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Everything posted by DragonFireKai

  1. It seems they're taking all the downsides of real life to virtual life. First, biological warfare in WoW, now Pyramid Schemes in EVE.
  2. Well, It seems like there's a little interest here. I'll go ahead and set up an OCR Corp tonight when I get home. I'm think about HQing it in a fairly safe system for now, probably Perimeter, because we'll probably have a few people who are just starting. And does a 5% Corp Tax sound reasonable? I'm open to any suggestions. Does anyone know if we have to sacrifice a virgin to DJP or something to use the OCR name, or can I just go ahead with it?
  3. Did you get involved in the social aspect of it, or did you sit in a corner and Mine Tritanium?
  4. Cool, if we can get five+ players going on this board, I'll be happy to work up the cash to get a Corp off the ground. GO FORTH AND RECRUIT, MINIONS!
  5. I must say, that was a pretty slick Shipping E-Mail, much better than the Amazon standard, It Has Shipped.
  6. My CD player quivers with anticipation.
  7. I just started playing this suprisingly awesome game recently. http://www.eve-online.com/ Anyways, I was just wondering if anyone else on here plays. I'm DragonFireKai in-game, just like everywhere else. Feel Free to look me up. I'm also thinking about setting up an OCR Corp if we have a decent amount of players.
  8. The most high-speed evil overlord thus far.
  9. You da man!
  10. Why must imageshack fail me?
  11. Hey, Gollgagh, I managed the cobble together an aproximation of what I'd like, using my feeble MS Paint skills. I'd apreciate it if you could resize it and touch it up.
  12. Naked Snake, Bandanna and Eyepatch, please.
  13. I Demand A Big Boss Avatar!
  14. Eh, I think I can take him.
  15. I just randomly generate a smart playlist of 25 songs from the larger smart playlist of every song in my library containing OCRemix.
  16. Apparently Arek and I are still going to fight to the death over this one.
  17. And you think I didn't lurk for a few years before registering my account? please, I always conduct a proper recon. I see you will not accept my peaceful terms, so we are forced to take things to the next step. A fight to the death. I'm free monday afternoon. Bring it!
  18. I was here first. But I shall graciously extend joint use to you, if you want it.
  19. The more things change, the more they stay the same.
  20. When will people learn that being profficient in counterstrike does not make you profficient in urban warfare?
  21. What would that make his Remix Review threads look like?
  22. I initially read this as "Does anyone know what un mod this is?"
  23. He's been on the site for 4 years and only has 200 posts. It's obvious he doesn't plug himself into the community as much as most, so he didn't know what happened to Protricity. I just think a sticky would be nice to help people who missed notable events in OCR history, like Virt's rebellion, Prot's banning, the sidebar jihad, and the nuking of unmod.
  24. Ok, yeah, decapitating a live goat on stage would be pushing it. And very messy. Idea for the GoWIII conference?
  25. Excellent orchestral piece. Well worth the download.
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