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Everything posted by Flare4War

  1. I'll try to keep my nose clean. Anytime I see a Zircon arrangment posted I get excited. When All Hope Has Faded and Calamitous Judgment are two of my all time favorite mixes. This one is great as well. It's definitely Zircon style, very diverse; and always interesting. An excellent addition to his small but powerful stash of Chrono mixes. I especially loved the piano work at the end around the 3:40 mark. Great work. Keep'em comin'
  2. While there is alot of awesome variation in the arrangment I have to agree with some that the over all quality and execution is wanting. Of course I don't mean it in a detrimental way. It's a fun listen. Good work.
  3. I'm not familiar with the FFX soundtrack but I really like this. Very upbeat fun mix.
  4. Best Guardian Legend remix ever in my opinion. A must have, awesome baseline. There is also a sweet surprise at the 2:00 that only a fool would argue with. Cheers! Excellent work. Me likey!
  5. What can I say that they haven't already. It's incredible start to finish. Going directly to my mp3 player and not coming off for a very long time. I'll always have a safe place in my heart for this mix and Disco Dans version Braving TalTal Heights. 100/100
  6. I'v been waiting for a sweet mix of this theme to surface for awhile now...been watching closely waiting to pounce This is more than I hoped for. I think the orientalish sound thing going on in the back now and then is hella creative. Great mix. I'll enjoy it for many listens to come. Well done.
  7. That was excellent. For some reason this mix struck my funny bone. I started laughing when I heard the main tune. Maybe because there was a very in game feel. It made you remember Super Mario. Nice arrangement.
  8. I have already posted how much I enjoy this arrangment but since it was brought back to the board, I'll say again how much I like it. "I like this mix, I like-it-alot"
  9. What can I say? It's simply groovin'. The Piano was an interesting twist. The entire mix seemed peculiar to me. But I like it! Well done DJP. One of, if not your best in my opinion.
  10. This really isn't my genre, but I admit it...this is really good. In my opinion it's the best arrangment with lyrics I'v heard on OCR. Great work.
  11. I think it's pretty good. I really do. Just one question though. Is it actually the ghost house theme? I haven't played the game in ages but it sounds like the fortress theme to me... Anyways, I'm just being petty. It really is a great arrangment. Nice work.
  12. I just thought it was great from start to finish. The intro was long but really good so it wasn't hard to be patient. At 2:10 you start to realize that you're going to get more than you bargained for. Around 3:33 you figure it won't get much better, then at about 4:20 it does. This mix definitely runs with the best this site has to offer. Great work, hope to hear more.
  13. This mix was alot of fun to listen to. I'm ashamed of myself for not finding it much sooner. Another awe inspiring foot-tapping arrangment from Disco Dan. Well Done
  14. While it is true that there isn't a part of this mix that brands itself into your head for hours after hearing...when you push the play button and listen, well lets face it; it sounds great! Another great mix from Darkesword.
  15. I'm very fond of this mix. The rythum(sp? )the beat, the melody, and the timing. It all just hit me the right way. When I first heard the guitar I thought it was going to be too raspy for my likeing, but two seconds later I realized it was great. At 1:21 (I guess what you might call the chorus) those guitars hit in the background though it sounds like there is alittle bit of a piano jingle going on. I think it would have sound even better if that was just a touch brighter. In the end..is is excellent. Very well done work.
  16. Just way too short. Very elegant and smooth though. I enjoyed the little bit there was. Good work.
  17. This mix started and ended well. There were times when I thought it was alittle too busy, where I would have rather just hearing the theme. There was also a spot or two where I thought the percussion was too explicit. Over all, well done. I like it.
  18. Well recorded etc. Altogether though, I'd be lieing if I didn't say it sounded Choppy. It sounded choppy. Just the same, I like the idea. Creative.
  19. Very pleasing and casual. I agree with all who said it should've been longer. I would have liked to hear another minute. Very enjoyable. Great work.
  20. Maybe you don't realize how this works. This is where people review the remixes...you know, where people say what 'THEY' think. Agree, or disagree; but don't tell people to stfu up on a review. Half wit.
  21. First off: I love the beginning of this remix, it is incredible. I agree with what people said about the transition at 2:09. I totally lost interest. The Celtic vibes were a great direction. I didn't feel there was any reason to change course. At 3:13 it gets cool again with the same melody from the beginning but alittle more busy..then approximately around 4:12 those cursed guitars come back and destroy the outro. Overall, I like it. But it could have been great instead of good.
  22. Very nice mix all around, I didn't think there was a dull moment. Great Work.
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