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Everything posted by Flare4War

  1. Actually, I was more making fun of the side effects of rice. lol Wasn't trying to be a racist dick.
  2. What are you buffoons talking about? Don't you know why Asians all have buckteeth? It's all that rice. They get on the toilet and when they grunt they always press their tongue hard against the back of their two front teeth. You, ain't going to get the liquids in China. No siry'.
  3. Umm... Wow. There's only a few remixes of this genre that I like. This is officially one of them. The guitar work is very well structured. Love the turn it takes at 3:15. I like finding good songs/remixes like this and putting them on for sound rather than the game sound, while I troll through Ninja Gaiden II killing all. This is perfect for that. Yep, I could definitely slay fiends to this. In fact, I think I shall. Great job Neko. Edit: p.s. I agree with Vinnie in regards to the battle theme. I always thought it was a little under bar my self when held up against the rest of the CT soundtrack. Even, more kudos to Neko for that because his translation of the battle theme is stupendous.
  4. So. Damn. Good. Yet another phenomenal mix by DarkeSword. I noticed about half way into it that I was compulsively tapping my foot. I really like this one and I can tell it's only going to grow on me. I thought it was very creative where it went at 2:10 and even more awesome how it leads back in at 3:00. More piano work might have been cool but I wouldn't dare say there is a lack thereof. I also liked the cutesy outro. Great job. Loving it.
  5. Awwwwe, shucks Txai. You shouldn't have!
  6. Hello, and welcome to the forums. If you haven't read the first post or 3 in this thread please do so, it should clear up a few things. If they don't, feel free to ask a question! There are plenty of people here to help.
  7. Careful dude. Arek is very protective over her.
  8. If I beg? Rant: Good fucking, fuck. Ten mother fucking, fucking, fucking characters and then some fucking more. For fuck sakes!
  9. Did not know that. So basically you both have the same picture archive and it's just a matter of who gets to what first?
  10. That's why I added that gnarly, "..almost..." Which one is in Brazil?
  11. Every time I see Txai and FR make petty exchanges one with the other I literally snicker. It's almost like they're hangin' out on the porch drinking beer together.
  12. Had to tag archive the BioHazard one, looks neat.
  13. It's true, it is very common for writers to make humans neurotic and selfish. The writers of 'Mass Effect' did this somewhat too.
  14. No trouble at all for me. Also, latest version of firefox.
  15. Gotta love the pretzel on her neck. Hahahaha.
  16. Is that Fire Emblem characters FR?
  17. Welcome to the community. Yes, reviews are appreciated don't hesitate to comment on the remixes you download.
  18. Besides all those dumb girls???
  19. It's really just remembered by a vast amount of people for how good it was in it's time. Same goes for most older games. If a game corresponds with a nice time in your childhood or the good o'le days it makes you like it even more. For example I'll always remember Ninja Gaiden Black as one of the best games ever made even though Ninja Gaiden II trumps it in nearly every way. Black just reminds me of a time in my life when things were fun and easy with my bachelor buddies, so it gets extra merit in my score card.
  20. When people are patient with Guile he proves himself very formidable. I hate it.
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