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Everything posted by Thalzon

  1. I Got into collecting some Mario figurines in college. I tend to get only the main characters (ie, no koopas or goombas) but considering the glacial pace of release for these things, it's less an active collecting/hunt and more waiting a year to plunk $10 down on a few readily-available characters.
  2. Wii Fit Trainer is the best new fighter in the history of forever. Between her and Villager, we should clearly be seeing an entire roster of characters who don't have names. Nintendog, Mii, The Tactician, Picross Player, Brain Trainer, etc
  3. Got Animal Crossing. ORANGES. RENT. FOSSILS. HELLS YEAH.
  4. I really just want some whimsy back in the series. There is something seriously dour about saying the token over-30 party member is the "old man" just because everyone else is under 20.
  5. Consoles of yesteryear promised things like better graphics and larger game scope. There was something to shoot for. Nowadays, thanks to digital downloads and independent game development, that kind of thing doesn't really apply anymore. Games can have ANY graphics, ANY scope, regardless of their platform. Honestly, at this point nothing short of photorealism would get a reaction out of people, and that's still a good ways off. Gaming as a medium is also reaching a sort of financial breaking point. You can't simply make things better, bigger, and faster anymore without breaking the bank. It's too expensive and risky. When you can sell over a million copies of a game and still not break even, that tells me that it might be time to dial back the glitz and glamour and great swaths of environment some games receive. But I think we'll sooner see the big players (ie, Sony, Microsoft, EA, Activision) burn themselves out entirely before they would ever scale back anything.
  6. As long as Fairies aren't weak to Fighting types it would be all good as far as I care.
  7. It happened with Magnemite, so it's not completely out of the question.
  8. Hubris is often punished in this industry. All "sides" should remember that.
  9. Currently the explanation is a new pokemon type: Fairy.
  10. You are dead to me.
  11. It doesn't seem like there's very much new to the game, so I might pass on it til there's a dry period.
  12. I threw a bit to the Shadow of the Eternals kickstarter. Fingers crossed.
  13. At retail. I was surprised to see it since it seemed like nobody had it at launch.

  14. I personally take FF6 as my favourite, followed by 5 and 8. The more recent FFs (ie, 11, 13, and 14) didn't appeal to me, and I'm starting to think Square-Enix is a victim of their own success. They've got this enormous fanbase of new and old gamers who all have a different favourite game, a different least-favourite, and everything else, and they seem torn between appealing to everyone, appealing to two demographics whose tastes have split hard recently, and trying something fresh. Back in the PS1 days, Squaresoft was lauded as having the best graphics around. Today, that seems almost absurd, but damn if they don't try to retake that crown. They seem obsessed with it in FF13, to the point where everything else suffers. It was gorgeous, but it wasn't a living, breathing world. It was a facade of propped-up setpieces that were strung together with as little logical string as was feasible. Now FF13-3 is announced and there's barely a single squeal of excitement. People are tired of Lightning's grim seriousness and her world's lack of wonder. Hopefully once this whole FF13 business is sorted Square-Enix gets a director at the helm of the series who cares more about creating an enriched world to explore and less about how feathery everyones' hair is.
  15. I purchased Tank!Tank!Tank! For WiiU, and it's..... competent. But so simple and repetitive (with forcing you to redo missions to progress, to boot) that I got bored before finishing the campaign. Multiplayer is fun in that retarded way.
  16. Little Inferno, when SPOILER!!!! Sugar Plumps's house burns down... END SPOILER!!! made my whole body chill. The most haunting moment in a game full of them.
  17. LKS's boss fights are pretty much universally wacko. Except the final boss. Which is terrifying.
  18. I am amazed at the wide gap between bronze and even just silver in daily challenge 2. Like... how much faster can you do it than around 26 seconds? Good fun so far though.
  19. Here's a video of the wolf man.
  20. Guys. You ARE aware that, despite being the same world, it's had to be completely remade, right? That they didn't just take the existing 2D maps and use their magical 3D wand to make it happen? That they're making completely new dungeons for the whole thing? That this sort of thing happens all the time with other devs and they never get called lazy for it?
  21. Well, at the end of LttP, Link's wish returns Hyrule to normal and apparently the Dark World returns to being the Sacred Realm. There could very well be some unforeseen fallout. However, it's unlikely to be Ganon, since according to the ZELDA TIMELINE (!!!!) his resurrection doesn't happen until the Oracle games. Maybe it's Vaati? He hasn't appeared in this timeline yet.
  22. The Wolf Master in Shadow Hearts Covenant. He's a guy in a dopey, Mickey Mouse-esque wolf costume who aims to rule over all wolfkind. He's also actually pretty tough.
  23. Nintendo has made new IPs but mostly for digital downloads. Games like Pushmo, Dillon's Rolling Western, and Harmoknight. Nintendo has so many beloved franchises now that it would be quite difficult to update them all regularly AND create new IPs (that may ultimately require sequels).
  24. Photoshop contest.
  25. There are some ultimate familiars, actually: Dinoceros is one you can catch in the field, and puts all other mons to shame with his sheer insane damage output. Up his attack frequency and metamorphose him and he's basically unstoppable. There's also Sapdragons, which can only be earned in the post-game, as well as the only naturally-planet-aligned, Nobilia-species mon you get from clearing the coliseum (again, post-final boss). That said, as familiars grow higher in level you may see diminishing returns on stat growth. Drongos and Cutpurrses are such examples. There may be levels where their stats don't go up at all. These are called "early bloomers" -- they receive their best gains early on, before level 50. Late bloomers, on the other hand, start with pretty low stats gains but as their level increases they get much better stat gains, more so than early bloomers. But like I said, Dinoceros makes it all moot so maybe just recruit one of him and enjoy your new easy mode.
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