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Everything posted by Monobrow

  1. When is your birthday, do you want a thread
  2. Hahahaha, oh man. Thanks Doug, that was funny... There was no contest after all luckily, my sister signed me up on this sheet of paper, and she gave me the name "Sharon Krotch" Fun night! Thanks guys.
  3. sorry I have to be supporting atma atm, he is in dire straits!
  4. Just an FYI, Rexy added me as a director for this project because she is never around. If you have anything to send or offer, send it to me. I have not received one PM from anyone regarding this project, and sent a bunch out when I was added. So if you have anything, SEND IT HERE, if you want a critique, ASK ME, if you want help, ASK ME, if you are interested in a song, even if it is claimed, ASK ME, if you want to try your song again or REDO YOUR OLD AS HELL SONG, do it! All a director can do is try to motivate people and listen and be receptive, and maybe set DEADLINES - but if no one is doing any music, or trying to make it better, what's the point of a deadline if no one else is showing any interest in the project to get in? I'm not bitching at all here, I'm pretty fine atm, but I just do wanna say, if you want this project to be done, YOU have to make it happen, make your songs, and send them, end of story. Otherwise things will not change.
  5. omg too many of those fucking sigggggggggggssssssssssssssss ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :J
  6. I associate much pain and agony with OCR lulz
  7. DarkeSword + GrayLightning = power level 13,000,000
  8. hahaha... I knew it! Didn't talk to Gray much... He seemed like a nice dude for the most part though. Also MN needs to come back :/
  9. I like this album, also I am on it, also my song on there has been updated a billion times since then and will never be done lol.
  10. Yo cool dude, ltns again. Anyway listening to this, I recommend a low end synth or pad or something behind stuff (especially for sections most important to you) You've got a nice high end, but this needs more low. Love the drums. Anyway, that bass needs to be SWEETER. The writing is cool, but you need to find a way to make it shine in the EQ. Have you thought of rhodes accompany to anything? Write some sweet beat induced chords to accompany the changing melody please, triplets, whatever. You got nice pads and stuff, just maybe a little funk off beat chords with something else could help. Doubling up some of those lead instruments with something else (try things like vibes, piano, or other really weird synths) could probably help a lot too. Cool so far!
  11. Sup dude, nice as per usual: You're right about the piano, it is a bit harsh coming in. I think you could emphasize lots with your piano. When the drums start to pause with the bass, maybe you could cut off the release of the piano with it on that one note (around 1:20+) Articulate that neat pause thing more. Drums are a bit repetitive, could have a few nuances here and there. I'd maybe recommend later with the piano to cut out the accompanying left hand notes that go up and down the scale (or do them with another instrument) and instead do something like triplet chords on the left hand while keeping the right hand going. I also want to recommend some pads or strings (with maybe some sfx) coming in with real slow attack to real fast crescendo (is that how I would describe it?) starting in on beat 1 then releasing on beat 1 of next measure. Something like that. Anyway this is neat keep at it please.
  12. I actually played the first Lufia before the second one came out, and I remember being mildly curious about Maxim and his crew etc. Then I played Lufia II, and I think honestly that knowing what happened at the end because of the first Lufia made the second game that much more awesome. Seriously, references to the first game and stuff were way cool. Anyway if you can get through the first Lufia because of all the really really annoying random battles every step, I'd recommend playing it first, just because from my POV, playing the first made the second even better. But that's just me. Also did I mention Lufia had the worst random monster encounter rate since NES dragon warrior games? Also speaking of Dragon Warrior (Quest), play my favorite: Dragon Warrior IV, for the NES. I love this game. Seriously, it's highly recommended. Two other people have mentioned it!
  13. I don't have a live journal, the world is my live journey Anyway this thread is basically a live journal, I was just following suit.
  14. I done took it to livejournal anyway. Also yeah it's a great song, and you have to admit that was the perfect opportunity :U
  16. Whoa it is the famous sleepy song piano... In brand new angles and dimensions.
  17. There are some sick sick non-sequitur individuals in this thread... First thing, portfolio matters the most. Make it stellar, most of the people I went to school with ended up redoing their portfolio after college, because they realized that their college portfolio wasn't good enough. Make it good, and you have a much better chance. On gaming design: I think it's awful that most of my friends who went to college and graduated in the same school as I, that specifically majored in gaming design, have ended up having it so rough. It's a relatively new degree, and when it was introduced I remember a lot of professors all but outright telling us it wasn't a very smart idea to enroll (and I remember a few kids who wanted to switch from media arts and animation, or graphic design, to gaming design, and were thankfully given the good advice of not to) Right now a lot of graduates from media arts fields have it rough, but it just sucks worse for the gaming design people, because I know that many feel that they wasted all this money because it was a private trade school, and haven't found any jobs to pay off their HUGE student loans, and they got such a specialized degree that they really didn't learn much else. I mean yeah, a lot of my friends from this school have still had a lot of trouble with less specialized, more generally accepted degrees. and still haven't found a steady job yet and have moved from one freelance job to another, or have been recruited only to have been layed off as their company was downsizing, or going bankrupt, etc... Some have been moderately successful, but others I know have had a career full of failed projects or on the side jobs, which was nothing that was promised to them when they enrolled, and this is partially due to the HUGE influx of kids who want a career in these "dream fields". Competition is way rough. But yeah, out of all of those majors I'd have to say that gaming design kids have probably suffered the worst, or have just had to try somehow to get a job in another fieid, or have gone back to school to study in something else, or have gotten that "dream job" and have discovered that it was nothing like they imagined. This is a pretty pessimistic view on all of this, but IMO if you want to do anything today, you need to have a realistic view on where you want to end up, what it will take to get there, and realize that it may not be what you planned, and that what these schools tell you is lined with grade-a bullshit. However all that aside, if you still want to do this, I say work for your goals despite it all, and do your best, give it your best shot, blah blah blah. That's what the people hiring in these fields want anyway, a tireless, optimistic, robo-worker that loves what they are doing no matter how weak their link in the chain is. They want you to be grateful for being there, and you SHOULD be, because there are hundreds of other kids that are waiting in line to replace you. Anyway I have basically just echoed a lot of sentiments already given, just with more needless wordsz. TRUE DAT!!!
  18. Yeah, give us the candy, okay? I want to eat the candy.
  19. hey can I be your friend because you have da best blog in da world
  20. Just listened to this again. This song is damn good. You guys should hear the UNCUT version haha.
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