://soundcloud.com/ccricers/dkc2-stickerbush-symphony-remix-wip
  6. I'm bumping this because I've decided to work on it again.
  7. In-n-Out can't really be the best burger food chain if they don't have them in my town (I used 2 cool smilies cuz there are 2 in the post editor)
  8. So I took it apart, by following instructions on how to remove the top case part. Some small screws held on real tight but, eventually I got them all out. While I was at it, I cleaned the insides with compressed air and took out the bad keys, cleaned that and popped them back in. After re-assembling the whole thing I'm still having problems with those keys. The only option would be to buy a replacement keyboard/top case. Since I know how to remove one now, I'll just spare the roughly $100 for the labor at the Apple store and buy one myself on eBay.
  9. Ah, remember this so long ago on the WIP boards. To be honest the way I remember it didn't sound too far off in quality from what is posted here. I'm always surprised as to what people can do with small source material like this.
  10. Awesome, I like the groove. It has a lot of big overarching elements like the pads but a lot of little details that make the arrangement shine. Also, despite it being ambient sounding, the percussion makes it sound more like a chilled-out dubstep/funky kind of mix. It makes you move and bounce despite the whole laid back feel of the track.
  11. I like these drums, especially the snare. Personally they fit the style you're going for. Keep the source in 3/4 time. It is possible to do the percussion in that time signature and keep it dubstep. The percussion is not following on step to the source and hitting the snare every 3rd beat out of 4. Change the pattern to six beats and make the snare hit on the 4th. Listen to this for an example, it's the only real 3/4 dubstep I know of. As opposed to E-Bison's comment, not all dubstep has to be harsh and with intense drops. There's plenty of chilled out dubstep like the link I posted.
  12. Guess I should've linked to the *official* video, then there wouldn't have been any problems.

  13. I got modded on GameFAQs for posting an OC Remix. LAWLZ

  14. For breakbeat & DnB stuff... genre-specific sample packs are fine, but I would also recommend breaking out for some more creative beats. Like, use drum packs made for house music on DnB. Ghost hits are also very very important for a lot of DnB. Most of the unused 16th notes are filled with some kind of hi hat beat, and maybe a shaker for accent. Vary your hi hats by velocity/attack, and also slightly by pitch. It makes all the difference by making a naked DnB beat sound more pleasant to listen to.
  15. FOR SALE: :::PSP::: PSP-1000 original Japanese w/box and accessories $80 plus shipping. [CC Ricers] Owned since December 2004, great condition, some scratches on the front. Missing the top of the nub but you can still use it. I bought an extra nub in case you want to replace it.
  16. I haven't been able to ask around yet. Just wondering if this is a short lived opportunity considering the deadline of the project.

  17. I collect vinyl records, therefore I like your avatar.

  18. Sorry I couldn't ask to give the track a mastering treatment. We're still chill right :P

  19. Killer Cuts This should not disappoint. It better not.
  20. Hooray for Xel! In hindsight I should've collabed with him when he gave me the offer years ago...
  21. News flash- music on the radio more often than not try to sell you a fantasy, not a reality. Because the reality is too dull for record companies to catch a lot of people's attention. The problem lies in misguided people thinking that the fantasy is real, and usually, very attainable.
  22. This is pretty catchy and well produced. I agree to bring on a better sax. The current one lags on the note attacks sometimes.
  23. I've listened to the older versions and wow, this sounds awesome. Very nice arrangement. The bass in the background, when it's exposed in the less busy parts, is causing some weird buzzing in my headphones. I don't think it's necessarily frequency clashes with other instruments but it could be a need of frequency band cut somewhere. By the way I really like that low pass filter.
  24. A while back I shared Beatdrop's avatar but I changed it to one of my favorite fight game characters. Rozovian I see as mostly serious and reserved, as his avatar portraits are either faceless or partially covered. I hardly use signature images with my username in them, ever don't know if that makes me less or more of an individual in some people's eyes. I just find it redundant to put names on them.
  25. Frequent cussing is a sign of lazy lyrics but if the lyrics aren't intended to be very meaningful or clever, then there's no problem. Not everyone is trying to be a lyrical genius for hip hop. Oftentimes the music just serves a utilitarian purpose, to make people dance and move their ass. Believe it or not, the majority of people are not music aficionados like the most of us. For most people, music is just an excuse to pass time quickly and make more bonding experiences with friends. They are there for drinking moments, dancing moments, or just general moments to make you feel awesome for some reason (mostly where image plays a bigger role than the actual music). It is why some drunken idiots request hip hop or pop to the DJ on a trance night. Artistic integrity and complexity takes a backseat to those things. Like vagrance says, art shouldn't need a commentary...it can just be there to make you say "ooh, ahh" and form your own thoughts that the artist had no specifics on.
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