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Everything posted by Legion303

  1. Certainly! Let's do "Mmm Bop" by Hanson... Yeah, if you're not too busy with the new baby duties, shoot some song ideas to my email and we can figure something out. -steve
  2. It seems lately like I just have no interest in making music, and can't come up with ideas. Even trying to remix other stuff leaves me wondering what the hell I'm doing. It's been almost a year since I completed a song. Any tips? -steve
  3. FLS apparently runs decently under WINE in linux, according to the forums. -steve
  4. To kill mud, drop frequencies around 300Hz. To get a Slayer sound, do what they do: kill all the bass frequencies in the guitars. -steve
  5. Guitar player here. The guitars on the first song are fine, but on the second one the lead is so loud it's clipping. Turn it down and roll off some of the higher frequencies a little. You need better drums. -steve
  6. Which issue? I have the May through August issues within reach and they're all DL DVDs... -steve
  7. I had a subscription until the U.S. distributor screwed me and then stopped replying to emails. Note that the magazine doesn't come with a mere CD, but a full dual-layer DVD with every issue. -steve
  8. People in costumes is one of the many reasons I no longer see movies in the theater. EDIT: and it was a VERY good movie. Not #1 of all time as IMDB fanwankers would have you believe (_12 Monkeys_ still being my solid favorite), but it was easily the best of the Batman franchise. People in this thread who claim the other movies stick closer to the "older" comics while this one is more like "new" ones apparently don't realize Frank Miller's storylines are almost as old as me. -steve
  9. This: http://www.radioshack.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2325928&cp=&pg=2&searchSort=TRUE&sr=1&retainProdsInSession=1&y=6&origkw=microphone&kw=microphone&x=13&s=A-StorePrice-RSK&parentPage=search -steve
  10. Wait, I thought he was trying to learn about guitars... -steve
  11. Summary of Snappleman's post: play around with it a lot. -steve
  12. If you really want to get crazy, record your drums realtime into the piano roll by tapping notes out on your computer or MIDI keyboard instead of mousing them in. -steve
  13. This is a troll, right? -steve
  14. Unless you aim to submit it to OCR, in which case you may want to review the submission guidelines. -steve
  15. Speaking of Computer Music, did any other US subscribers get fucked out of issue 123 (March) and now the US distributor won't return their emails? Because that's happening to me too. Apologies for the thread hijack. Please land this thread in Lebanon. -steve
  16. I ordered a refurbished Photon X25 from Alesis, but they sent me a Photon 25 instead (no optical XYZ controller or audio device capabilities). They fixed the error by doing an overnight delivery advance return--if I had wanted overnight delivery in the first place, it would have cost me $72 more. Some warehouse flunky made an understandable mistake and grabbed the unit without an "X" on its model number, but they really bent over backwards to make me happy afterward. So consider this Alesis spam. If the controller doesn't suck, this is definitely a company I would give money to again. -steve PS: the controller doesn't suck so far.
  17. The hell it doesn't. I had to resharpen my knife edges last year. Also not sure what you mean by "made to evade licensing requirements." The edge series IS licensed from Floyd Rose (Ibanez pays patent licensing fees or royalties), and they say so right on the trems. -steve
  18. I use my thumb and four fingers. -steve
  19. D'addario XL 9s. -steve
  20. My vision consisted of me putting 8-9 different game tracks in a zip file and asking Matt if he liked any of them for remixing purposes. -steve
  21. It happened because you gave the rod a full turn. When you get your next guitar, never go more than an eighth of a turn before leaving it at least overnight for the wood to get used to the new configuration. Better yet, take it to a luthier and pay a few bucks to have it done until you learn that adjusting the tension rod is a terrible way to lower your action. I fully endorse the RG series. My RG560 is the best guitar I've ever played, and the action--which I lowered with the bridge posts--is smooth as butter. -steve
  22. This would make you a DADDY of the Monkey Machine. I'm still reeling from the revelation that someone from OCR had sex! See you in about 1.5 years when you start sleeping again. -steve
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