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Everything posted by Monobrow

  1. On the other hand, no one disagrees with my insanity and gets away with it.
  2. Guys guys guys... time share! p.s. bleck is not a troll :/
  3. Hi guys, can we just say that fear can affect people in many different ways, and responsibility isn't always clear cut on what someone should do? I don't fault either decision but I think there are pros and cons to both! Also it really depends on the person doing the exploiting. If you think they'd do it every day then w/e... But usually people get bored, and its only when you make a HUGE DEAL ABOUT IT EVERY TIME that they come back and do it again because that is what makes it entertaining.
  4. I think this is a difference of opinions here. If Dave was making OCREMIX3 would he take down the system that is working here and put the site on hold for a year or two, for the new launch?
  5. I think what Bleck is saying is, something full of holes etc. is better than nothing at all. People have waited a long time. That is what he is trying to say. p.s. Nothing worse than killing your site and a system people were using then making them wait a couple years for something else only for it to not work... I am not complaining, but generally speaking it's still a point to be made.
  6. oh yeah I remember that... my browser couldn't load it all...
  7. Cool so far Txai. Doesn't look bad at all, though I agree with some of the advice above. Also <3 your sig, fyi.
  8. Hey I got a track WIP, I wanna try out for this... WHo do I talk to? I hope the WIP I am working on is an unclaimed track, I am not sure though... I just kind of picked one at random hoping for the best!
  9. I have to say that I thought that cello was live at first, very nicely done with the articulations etc. You coulda fooled anyone.
  10. Why not do like... ten select songs from that game, maybe as a bonus CD... I mean... It would suck to prolong this any longer... Some people have been waiting so long and are impatient and gonna bitch you out haha, but if you are really gonna do this... Do like 10 tracks... Select the worthy ones instead of making people go rhrough them, and let's get started on it NOW. Haha... I mean by all means if you want me to try another track I will, but I am about as reliable as a something really not reiable (I suck at metaphors)
  11. If you need animation tips/critique of your work or ideas for scenes or planning them etc. etc. I am your wan... Basically I am good at telling people what they did bad.
  12. www.fileupyours.com - besides having a hilarious name, before I got other hosting, I always used this. Just have an e-mail address and remember your password, and keep your account active at least once a month, and you get a good amount of free hosting...
  13. I love Rainbow Road. I can do it flawlessly (no brakes, finger never off gas) with Koopa Troopa. I'm not one of those crazies though, that can do insane full speed hop turns with DK jr or something... Holy shit that is crazy.
  14. Actually I think it sounds like another version of Rainbow Road... A lot of the music in that game was pretty busy IMO... But I can see what you're sayin'. lol at the comments so far
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sVhBS-G3GI8 So basically guys, I wonder just how many people would think this is an actual unreleased track? Haha...
  16. I did like path-ology I used it for a film assignment to promote PRODUCT X
  17. lol me too actually, my song has been done for a while now, approved, and officially named, but I'm still "ALMOST" status on OCR forums... Mot that I care though, I think it's funny considering I am WIP queen of the world. In the time we've been waiting for DQD, I've basically started and almost finished another song since, which is lol for me... (Not that this project doesn't take TOP priority) ahem
  18. I think you two should combine the two. Seriously.
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