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Everything posted by Monobrow

  1. The songs I liked: I liked "Jah is So Amazing" I voted that one up a few times. It's a bit repetitive but w/e. I also liked "Giving Love".. At first I wasn't really paying attention to it, then I just kind of got into the positive message and lyrics. I liked. "Robots in Love" was clever and catchy And I also noticed that when I was voting, some bands changed their pictures, and were getting either voted up more, or voted down more depending on those pictures. "I Let Lie", I noticed when it was a picture of some girl, no one really liked it, but they changed the picture to a baby, and people were liking it again. I think it's neat compared to most other songs, but anyway this was just an observation. Also that Jenny McIntyre has a pretty voice.
  2. haha, I don't know about anyone else, but I am keeping this... I don't really know what to say about it honestly... I guess it gets a bit repeditive, even with instrumentation... You could go a bit crazier honestly.
  3. Oh cool, if I get to go I will get to see you and Ash... That'd be awesome. Anyway, I will still probably be a maybe for a while. Hope everything goes well. I'll keep checking this thread.
  4. update this! We need triple the compresszions
  5. this is... fuckin' weird I have no idea what to think of it
  6. whoa that was so fast you should post it on youtube and gaet a billiaotn views favorted
  7. The Purple Drink Is The Best Drink Because It Is Purple
  8. I think he's siding with Nintendo mostly because the competitive market is swollen with what seems to be the white-unshaven-anti-hero guys, and he's finally grasped that. It's very true atm, and I have to admit myself, that I get tired of it, not only in video games, but in the grand scope of entertainment as a whole. That's not to say that Nintendo doesn't give its share of fluff from the other side of the spectrum, but the scales have been pretty tipped in the opposite direction, especially as far as the European and American markets are concerned. I think he may be a bit over-assertive with his views, but it seems like most of the time, he doesn't take himself as seriously as he may come across... He just really seems to dislike the disgruntled anti-hero stereotype... And this isn't anything new. When it comes to storytelling and who we look up to, Hero vs. Anti-hero is an age-old struggle, especially within the last forty years or so in the entertainment business(Taxi Driver vs. Rocky) (Pulp Fiction vs. Forrest Gump)...((attitude era vs. 80s toon wrestling)) (grunge vs. 80s rock/metal)... This has been evolving (or devolving) for a while... I find myself that I enjoy games within this balance, that don't really adhere to either formula, and are what they are for a reason. If the means justifies the end, and vice versa, that's what matters to me. An innovation "builds" off of something, and builds off it in a way that works well, and does so creatively. As far as characters go, I judge them for what their story is, and their background. Does the design fit with it? Is the story interesting enough to explain the design? As long as they don't RELY on their unshaven "I am a badass because I don't CARE ABOUT ANYTHING ESPECIALLY MY FACE" attitude, and actually have some content to back them, it makes it easier for me to accept. But on the other hand, you can have what you think is the "coolest" design ever, but if the concept surrounding this design sucks, it's not going to help anything. What a waste that would be (and has in so many games) That said, CONTRAST can help anything... If you make a game with all browns, and your character is about as interesting looking as your nextdoor neighbor, and he happens to be wearing earthy shades... Well that's not going to draw my attention. It's like trying to find a polar bear in a snowstorm... What's the point? Actually I'd probably rather be playing a game with polar bears in snowstorms instead.
