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Everything posted by Monobrow

  1. Hey there. As far as an OCRemix, I don't see this being posted, but that being said, it's almost what I'd expect you to hear at a Runaway Five concert if Earthbound had come out today instead of in 1994/1995. As far as arrangement goes this is pretty straight forward, not much of a difference from the source. Honestly the first minute or so sounds like a midi rip with a little flair. The drums are pretty nice though, the little breakbeat is neat. If you put this all in by ear that's very cool... After the first minute, this basically turns into a cover... I'd say as for the soloing after the first minute, it's pretty cool, if a bit robotic... The notes (and instruments) are a bit too precise for a song like this to come across as genuine... (as really it's hard to mimic this kind of music well with sampled instruments anyway)... You REALLY need to work on humanization of your instruments, especially the sax... The problem being though, that in a song like this, a sax may have some squeaks, may have longer pauses for drawn breath, more seemingly random notes... And solos go on forever and ever and ever sometimes, with the rest of the band taking cues eventually, in other words... It's not convincing. However, I do not have any problems with the solo writing itself, if you got some guy to play this solo with a real sax, it'd be interesting to see how he managed. Do I hear an electric piano in this? If so there could be a cool rhodes solo after the sax, that'd be neat... More instruments need to solo... I'm used to hearing other instruments getting a chance to solo one after another... Then eventually they all work together at the end. Pretty typical. Anyway neat, good luck with this, and all your future songs.
  2. Yo, I'm working on both mine and mine and Long's right now. So far I'm having trouble getting the sound I want for Babil, but it is progressing at least, sounds better quality. Also reworking Underworld again, it's gonna have some PHAAAAAAAT beatz. But yeah, have been working, will post updates sometime soon.
  3. Your sig makes me a saaaaaaaad. Also the tracklist for this is neat guys, give it a try.
  4. ahhh registering to things sucks and takes like five extra minutes!
  5. Sorry guys, can't go, but have a good time. Looks like when I go up there it won't coincide with this.
  6. I talked to Dracko the other day unban him plz k thx though he won't know it cuz he never will visit here. But do it for the lulz
  7. Damn tablets... Who needs them... I'm that hardcore and also broke.
  8. Glad to see you included the rest of the source there. The piano does sound a bit plinky... But w/e, this is a guitar mix. Great job guys!
  9. I no longer really post WIPs at that board, however I review stuff sometimes, as I can understand the frustration of the OP when it comes to people actually taking the time to listen to a song and giving an opinion that's worthwhile. While I've come to the conclusion that I can usually find what is wrong with my own songs because I'm pretty hard on myself, it is nice to have others confirm my doubts, or like something that I worked hard on... And sometimes sections that I really hate, someone may like, and I can pinpoint why I didn't like them easier... And not scratch the entire part... etc. Anyway, good advice or recognition can give someone the drive to continue. But that being said, people who rely on others to continue and post WIP after WIP can be using it as a crutch in a way. (hehe) There's a point where you need to buckle down and just work on your damn songs without waiting for everyone else's approval, because it's your song. Feedback is great and useful and good feedback really can help... But there's there's a difference between using feedback and relying on it. I find it easier to go to someone's song and if they have given me specific areas they need to focus on or have problems with. It's easier for me to be more specific, if the person can recognize their own problems beforehand... That way we can work on a solution instead of just finding what's wrong for them. That'd be more interactive, though I'm not so sure people'd want to invest that much time into it. A lot of my advice comes down to the ability of the person who posted the WIP. I always try to give them something that will push them, and hopefully make the song better IMO. Sometimes people respond, sometimes they don't... But anyway, that's how I go about it.
