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Everything posted by Legion303

  1. Try plucking the strings as gently as you can when tuning. -steve
  2. You and me both. I've got about 150 of those according to the sequential numbering, of which I went back and completed maybe 3.
  3. Perhaps, but is it really that hard? -steve
  4. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=vst+%22gig+format%22 -steve
  5. My method is to get the levels where I want them, apply EQ and compression where needed, and tweak the levels again. -steve
  6. Yes. You just can't save your work, but you're free to use all the synths and features it comes with and export to mp3. I'm 38. -steve
  7. The kid said he wanted to "try" FLS, which he can do without getting a pirated version. If he really meant "I'm going to use this from now on as my main DAW," he would have said that. And in that case, it's worth the money. -steve
  8. I use BFD, sometimes to good effect. A large part of getting that authentic rock sound is to think about how it's done in a studio and replicate it. I usually isolate and separately effect each kit piece onto its own track, but the overall sound is better when I remember to add a room mix (whole kit) too, with subtle reverb. On an album you'll have one track for overhead mics, one for a mic or two aimed at the kit from a few feet away, one in the kick drum, and maybe one on the high and mid toms. There is a lot of bleeding audio this way, adding to the huge sound. -steve
  9. You mean the generation that knows what records are, right? (I did it for the lulz...I had no idea what "crate digging" meant either) -steve
  10. If that topic doesn't mean anything to you, then you haven't spent hours scouring German websites to find someone who will ship a Backbox to the US without a minimum order. But if you are looking for one, www.saitenmarkt.com will send it for 15 Euros plus 10 Euros (!) for shipping. That still totals less than the Tremsetter, which is currently around $37 before shipping costs at musiciansfriend. My Backbox got here in about a week. Absolutely worth it. -steve
  11. I've been playing for 21 years and it sounds pretty damn good through my laptop speakers (my soundcard is at work, so I'll give it another listen when I get there tonight). And the last time I commented on zircon's guitar attempts I was flaming him, so that should tell you something. EDIT: sounds pretty good through computer speakers and a good soundcard as well. I suspect I would pick up a lot more with headphones, but the only thing that really stood out was at the end where a real guitarist would use alternating pick strokes, and zircon's version sounded like it was all downpicking. -steve
  12. [overcoat] akira yamaoka probably used like [overcoat] a guitar and shitty FX pedals to make his pads [Legion^] he used a rusty piece of sheet metal and some reverb [overcoat] exactly [overcoat] this is fucking Yamaoka here -steve
  13. I don't know how I managed to miss this one until tonight, but god damn. You guys sound like the aborted love child of Optimum Wound Profile and Diatribe (in a good way!). More collabs, please. I want an album of this awesome shit. -steve
  14. I'm happy with my E-Mu 0202 USB. But if you're giving away your Presonus, I'll give it a try. -steve
  15. Looking at you, Rick Rubin. -steve
  16. I would talk about it with CotMM. I hear he's good at those sorts of sounds. -steve
  17. Not in FLS9 you can't. Read the thread in looptalk. Here's the result of me choosing "pure" colors and the resulting washed-out pastel shit forced on me by gol: EDIT: I got the dll loaded into IDA and found a color picker breakpoint. Stay tuned for a "bite me, gol" color fixer patch for v9. (Hilarious--the second time I've ever cracked anything, and both times it was a program I legally owned.) -steve
  18. Gol is pissing me off. It was his decision to phase out patterns (my method of creating music since Scream Tracker 3), and just now I found out that he's behind the terrible new color scheme. You used to be able to color your pattern blocks any color you wished. Now you can color them in about 8 shitty pastels, Making red look only slightly different from brown and literally making black the same as white. His reason for this is because one person changed his skin (yes, this had nothing to do with patterns at all) to have white text on white buttons and then complained about it. To Gol this meant locking down the palette for everyone. Great fucking decision. All of the functionality of FLS is ebbing away for me. I am very likely going to go back to FLS8. -steve
  19. OK. One mainline injection of Amon Tobin coming right up. *jab* -steve
  20. Step 1: Click here: http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=drum+lesson&search_type=&aq=f Step 2: Watch the videos and apply the techniques to your drum programming. Step 3: Stop making me listen to boring, repetitive default drums. Warning: may not apply to people who play real drums and are presumably already learning this stuff. -steve
  21. This was absolutely amazing, and now I want your vocal skills for my Undying remix. I just listened to it again, and the only criticism I can come up with is that the drums seem to be panned oddly (everything almost dead center except for one ride cymbal). This is good shit. -steve
  22. I guess I'll be the voice of dissent here. I didn't like this nearly as much as I've liked Mazedude's past work. HOWEVER, the chiptune stuff in here really took me back to the days of Skaven and Screamtracker. Good, but not your best work in my opinion. -steve
  23. Sorry, I wasn't clear enough. I believe something is wrong with the capsule itself. All the solder points were fine. What gets me is the fact that it DOES pick up sound, just not very well. Like it's under water or something. -steve
  24. I thought these things were indestructable but that apparently doesn't include sitting on a mic stand unused for a year, because it no longer works properly. My preamp works. My soundcard works. I bought a new mic cable and that works too. The mic itself still makes a tiny amount of sound when I crank the gain way up on everything and bang the mic on my desk, but that's it. is anyone experienced with repairing dynamic mics? I don't have another $100 to blow on a new one. -steve
  25. This is from the "lost reg code" thread:
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