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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. Agreed! If Arek doesn't want to finish it, then you could finish it for him. It's so far along that to not release anything would be a big fucking shame.
  2. You guys should still do something with that artwork. It would be a waste otherwise. Is the music still around anywhere?
  3. Updated the tracklist a bit, including the more recent ones. Also, I want more Prophet remixes. You don't get enough credit for the stuff you've done.
  4. http://ocremix.org/forums/member.php?u=32201 http://www.google.ca/search?q=Heyden112&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a The same name on other forums has links to wow farming and muscle building sites. Might want to watch out for this one, just in case.
  5. That would be DragonAvenger. Sings, has tits, does musics, sometimes makes postcouts...

  6. Birthday girl is either too touched by our expressions of celebration to respond... or too decrepit from old age to use the computer. Or hungover.
  7. They don't feel pain, and their data (or "consciousness") is uploaded to a satellite in orbit, and downloaded back into another tackikoma brain, ready to be put onto a new body. In fact, the series has the original ones "die" in a battle at the end, but in the movie following the series, the Major somehow used her magical hacking skills to retrieve them and gave them all new bodies and they work for here in her various maybe-maybe not legal activities. That "shriek" is just the modem.
  8. Ha haa, you're slightly older today.

  9. She's how old? I can't tell you, she would beat me within an inch of my life. I guess life is a physical thing now, and they use the old imperial system to measure it. I don't get why they use a measurement of length for it... I would have gone with volume or mass, but whatever. Oh yeah, congrats on outliving a few more of your enemies!
  10. http://ocremix.org/forums/member.php?u=32180 Self explanatory.
  11. Might have something to do with the fact that only a quarter of houses in the US have HD sets. The rest of the world is lower than that, I suspect. While it can be very nice to have that kind of image quality, most of the world isn't there yet. Nintendo is still pretty much concerned with a common denominator.
  12. http://ocremix.org/forums/member.php?u=32151 If he/she changes his/her sig to buying flash memory cards from www.zoombits.co.uk, then he/she's spamming. I found a few account on other forums, all recently created within 24 hours or so, with the same link in their profiles and sigs. See for yourself: http://www.google.ca/search?hl=en&safe=off&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&q=owaispoul&start=0&sa=N All created within a day or so, covering dozens of different sites from games to religion to fishing. Kind of odd, don't you think?
  13. Wait... Dyne is a 107 years old?Did they even have fire when you had your first birthday? What did you blow out on your cake? Did they even have cake then? Hell, did they have numbers yet? My god, are you using the souls of your enemies to extend your life or something? Now I'm afraid of you. You're like an ancient god or something. Please don't smite me.
  14. http://www.amazon.com/gp/feature.html/ref=xs_gb_AI3LQFH46XYGB?ie=UTF8&docId=1000208101&pf_rd_p=441937901&pf_rd_s=right-1&pf_rd_t=701&pf_rd_i=20&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_r=1CCFQZ4PDYRR6FCAAK4E PC version for $28. That low enough for you? But if you want it, hurry, because it's only good until midnight.
  15. I would, but DJP was all "nah brah, that's when someother project comes out," and I was all "Weeeeell, cockfuck. There goes that plan" and then he was all "dude, chillax, it will happen, and stuff. You want to hit this" and I was all "dude, I'm muslim, we can't do that," and then he was all "you're muslim?" and I said "no, not really, I just like to see how people react to that," and then he was all "whatever, man" and I was all "whatever" and then we were all like "whatever. True story. Mostly, there are only three or so remixes left. One with DragonAvenger who had computer problems, and a couple of remixes that just popped up. You want a listen-too, LT? I can hook you up.
  16. http://www.zeldainformer.com/2010/01/new-zelda-wii-information-leaked.php#more Another time travel mechanic? How ever will you fit this one in, timeline twits? Man, I can see them twitching right now, their minds already trying to figure it out. "Wha... no, he- but then... it's all about tachyons, you see... They caused the timeline shift." Man, everyone one of those timeline people are going to have to rewrite all their stupid little theories again.
  17. The piano isn't "bad" it just doesn't fit with the rest of it. I'd stick to the main theme, personally. But if you really believe that you can make the opening credits work, then you might as well go for it. It may turn around and be a point for it.
  18. What? Seriously? That same shit? Even the biggest boycotters gave up on that line of thinking months ago. I can't think of one site or forum that still has anyone saying that. Even the GameFAQs boards stopped that a long time ago. As for the price... Steam likes to put the game on sale randomly, so just look out for it, you might get anywhere from ten to fifteen bucks off.
  19. Meh. It's not for everyone. Some people like it, some people don't. No biggie.
  20. I did nothing wrong. Every incap I did on teammates was deserved. All those zombies had it coming, and the Special Infected kills were in self-defense. I'm just now seeing a few more people that also have had stats for L4D2 lost. It's still a very small number, but they also seem to be the same people that had it happen before. This makes me think that it's a database issue. Something about our group of accounts seems to be the problem.
  21. Bah, even my game stats are wiped out. It says I have played only one game in over 130 hours. My weapon, item and player stats are gone.
  22. Four people! That's all we need for a project. Let's get on it! Vaiyt's the director, everyone else that posted here has to do at least two remixes, but if more post, then we'll only have to do one each.
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