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Everything posted by Thalzon

  1. Is it sad that Reshiram is the first fire-dragon of the ENTIRE SERIES? I mean, dragons and fire go together like peanut butter and chocolate. But then, in Japan dragons are typically associated with water... Which explains all the water dragons, or at least dragons that live IN water. EDIT: Calling the new Prof's name -- I think it'll be Professor Maple in the english version.
  2. The olden days are impossible to recreate on modern systems. In the SNES and PS1 era, JRPGs were the graphical kings. That simply can't happen now without losing everything else. Things that used to take a few days for one person now take months and months for a whole team to pull off. More effort went into modeling and animating Vaan in FF12 than went into the entire cast of FF7. The only games I've seen that are modern with full overworlds and tons of side quests are the Tales games and Blue Dragon, and in those cases they have decidedly simpler visuals. You won't get something with FF13's graphics and FF7's world any time soon, if ever. That said, Last Story and Xenoblade seem less focused on presenting a deluge of cutscenes or being overly-linear, but then neither have the graphics of FF13 either.
  3. de Blob, A Boy & His Blob, Endless Ocean: Blue World, Rune Factory Frontier, and Little King's Story. Massive emphasis on the last two. They are enormously fun RPGs. The former is an addictive harvest moon spinoff and the latter is the most charming game of 2009. It was a great injustice that both games sold so poorly.
  4. It's an action-RPG remake.
  5. He's gonna do FF2 now, right? Right? ...
  6. The aaaaaaaaaaasshoooooooooole The aaaaaaaaaaasshoooooooooole
  7. Both Last Story and Xenoblade feature action battle systems, or so I've heard. If you want turn-based RPG goodness there's always the incredibly-unimaginative (perhaps in a good way) Arc Rise Fantasia out next month. Right now Last Story's main hub city is what's got me most excited for the game.
  8. Wait, so.... Pokemon that are in one version.... MIGHT NOT APPEAR IN THE OTHER?! Revolutionary.
  9. http://reapersound.newgrounds.com/ This guy's double dragon remix sounds familiar. I could swear it was original on ocremix, but I didn't see it when I checked (lazily). Or is this the guy who made that old song?
  10. So are these the Lucifer and Jesus of the pokemon world?
  11. Not quite so sure he played more than the first few story mode missions.
  12. It should be noted that in retail, games have basically zero profit margin. They cost $50 or $60 or whatever from the warehouse, and of course retailers charge the same. Places like Wal-Mart or EB probably get some bulk discount, but even then, profits on actual games are razor-thin. So really, with this plan, studios are effectively running places like EB Games out of business. Not necessarily a BAD thing, really, because EB/Gamestop is their own band of crooks altogether. But I do like finding used games that are difficult to find new.
  13. This type of thing is ridiculously short-term in terms of profit. Games are far from an essential service, and so if the price gets too high, then people will simply do without. Companies like EA and Ubisoft would like to think they are the be-all, end-all of entertainment. But even if it takes 10 years, their nickel-and-diming will eventually get the better of them. But for now, this is likely a sound business strategy. It probably will be for a few years to come.
  14. I got to level 2. You, sir, are far more patient than I. It bothered be that Rei was a silent protagonist.
  15. Anybody play Mark of Kri? I admit I never played it when it was released, but I bought it last year and gave it a try. It was... clunky, dark, and muddy. I remember reading reviews about its awesome disney-like animation and brutal combat... But that was pre-God of War. Playing it today, it feels very stiff and bland. The way it did cutscenes was pretty schwing, though. Or would that be schway? schwell? schweet? Eh, you get the idea.
  16. Yeppers. Hopefully every store in Victoria doesn't sell out before I arrive.
  17. Maybe they can cut out the ridiculous amount of grind that practically punishes you for trying to fit new pokes into your team further than after the third town instead. I think I could forgive random encounters then.
  18. So remember Tales of Graces? Still no North American release date. It makes me a sad panda.
  19. That's basically what I'm afraid of, too. Mario Galaxy will immediately take priority over Monster Hunter, just like Monster Hunter took immediate priority over Cursed Mountain and Brutal Legend... ... And the Condemned games. ... Why am I working full-time again? I have too much to play here.
  20. Does the Tales series count? Also, Wild Arms and Shadow Hearts, even though they are, like, not being made any more... ....
  21. Hooray, I captured the Great Jaggi on my first try. Then I found some crystal bones (and despite finding 10 and not 4, still had 0 after the mission > What the hell.) And saved Shakalaka from... some pretty weak monsters, actually. I've almost got the entire Jaggi close-range collection of armour, too. I think I'm getting a good feel for the game now. Still only using short swords, tho.
  22. Kirby's Adventure is a surprisingly technically-impressive NES game. It never feels like you are cheated and despite its relative easiness, it's got a nice difficulty curve.
  23. More like a Galaxy 3. I meant one more, after Galaxy 2. And Galaxy 2 looks incredible. Rumour has it there'll be a third playable character once you earn all 120 stars.
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