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Everything posted by Flare4War

  1. My little sisters would freaking love you Jill.
  2. I don't think this is a movie I could watch.
  3. Keep bein' what you're bein', doin' what you're doin'. Happy Birthday. When you and Jill strike fame and fortune don't forget about us.
  4. Me and my friend just watched almost every one of her videos. She's is very, very talented. Thinking of requesting some metal gear melodies from her. It's pretty obvious she can get the job done.
  5. Go respond to your happy birthday thread in GenDisc. It isn't beneath you.

    Happy 29th btw.

  6. Happy after party AD! No, I think that's DarkeSword.
  7. Awesome videos. Cannot get enough of her playing greenhill zone.
  8. Happy Birthday, AD. Have fun, get wasted, but come back alive or I'll kill you.
  9. You should probably substantiate that a little with a broader comment. As it stands it just looks like you're a fanatic on the opposite scale, "Video games are like a good multivitamin, if you don't play you're worse off!" Persons have always been violent. To what? The real thing? Fat fucking chance. I don't care how much gore you see or enact in a video game it doesn't prepare you for war. Or do you mean something else? I don't say that to belittle. I admit I would prefer someone release steam in a video game than going bat shit crazy and releasing it in real life.
  10. It's getting to be such a massive industry now what with dinosaur companies like Sony and Microsoft involved. I wouldn't be surprised if you see research like what you mentioned taking place in the near future.
  11. This basically. They already have psych problems in the first place. I find the idea that Halo per say pushed him to going on a killing spree incredulous. Rather his parents denying him something he wanted coupled with him knowing where I firearm was. A previous employer of mine shared the idea that video games are evil and ruin little kids. I've always been around them and my little brothers play them tons. It really isn't a big deal unless they are getting in the way of things that the person needs to be doing. (i.e. studying, working, helping their family, etc.) Violence in video games takes a back sit for detriment in comparison to how addictive a game is. MMORPGs would be pretty harmless if they could be played in moderation. Speaking from experience here. The problem is they can't be. They're too addictive and they end up taking over real life responsibilities.
  12. What an insane and tragic story. Chalk one up to anti-video game activists it's cases like this that will turn the tides. The thing I find interesting is that Halo 3 isn't that violent by comparison to what's out there. Yeah people are getting killed in it but the violence isn't that brutal compared to some of the other franchises. The game play is quite addictive though.
  13. I quite enjoy they action in the Terminator movies. The store bores me a little.
  14. Senn px 100's are awesome for the money, but if you're trying to block out noise and be in your own little world they aren't what you're looking for. I have tried several pair of Bose. Do. Not. Buy. Them. Not even close to worth the money. If you're really willing to pay 200 dollars, you can get a phenomenal pair of in ear isolation headphones from Etymotic Research for that kind of money that I'm sure you won't be disappointed in. I have a pair and they are as close to reference as I've ever heard for in ear headphones and I've tried more than a few. I bought ER's flagship pair about 2 years ago. I think you can get them for around 180 dollars now. I paid more then. Trust me, you put those in your ears you will hear absolutely nothing but your music. Someone could shout at you sitting right next to you and they would be a mime to you. Punch in Etymotic Research on Google and look around some.
  15. You fools. Jon Talbain is immortal, what has he to do with age? Everyone knows this.
  16. If it's still your birthday, have a happy one.
  17. Did I miss something or is the notorious and oh so infamous AD not in that?
  18. Well, don't worry. I didn't come to any conclusions, just so you know. It seemed quite apparent that, that was one of your life and living philosophies and there's much more to it than those few lines of text. It's good. I didn't put you in a cottage cheese container and get out a marker.
  19. Hahaha. Ok, RD. More power to ya'. Who's judging who here?
  20. I thought I told you it was for reasons I'll never tell you. Is that one of your reasons for being attracted to them?
  21. Happy B-Day coop. Party like a rock star.
  22. Are you chasing me into other threads over all that. lol Loser. Actually, I find Asian women very attractive for reasons I'll never tell you.
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