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Everything posted by Monobrow

  1. I dunno what page but his name is like Meigornahbmahnadsbwhatever the hell and I also was pretty sure because his sig mentioned China and he was talking about how he didn't get the Azngurl... Also he's at .org as a mod if you really need to reach him. edit: er... JACKED WITH MORE INFORMATION! Goddamn you Sologamer! He might have had to search or something goddamn convenience!!!
  2. This thread wins if only because you guys got Ace! to post in it.
  3. Totally kickass Seb, I <3 your music dude But please please please put the second part of the snakeman stage in here! FOR THE LOVE OF CELLO
  4. Yeah and he peed his pants from the trauma too!
  5. Burn out already jeez

  6. Skryp is da shit yo Also wtf at that video
  7. man I kinda hate threads like this... WHATEVER HAPPENED TO MONOBRO
  8. Layed back mix Txai... Maybe it just sounded a bit too old skool.
  9. Those are some badass synths Seb... Jeez I love 1:08 harmony accompany
  10. I have yet still to play Homecoming... However I really like 4... It had to grow on me, and even though I think the aesthetics (especially in lighting and texture) in that game are something to be desired (they are nothing compared to 3)... I still think the story is a sad and thoughtful one. The hauntings and ghosts are kind of trite though.
  11. hahaha dude, I am definitely keeping this this reminds me of amstrocity stuff
  12. he's a way cool dude and I've been waiting for him to finish like four songs for the last year +
  13. Please if you haven't, play Silent Hill 2. It may not be your true cup of tea (it's an acquired taste), but the story and the uniqueness of this game is more than enough to warrant trying to get into it... If you haven't played an SH game, play SH2, and if you haven't played SH2... You're missing out on one of the best games ever made, hands down The soundtrack, story, and atmosphere is more than enough to warrant this.
  14. Damn this thread is awesome, and the only reason I've gone to offtopic in a long time
  15. there isn't enough rage and anger in this thread is 2009 the year of the puppies or something>?
  16. Yes Fishy! Every time I buy a new computer or reformat my older one, I do the following: 1. I download and install firefox + noscript 2. I visit majorgeeks.com and download and install: a. spywareblaster to block any bad shit b. adaware and spybot to run occassionally (spybot to block bad shit) c. ccleaner to delete uneeded stuff from my system/memory/registry/ and I can access msconfig and uninstall programs easier. 3. If I ever suspect anything wrong, I go to trend micro online scanner Anything else, I go to majorgeeks.com forums, run hijackthis, and go through their huge resource of programs, some made specifically for getting stuff off my computer. Actually though, I never have to resort to online scanning or suspecting something is super wrong or asking for help... I only say this because I have fixed other people's computers for them by following these steps (family, friends) Or even by just simply going into the task manager or msconfig, and deleting something bad in safe mode and checking the registry... I've personally not had a "virus" attack in years, and feel that if you get one, you're either Xerol, or just need to get on the ball and stop downloading suspicious .exe files and going to bad warez sites and allowing every plugin to install. Seriously I will never use Mc Afee or Norton ever again. Those programs have always been more of a problem than a solution for any system I have ever been on. There's so much free stuff out there, who needs a resource hog that you have to pay for? Even if Norton HAS improved, I'm sure they are still too invasive for me to want to keep around.
  17. I swear to christ, no shame... seriously YOU'RE DIGGING UP something I had buried!
  18. You haven't been around long enough to know the real problems of this site. This is my last straw, seriously. I come here EVERY DAY, the least they could do is make it work for me EVERY SECOND OF THE DAY.
  19. Man this is so annoying, I can't navigate OCR at ALL! You guys had better do something about this! If you're broke, just tell us, I might even buy a T-Shirt! I'm sick of this@ First the sidebar, now I can't even navigate the front page... And the what's with the judges'?
  20. Believe it or not, I have 1-4 lol. It's like the slow deterioration of his mind... By the end, you'll never be able to go back...
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