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Everything posted by Monobrow

  1. I really wanted to adhere to the high standards of the original with this one... I'm kinda mad actually, wasn't there supposed to be a FRONT PAGE SPOTLIGHT for the release of this project? And now nothing is up and we aren't getting any of the publicity or exposure we were supposed to... wtf djp?
  2. congrats also that is a catch, I would never have noticed, I almost never pay attention to the background music in clubs in tv shows and movies anymore, I have to watch them multiple times... bad attention span!
  3. Hey, just wanna let you know I've tinkered with stuff, but I really kind of want to hold off on doing this until I've got a feel for what everyone else is doing. So when you guys get that stuff together, let me know... IMO the soundtrack would probably work best if it were more cohesive and each level wasn't a completely different off the wall sound/ambience/style... But that's just my op.
  4. Gotta give Tom credit though, I mean he was like 13 when he wrote this. On a side note, when you gonna try to remix again DC13 eh?
  5. note to self: I am a banana

  6. You know what's weird, when I was a kid I loved The Brave Little Toaster... But I watched it again a couple months ago for the first time since I was around ten, and man the animation in that movie is not stellar. It's okay, but for some reason I remembered it being a lot better, a WHOLE lot better. That doesn't make the movie itself bad though, that was and still is one of the weirdest animated films ever, and nothing beats: CRAZY ERNIE'S AMAZING EMPORIUM OF TOTAL BARGAIN MADNESS!!!!!! Also yeah, I miss the hell out of Don Bluth... Talk about quality. The first thing I saw from him was actually his Disney work on "The Small One".
  7. Anything by Tori Amos because she had like two singles that people might know and about seven completely amazing albums spanning almost twenty years! ahhhH!H!H!H!! <@
  8. Kinda sounds way too similar to the DW3 orchestral arrangement IMO... He probably got his inspiration from those, because man they are beautiful. This is beautiful too though so w/e, though it would be easy to make it so with reference material like this. Also yeah, yikes on the clipping. This is way dated so I hope I don't sound too harsh. I kind of always forgot about reviewing this song since I've heard it so much, but it just popped up on the front page so what the heck.
  9. I'm interested in the water Sunken Facility, or just interested in general. Will help (damn skrypnyk, you think you can do chill you think you can chill it out?????!?!!)
  10. Thanks Rexy, did you know the project file for that song was "standingthepainintheass" lol... Also thanks Prizm, this is what I was talking about anyway, it's not about my taste anymore, I could dislike my own song, but it's out there for other people to listen to. So picking your favorites, everyone's is gonna be different. Which is why I think this project works in the first place, there's so much to choose from.
  11. I WILL NEVER EVER EVER EVER TOUCH STANDING THE PAIN AGAIN!!!!!!!!1111 Really, in defense of the quality of tracks... Take a look at my Pain Withstanding song, and then listen to Altar Perception, a track I started a year later. I spent hours trying to "improve" on Pain Withstanding, and you can ask Kyle, even though I pretty much finished it within the first month, I kept working on it over and over, off and on for about a year... And as much work I put into that song (mostly in instrument choice and mixing as well as just trying to get it to goddamn load and not glitch out on me) I still to this day, hate hate hate hate it, and think it's an awful representation of my skill levels now. BUT I DON'T FRIGGIN' CARE! I may not like Pain Withstanding, hell a lot of people might not, but if someone does, then that's enough for me, and at one point, I did like it. It's a song that no one claimed on the project, that wasn't even listed as a choice, and I decided to do because I liked the original... And hopefully someone who likes the original as much as I do, will be able to appreciate it. If not, they can go to the next track, or the 50 others to choose from. In other words, you can't always push for a re-working of a song on someone saying it "could" have happened as the obvious choice. Easier said than done, every time. Sometimes a musician needs to just move on and do something else, otherwise you'll be beating a dead horse. And sometimes people eventually do come back to old music and redo it... But this was a project, and it has many more factors to it than just the individual's personal growth and motivation to redo a song. Quality over Quantity? Well why not both? AFAIK, there's plenty of quality on SoS for a community such as this... And many different genres to wet anyone's taste buds. And the ratio is far better than most people expected from what I've read. I mean, you guys are gonna list your favorite 12 tracks and say "THESE ARE THE BEST TRACKS YOU SHOULD HAVE CUT THE REST!"? Well I bet your favorite 12 are gonna differ from the next guy's. I think Kyle's (and Lea's) priorities with this project were spot on. He worked with people in the community, got an incredible amount of songs done, and as a result, we get a bunch of songs that span five billion years in their creation, as this grew and the musicians within it as well. He didn't cut tracks just because they were old, because his priority was to get the project done and keep the ball rolling, which amazingly enough, he did.
