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Everything posted by DragonFireKai

  1. I like the way you worked the drumline in. Dropping it out at the end and opening up essentially a pipe organ solo was a good way to keep people focused on the song. Good job.
  2. At 1:42 the snares get overwhelmed by the cymbals for a while, and the ending is a little too abrupt IMO. It could also use a little more bass to root the song. But other then that, it's great.
  3. Just something for them to consider. I'd feel really important if they did. If not, hey, I'm really important anyways, just not to the One-Ups.
  4. 1,395 songs right now. I used to have about 7,000 but my Hard Drive melted, so I'm slowly rebuilding my library.
  5. Every time I hear this song, I want to go out and watch the sun set. Then I realize I live in Oregon and haven't seen the sun for 4 months. So I watch the drizzle for a while, and still feel very fufilled. I really love that about this song, it's very versatile.
  6. He went a very different route from the last mix of his I reviewed at the start, but he loops back around, and brings the Harpsichord back in for a brief period. It remains throughout, but unlike in Reminiscence of Feelings, it doesn't become the focus of the song. Instead, the brass takes over, giving this mix a Wagnerian feel for a period. It reminds me of the great multi act operas that the great composers used to put together. There's a demarcation between the songs mixed, but not enough to throw of the pacing of the song as whole. Excellent work.
  7. I love this style of orchestral. There aren't enough Baroque style ReMixes here. All of the Orchestral mixes try to be very grand in their scale, but this is a nice departure from that. By bringing the Harpsichord to the forefront, it makes the entire mix more subdued, in a good way.
  8. I love a well done vocal performance on a song. A bad one can ruin it, but that's not the case here. My only complaint is that the double notation on the bassline is a little dissonant, but it's a fairly minor complaint. I really like where it picks up at 3:05, the change of tempo really imprints the song in my mind. It has kind of a Sarah McLaughlin feel to it.
  9. It's definitely got kind of a trip-hop feel to it. I could see it being used as background music for something like 96 era Bristol.
  10. Hmmm... a nice slow pace, suitable for any relaxing task at home. I play it a lot when I'm cooking or reading.
  11. I think the interlacing of the guitar and the woodwinds really makes this one a winner. It's not a raw guitar mix like some of Kaijin's earlier works, it's much more expansive then that.
  12. It's very one dimensional as it stands, very few mixes can pull that off. You could make it very interesting by bringing in background lines. Perhaps an african drum beat at about 16 seconds. Maybe throw in a didgeridoo. Or a strings background would work well.
  13. SOL: Shit Outta Luck Sticky: A special thread not bound by the laws of gravity, ergo, it does not fall down the page when not posted in. This is because it sticks to the top.
  14. Come to Portland or Seattle sometime. But not in the Summer, I can't make it in the Summer. Around Thangsgiving would be nice.
  15. Yeah, I am. PM with the details.
  16. I was addicted to Robotech: Battlecry for a while.
  17. You know, there were a few agonizing minutes where the new episode didn't dowload off of iTunes. I was almost tempted to download it straight of the main site, like a heathen. Thankfully, it didn't come to that. Great Show Guys!
  18. an hour and twenty seven minutes? Yes! THANK YOU!
  19. Wow, this is definitely one of my favorite mixes on this site. I love Pixietricks' voice, and Shonen isn't too bad either.
  20. Wow. I had heard alot about this remix, and I finally got around to downloading it. WTF? This is so Bizzare. I'm speechless...
  21. This remix is truly great. the echoing phases perfectly. Kudos on remixing such an obscure track!
  22. this remix and zeratul's Millenial fair 2001 perfectly play out for carnivals, 2001 is about the exhibits, and blue skies is about the games and rides, I love it.
  23. I prefer the 600 AD in Piano, but this is a good piano piece.
  24. I love this remix. it's got enough going on to keep me interested. just great.
  25. good but not great, I like the song, and the piano is excellent, but there's only so much you can do with a piano by itself. but if you like piano, or CT, download it.
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