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Everything posted by Monobrow

  1. That would be awesome... Please come back :J You saw the other thread right? Maybe you guys could collaborate/help out the other guy and get something started. Anyway will listen.
  2. Portishead is basically great, i.e. Roads... So I will definitely check this out.
  3. Yeah, that's one I really wanted to see honestly. Him all grown up. I think it could have left a neat parallel for this whole father/son thing that's in this movie anyway, since Short Round had that experience in a way. Plus he's a stunt coordinator etc.... Still useful for a Hollywood action flick! :/ Oh well, here's to hoping it's good enough for me!
  4. Man, I still love this thread. Keep it up guys.
  5. haha, you guys will see it will all come to fruition this whole endeavor you will see you will see
  6. Why debate if you know your opinion is heavily biased. A bias is: a. A preference or an inclination, especially one that inhibits impartial judgment. b. An unfair act or policy stemming from prejudice. So basically, from the start of this argument, you've shot yourself in the proverbial foot. This is already a flawed argument. You're jumping to conclusions. Let's work some logic into this argument okay? 1. Music would not be made without a composer, and yet we need a performer to perform the piece. They go hand in hand. Without a composer, we would not have music, and yet, without a performer no one would be able to hear the music the composer has made. Many composers are also performers, many performers are also composers. Didactically speaking, seminal evidence seems to explicates the fact that your repudiation of entropy supports my theory of space-time synthesis, of this I am irrefutably confident. 1. Everyone plays the pieces differently because we are all different. 2. If you don't like how someone plays, then you don't like their INTERPRETATION of the piece. It's valid to not like something because you think it doesn't stick close enough to original piece as it was intended. But there is no ultimate judge in terms of how to gauge someone's playing other than on their interpretation. Interpretation is the sole determinant of a performer's depth all at the performer's discretion? Does mastery over the trivialities that even babies could comprehend, make them so deserving of our respect? Babies don't even compose music and yet they understand the difference between these. Does respect, garnered through competitions against other classical "musicians" and classical judges whose very foundation revolves around the ability to emulate make a difference? In other words, I ask you this. Should we set up a shrine to Beethoven and honor his name and donate to his soul? Or should we carry on with interpreting his music because we love it enough to play it over and over? I think the solution here is easy, we should get the DeLorean, go back in time and show this thread to Beethoven himself. His eyes will well up with tears of love and he will confess is love to you and only you. Art is either completely meaningless or completely worthless which is a fact. We live in an age of eggplants and my eggplant is bigger and purple and you can say to me "Oh I don't care about how big your eggplant is because mine is more ARTISTIC... And I look at you and I think that the world has gone to shit right there.. I mean how could you begin to say something like that to me? I was here first, with my eggplant which is bigger and more skilled and older... And yet THERE is your eggplant on the pedestal and all I can do is watch. What's worse, your eggplant is basically cloned from the same stock as my eggplant but it is NOT INHERENTLY better because it's has come from my eggplant's ribcage. I can't fathom how. Art's been tainted by things such as MTV playing things like Soft Cell... It's become this strange easy-going mass of pseudo destruction... A three chord song passes of as a Timbaland composition that can top the charts, as if it were an Amadeus, or a Mozart... And you can have a confrontation with Daos in a museum in mother Russia that's supposed to represent some obscure perception of reality... THERE IS NO OTHER REALITY. I am looking at a painting and then I look in a reflection of a mirror at that same painting and I realize that only when I look at this painting, does it exist. which is what the seller uses to argue his price of 5,000 euros. Whenever Houdini is as old as Beethoven is now, maybe we'll start seeing what's acceptable or not in the art of deception through a different lens. I ain't no Shnabubula, but I can play a good banjo... But the banjo is not how God intended a guitar to be played. So it's inherently wrong. Inertia defines guitarism as a plague on the nation ever since the 80s... It's been snowballing out of control and now we have bands like 3 Doors Down playing four chord progressions and calling themselves good. But in truth I prefer Seal or Meatloaf to Three Doors Down, and this was before Meatloaf developed tits and was more associated with Bats. Princes is a musical genius. Frankly, I'm upset that the masses can even call what we do today as art, our interpretation is horribly whack. I mean, speaking of Prince, in the original Batman movie, the Joker (which is a horrible interpretation of the true form of the Joker, and Jack Nicholson should be shot because he ain't my number one guy) in the movie, he goes into this museum with this purple paint and screws up all the old art! I mean fuck what the hell... I didn't mind him messing up the de Gaulle... But the Mona Lisa? Fuuuuuuuck.... And that is exactly what I mean. Leonardo would be turning over in his grave if he saw that happening to his art work... And that's exactly what happens when a "performer" tries to add their own stuff to the music. Purple paint. Everyone knows that purple is ghetto, and that Leonardo was a Euginics supporting White Supremist. You get my point?
  7. point the older gentleman to http://www.chrono-crisis.com/ when it comes out maybe someday (not an official CT game but w/e it has Alex Roe)
  8. happy birthday yesterday, today is my boyfriend's birthday actually so happy birthday to him as well, this has nothing to do with your birthday other than they are a day apart... the end happy birthday
  9. Haha, awesome as per usual. Man, if you tweaked this and that drumloop-ish thing you got going, I think this would be good to go. Really, there's only some balance issues when everything is playing together, and I think a finale where you go crazy with that Link Synth would be awesome... Damn you for not finishing this! :/ I love the percussive breakdown. Jeez, don't stop! Anyway, very fun. Brawl's soundtrack would have been 10000x better if this were on it.
  10. Yeah... Pretty weird reading this thread because no one seemed to mention the obvious to the person who posted that article... However then I looked at the post dates like someone with a brain should. Anyway...
  11. Okay so I had better get my butt moving and render my song out lol. Oh btw... I am going to do something completely nuts and try another track tonight... Because no one did it and it's one of my favorite Symphonia tracks. Less than two weeks to do it? YEAAAAAH!
  12. Well-written, nice punctuation, and you used paragraphs! A+ But where is your parenthetical documentation? See me after class. (jk, that was pretty brave, they should be touched or touching themselves)
  13. Jun Fukuyama I like his voice in various stuff, especially as Lelouch/Zero in Code Geass Cam Clarke The dude's been around FOREVER. But since I grew up with TMNT, I can almost always spot his voice in whatever he does, unless he's completely warped his voice. Also old Akira. Also Kratos... And... Simba??? Rob Paulsen Go to his imdb page and your finger gets sore from middle mouse scrolling. Also another TMNT dude that I always seem to notice in shit. Mark Hamill Goes without saying, he's been mentioned in this thread already, right? Well I'm gonna mention him one more time. Heee
  14. Yay Sebastian. You know, just the other day... er, a couple weeks ago, I was wondering why people haven't done some quirky cool shit to this source material. And then here you are! I have to go to work now so more comments later, but awesome so far!
  15. I can't get his crazy laugh out of my head
  16. the dude who did vegeta first in dbz
  17. checked it out... way awesome... You really know how to set a groove going
  18. We all want to thank you forever for this wonderful observation.
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