  12. I love that someone tackled this song, however even for all the really awesome soundscapes created, it's still so repetitive that I got kinda of ho hum after about 2 minutes in. It's like a cover with lots of sound manipulation... Not sure if I am describing this well, but that's how it feels... Wouldn't have hurt to manipulate the progression/melody/anything of the song as well as all the effects and drums... But that's just me. Nice first though. Excellent fx/mixing and instrument choices though. Really do like the leads that you did end up choosing (except the strings, didn't really do it for me at the end) Kudos.
  13. yeah actually I think there is only one great track and it is in the bonus section and too bad it was never finished!
  14. It takes both natural ability, and the drive/opportunity to work at it to become the best. With a little bit of luck, you have the opportunity to have both ready and available for use when you want to be the "best" in whatever it is that you do. With even more luck, you get all this through your own merit and love for whatever it is that you do well, and nothing sours. In terms of music: I know there are many people that were not quite as naturally gifted as some, but have worked their asses of to become respected. They have passion and they figure things out on their own from hours and hours of continuous pursuit of expressing themselves. However for you egos out there, just consider this, IMO for every person that is famous and recognized for their talent, I think there are hundreds of people that probably have more latent abilities, that could take it all further and have more to offer, if just given a chance that you've been given. So many people, if they had the opportunity to realize what they could do, well I think the playing field would be leveled, and slowly it is. It's really evident nowadays because of the easy access people in the modern world have to make their own music. You think you're special? There's a thousand other people doing the same thing you're doing, in their parent's basement, in their room during High School, in their first apartment while trying to raise their first child, etc. etc. I wonder if there are any grandma's with their first computer, for the first time in their lives, having ready access to express themselves through music with a touch of a mouse? Self-discovery is a rare gift IMO, especially at an early age. I'm really grateful that I've even had this opportunity to just mess around for a few hours making some video game remix or some dinky song about groundhogs at age 27. On the flipside, check out Youtube and type in the word "child genius"... See how many proud parents are posting videos of their special kids. Hell, just type in "genius" and I bet half of them will be children playing the piano or violin, or recognizing flashcards while eating a cookie. I think it's even rarer for natural ability to not spur a parent into an overzealous rage over their "special" child's abilities, and I don't know which is sadder, pushing your kid into a life where his only merit is his talent, or letting talent go undiscovered. Both suck! SO yeah, what I mean is, I think it takes a mixture of luck, talent, and opportunity to be the best, and I think it practically takes a miracle for the recognition, and the ability to survive all that comes with it without going insane. the end
  15. finally got my setup working so I will give this a shot! :J
  16. Wow thanks a lot. IMO it's not the best but I'm really glad you guys liked it. I worked very hard on it and I got some amazing people to help me out (Prot with the percussion, AeroZ with the amazing cello, and injury's great and really quick on the fly vocal work) I really appreciate the kind words dudes :J Btw, I really really love Tepid and Prizm's Horizon song, holy shit that stuff is tight, goddamn.
  17. You're absolutely right. Movie-wise, the 2d animation industry is an absolute disaster right now in the USA. Not to mention, 3d will be joining them shortly. Pixar might last, but the fifty billion other copycat studios are getting old real fast with the public. 3d has basically shot 2d in the back, and are putting the gun to their own heads, all the American public needs to do is to pull the trigger. Profits might be up currently, but I foresee a huge deflating soon~!
  18. I gotta tell you, 'Desert Nights' is the most unexpected genre choice EVER. I love you Usa haha edit: oddamnit there I go again new topic page!
  19. oh happy birthday there, lord of power and all that, don't get all power hungry forever in your land of the midi
  20. Happy birthday Fatal! GODDAMN HAPPY BIRTHDAY I SAID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3
  21. I'm glad I can finally hear the songs of people that are on this project besides mine, because seriously I was so damn curious and there were so many dead links! Also yeah, thanks Kyle and Lea, you guys had the best project ever. Seriously, no drama, such friendly faces, no politics, that's how a project should always be run. :J
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