  9. Okay, nice improvements in the drums. Also were those flutes I heard? They were a nice touch at 2:00. The production is nice. The synths are nice as well, I have no problem with their sound or anything. They compliment each other nicely in their little duet they have going. I really like them. Real nice and steady improvements. BUT I WANT MORE! haha Now for myself, I still kind of crave more chaos in this. It's a battle song, and you have a nice groove going, but it's still a battle, and the groove adds this nice contrast to what I think you could be doing with this theme. Now you've got the drums doing more, but I think you could be pushing the envelope with everything else. To me, it still sounds too repetitive. The same synth pretty much basically headlines the song for almost it's entirety, and this will definitely wear on a listener's ears after a while. Not to sound harsh, because I hear the differences, however subtle, that you do with each part of this song. But if I were to sum up the song for someone else, I'd probably tag on that it does chorus/verse then rinse repeat. Maybe for the second part where things get more intense, at around 1:40, add more instruments, do something crazy. Hell, have you considered maybe going a little orchestral behind this somehow? You just have so many options! Behind your chugging bass and drums, I can imagine string hits etc... Or to go along with your organ thing you already have going, you could do some badass chords with the synth duet at the end... To me, that'd be pretty natural considering the association with the bad guys in this game and the Golbez organ anyway. SO yeah, basically I just still wish for more, to me it's still not quite there yet, though it is still quite satisfying. But push your limits, please. BTW nice touch with the drums at 2:15 ish... That's what I'm talkin' 'bout
  10. This thread is the pinnacle of the vg remix community. I'd like to thank you all for the time we had getting to this moment.
  11. First off, I love this so far, glad to see that you've come back to OCR to give this a shot, and are willing to share. Anyway...I'll start by saying the drums/bass is a little bit repetitive, but it still sounds nice. However, being that I think the concept behind this mix is neat, I will say that, the song is just not quite "there" yet, in terms of OCR quality. See, in terms of arrangement, you have these long-held notes that just kind of drag on from the main theme, or repeat motifs over and over. I like them, and how they sound, and conceptually they are nicely true enough to the source without being too close... But it's just not enough. You just need more going on behind the scenes... and since this is a synth song, go crazy with it... You have that opportunity. That or the neat organ you have playing... I love that... Anyway, what you need to happen here is you need something in the background to help contrast the main progressions you are building. You need to work in more synth-based counter-melody and chords/hits. Work that organ, arpeggiate those synths. The harmonies are neat, the synth sounds are nice, the soundscape is decent, the drums are pretty...but... And the beat/bass, you need to take more liberties, be more experimental, take CONTROL of that beat you have going there. There's so much more you can do within a measure if you push yourself a little more. For example, at like 2:18 you do this 2 beat hit...with emphasis from organ... I liked that... So later on, why not try triplets?... Play tricks on the listener, get intimate with your beatz... Variety in a beat like you have going can do wonders. Anyway... I do think the bass may be a little too overpowering, because I am listening with my headphones, and it is already a little drowning... But I won't say for sure myself... I'd just go with those others who said the same thing. I love FFIV and this song, and this is neat for sure, the concept is lovely... Just push yourself. p.s. I swear the part at like 2:20 reminds me of Mt. Koltz from FFVI or something similar, if so, nice work in. p.p.s. If you need any help or more specific advice pm me. Good luck.
  12. Sweet percussion, especially in the beginning. I really like it. The piano part at 2:50 at first was kind of clinky to me, I wouldn't have minded more sustain/release/pedal/reverb (anything) but when the chords came in fuller I liked it more. Probably more of a personal choice. Plus the piano joining with the other instruments in the background towards the end added a nice touch. Anyway, it was a fun song. Nice to see another McVaffe mix.
  13. I've been known to be in KY around that time of year... So if it turns out that I am in the area, then yeah I'd go. But don't count on it, because it would really depend on a shitload of factors. We shall see though. Sounds fun.
  14. Kind of, but I think you only get "rewarded" if people actually do anything and get featured, and that seems to be a long shot. Anyway I just wanted someone else to check it out and tell me what they think. There may be some people that like it anyway. OPTIONS OPTIONS OPTIONS.
  15. Hey guys, I was doing some research and found another site like Ourstage called Famecast.com Since there's been this hoopla about Ourstage with recent happenings... I thought I might as well tell you all about this place. So far it looks pretty legit: It gives out cash prizes just like Ourstage. So far, they've paid people over $360,000 in cash prizes and given some industry opportunities to upcoming independent artists. There's a $10,000 cash prize for each category. Anyway check it out? Famecast.com <----link
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