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Everything posted by Lyrai

  1. My understanding is that a gigantic portion (like 85% or more) of The Escapists' traffic is people who want to see ZP. And then leave. Which, to be honest, most of their other stuff is complete shit. So they're trying to stuff ZP with as many ads as possible for either cash or they're kneeling to advertisers who are getting mad that people only watch one thing and don't stay to see the other ads. Total shot in the dark, though.
  2. I stopped caring about E3 a few years back. I think a few companies hold the same mindset.
  3. The Star Wars Soundtrack (A new hope only) Sesame Street Fever Village People: Macho Man That's it.
  4. http://na.square-enix.com/ctds/ being active suggests that North America, at least, will get CT DS in short order.
  5. The plot thickens! I strongly suggest adding the above info to the first post of the thread. Also, none of those freehostia.com links work, at least not for me.
  6. Most games come with some form of XBLGold trial. Hell, I know a few people who just buy a big name game once a month and stay on gold via the trials.
  7. I gave it a whirl and found that while I liked the combat, the roughly 70 million different controls you need to use to win made it somewhat unfun. And then about seventeen people told me that the Ace Combat series offered the same type of combat of Sylpheed, but better and less complicated. So I went and got rid of it. They had no copies of Ace Combat in, so I grabbed Senko no Ronde for $5 for some shootan fun. Yes. Some of them work, but the vast majority of them don't. None of them have any problems running on my computer, so I'm almost positive it's something on the Xbox.
  8. So, with the Stimulus check, I picked up a 360 Pro. Grabbed Crackdown, DMC4, and Project Sylpheed with it. Sylpheed was traded in for Senko no Ronde. I was very amazed at how smooth it was to stream stuff from my computer to the 360, but one thing bothers me. I'm trying to stream Whose Line episodes to it..and over 3/4ths of them stutter like mad, making them unwatchable. The audio is fine, it's just the video. What the hell's going on?
  9. a GPS Unit for my car Mario Galaxy Prime3 Corruption Batman: TAS Season 3 an iPod Nano Star Wars Vault (a book) Schultz: A Biography
  10. I was dissapointed when I clicked this thread and discovered something other than Russell Cox inflating a rubber inflatable toy in his likeness.
  11. Done and done. Always glad to help. Would it help if I linked it to a few IRC channels I frequent?
  12. Guys, come on. It's totally possible he's been actually doing this for months now, and it's just a freak coincidence they're the exact same. I mean, it can happen to anyone!
  13. Breathe in...breathe out....breathe in...breathe out... And sorry for cutting this short. Next time I'll bait him along.
  14. I may or may not have been posting on all his videos "Stolen from OCR [insert link to mix here with Youtube's URL workaround thing]
  15. I just got into the Harry Potter craze a few months before Deathly Hollows dropped. I liked Hallows, although personally I was hoping Harry would have used the stone to call Snape up and at least apologize for hating him so much/thinking he was evil
  16. When I first started using Lyrai there were 0 results when I searched for it on the internet search engines. Now there's this creepy livejournal bitch who took my name. And a bunch of Norwegian sites. WEIRD.
  17. http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=07/05/23/0112232 They rejected it.
  18. Iconic Items month. I call The Box.
  19. I was going to say something, but Blizzard summed it up for me.
  20. I just have a small question, I have access to a university connection a few times a month, and occasionally I'll use it to download massive amounts of OC REmixes, toss them on a burned DVD, and mail them out to friends who are stuck with dial up, or no internet at all. I don't charge them for them, a few of them give me a handful of dollars to cover the DVD and postage, but that's it. Does this conflict with anything in there? Do I need to clearly mark on the DVD "OC Remixes"? It seems obvious what the answer is, but I've been burned in the past for assuming what I think is the obvious, and would prefer to have direct clarification.
  21. [quote name=''[\()/];270282']Indeed. Thank you Koelsch1 for sharing your intricate and extremely helpful information on this subject. I mean' date=' jazz is just some guy blowing air in a tube or something right?[/quote'] I just wish I knew what a theif was. Now a THIEF, hate those fuckers. But I don't know what this "theif" is.
  22. Awesome, Arcade Bumstead from Turkeyhandle.
  23. For those of us that don't have TV, what happened? I always liked the Eds.
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