  10. Okay... I gave this a listen. My advice to you, is if you are going for that R&B feel (and Doug/Drumultima mentioned this somewhat before)... But I think your drumbeat (as you have said) is really boring. What I think you need here is to use your drums for emphasis on the beat. You have a pretty neat bassline going... Beef it up, I am not really sure I like the sample you're using there... But maybe you could try to EQ it and layer it with something else. Anyway, back to that bassline. It's a good trick to, when your hit a note in your bassline that you want to emphasize (say at like :57) A common misconception I had with drums for a while was thinking I had to interchange the hit with the high hats and the kicks... But don't feel afraid to emphasize things within your drum patterns by putting down snare hits, crashes, and kicks on the same beat (usually an offbeat) that your bass is hitting. Lining up your piano/bass/whatever else that can help emphasize the rhythm... All at the same time in a measure can really add a dynamic feel to a song (especially a song of this nature) It's about taking the rhythm you've set up, and really owning it within each measure of the song. R%B really accomplishes this by choosing a beat or two within a measure and utilizing all the resources of the song to carry that rhythm across. Overall the beat going with the snare and the kick is okay, and the bassline works well... But just listen to each measure and think about what you're trying to do with the melody and the bassline within that measure... When you're satisfied, move on. Whew
  11. haha.... awww I mean... interesting
  12. Ansod is juj he's all grown up right before my very eyes and is fully bearded ::tear:: Oh yeah and Fishy is... swimmin' in a larger pond? Yeah no shit thkz :J
  13. "Pulling his tracks" is actually guitarist speak for having sex with his mother.
  14. 13 - Graaf, Emperor of Darkness I'd be willing to try something with this... I've got a few ideas already. SO give me a bit and if I come up with something I will let you know asap.
  15. New WIP http://kngi.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=448 <------ Tales dudes click this Guys get to it plz, though I'm not sure what I expect. I figured this wouldn't hurt anything at this point though. p.s. Kyle update first page for me plz one day or actually don't, so people think I'm not done forever haha
  16. The beginning made me think of David Lynch meets Tron meets Bill Nye the Science Guy... Um... That was cool
  17. BGaE2... Yes yes yes yes yes yes
  18. Just saw this. I'd say 8/10. I enjoyed it, I left satisfied. However, as far as Indy movies go, I think it's the worst one. In the realm of Indiana Jones movies, I'd give it a 6 or 7. Honestly, if this movie had been made 10 years ago, for a number of reasons, I think it would have been up to par with the others, and maybe could have surpassed them, and that's pretty much the only major thing that held it back... The spark wasn't there quite as much as before. Don't get me wrong, a lot of the action was great, and the fast paced moments in acting were good too, although a lot of the slower dialog, especially early on, seemed a little forced. I enjoyed the chase scenes a lot. The fighting was great too, from the stuntmen to the actors. But I do think that when someone (Harrison especially) was explaining some plot device... I just wanted to space out. When things got slow, they really got slow. Like in the Diner... I found myself not even pay attention to what Indy was saying, I payed attention the beer and the reactions of the people in the background. Then again maybe I wasn't supposed to follow what he meant? I heard key words and that was enough? Maybe so, who knows. Another thing that bugged me was how disjointed the pacing seemed. I hardly remember where they went or why they were supposed to go there, which seems weird because they spent so much time explaining everything! Some things just seemed pointless and probably could have been cut IMO. One last thing that really bugged me... The monkeys the monkeys the monkeys... wtf... I mean really lol. Does George Lucas have to have a moment like this in every damn post CGI movie? The prairie dogs were enough! BUT I don't think I've laughed as much as I did in any Indy film as I did in the snake/rope scene, and the nuclear family part was ridiculous but I didn't care. In Temple of Doom, I think three people jumping out of a crashing plane with an inflatable raft in the mountains, and ending up down river in some Indian Jungle is ridiculous beyond belief, and why I love Indiana Jones movies in the first place. They are supposed to be like this. I also enjoyed the diner part, and the motorcycle chase, the waterfall had me cracking up too... Also I'm not exactly sure why, but I laughed at that picture of Sean Connery... Probably shouldn't have. As for the plot... I didn't mind it, just some scenes that seemed a little arbitrary in comparison to the other films... Just some things missed their mark to me. But overall, good movie. Worth seeing. Oh yeah and the score... Not that great. I can remember Temple of Doom having a certain theme to it, as Raiders had the Ark theme (which we hear reprised in the warehouse) and Last Crusade had an awesome theme... But I can't even remember it the Crystal Skull had anything thematic behind it.
  19. Yay for free time... Something I never seem to have much of!
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