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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. No, it seems that this year had not only an extra day, but also an extra second. Leap seconds occur when you have to factor in for drifting in the total amount of time per year over several decades or centuries. Basically, we aren't getting exactly 365 days to the second, we're getting slight variations each year due to all these factors, like the orbit of the Earth around the sun... it's complicated... but they add these little bits here and there to make the modern calender work. I suppose a wikipedia link would be better. I guess no one told MS about it this year. With all those people working on things, you think they would have had at least one person notice it.
  2. http://www.destructoid.com/the-day-the-zunes-stood-still-every-30gb-zune-in-the-world-has-died--116413.phtml Hooray for checking your time system on your product!
  3. Ugh, let's keep the Chrono Cross stuff out of the Chrono Trigger thread, please. I don't need convoluted theories and random guesses about what the hell is going on in one game, while trying to enjoy another game that is barely connected to it. Sucky. And you can swear here. See? Fuck bitch ass cunt.
  4. This is from an article I had lying around from another site some time ago, and I just remembered I had it. I think most of it applies to you directly. (PS: It helps if you think it's being read by Douglas Adams or someone like him. Every time I read stuff like this, it instantly makes it sound waaaaay more authoritive)
  5. He's been told about the edit button and multi-posting like, a dozen times, and he never does anything about it. Telling him over and over is pointless.
  6. I FULLY SUPPORT AND ENDORSE THIS PROJECT. Link's Awakening is one of the best original Zelda Game made, and easily the best portable title of the entire series. The music alone is a valid reason to try it out. That said, I was disheartened to learn that the project was dismissed, and I am pleased to see Prophet take it over. He's been a constant wheel driving the Missingno Tracks along, even when some of us other wheels decided to stop spinning (my bad... March to June were bad months for me). He's quite capable of pulling it off, and he can lend a nice set of talents to the music. I have little doubt that this project is in good hands with him at the helm. I just realized I used, like, ten metaphors and similes. Eeeew. Any way, I feel good about the future of this project now. I think it will work out pretty well.
  7. You know, I wanted to say this, but I know some of the mods are just gunning for people that even have a slight hint of mini-modding.
  8. That's because they cut a lot of stuff out to fit it into the movie. It's also a lot different from the book. The books are much more... how should I put it... fucked up. They butchered the books to make a quick buck from the current children's fantasy cash-in craze that's still going after all these years... Blame Harry Potter if anything. If it wasn't for those books and the giant money-making movies, we wouldn't have had all of the other fantasy films trying to copy them. Seriously, go try the Golden Compass books. It's sooooo fucked up. Four and half hours of people spouting bullshit philosophy, economics and law, interspersed with fanboy rants about video game with a soundtrack composed entirely of boom-tiss-boom-tiss from Final Fantasy 7. Winner!
  9. I find the funny part to all of this is that Neko (as much as I love him for all his fury and awesomeness) is doing the exact thing he has, on at least two occasions that I can recall, reamed newer members for doing: coming here to bitch about people on other sites. If you didn't have so many posts to search through, I'd put up the exact quotes. It's a tiring task to search through them all, so I'll just point this out and let it go. On a musical note, your remix was at least one level better than some of the ones they posted after it. My god, that "Video Game Cover Band" Mega Man 2 medley was terrible.
  10. I think the Smoker scene is terribly funny, and horribly accurate. Also, from this day forward, when I am about to head-shot a Witch, I will yell "NO ONE CARES ABOUT YOUR DEAD GRAMMA!".
  11. Oh grow up all of you. Unless you're familiar with someone, you can't always be sure of their gender. Hell, I still wonder about I-J-I-N-N sometimes.
  12. Oh, she's going to break something of Coop's now. She did it to me when I accidentally didn't type in the "s" in "she", and to this day, I still have problems walking correctly in hallways longer than twenty feet.
  13. Boo, this means less time for him to join in on random TF2 and L4D matches. Unless she joins in, we can always use another player.
  14. I'm racking my brain for anything that fits, but I just can not think of what it was. Team Fortress 2?
  15. Me. I turned the discussion towards LEGO. That alone gets me fifty internet points and a virtual christmas card. Oh, you mean the the original topic...
  16. My god, how can you recommend that? I've seen it, and it's nothing but gratuitous violence and gore, with minimal plot and characterization. The only reason you might watch it is for the comedic value of the dub.
  17. Left4Dead. Best times ever. Tanking an entire team, Smoker kills, taking down all four Specials without taking a single hit in Versus, getting Akimbo Assassin on Advanced... so many good times.
  18. I didn't make those; they're actual LEGO sets. MOC stands for My Own Creation. Everything else is mine, though.
  19. And anyone that claims the previous version(s) were better in any way is a nostalgia-fag and should be called so immediately on the spot by everyone else. It's the law!
  20. Chris8282's interest(s) is/are (expletive) (+/-(expletives)), and any (person/group) that engages in it/them is/are (expletive) (+/-(expletives)) (racist/sexist/homophobic term(s)). BUt I really do believe that the whole Soujaboy challenge thing is stupid now. I sat back and thought about it,a nd after reading various sites on both sides, I can only see it as one giant trolling/attention grab. When I said to enjoy the fail, I meant it. I almost got into it myself. Thank you. I have a current WIP right now that should be done in a few weeks (if ordered parts arrive in time, that is). Which one did you like the most? I ask because I'm trying to narrow done a style of design and building, and having input from outside of the usual LEGO community would be helpful.
  21. That's an old title I haven't heard of in a long time. I think that matches the description.
  22. I also build LEGO spaceships as a hobby. Can you do anything with that?
  23. Wow, for years we hear about the awesome stuff the Japanese Club Nintendo gets, like soundtrack CDs and games and toys... and once it comes over here, it's so disappointing and underwhelming, it's like having watching someone walk to wards you with a puppy, only to turn slightly to the side and walk right past you.
  24. The last Starcraft 2 thread died quietly back in, like, April according to the date, and th other one was about Starcraft 2, but more focused on the news item that it would be a trilogy. Rather than revive two dead threads, I thought it would be more appropriate to start a new one. So, has everyone seen the new video of alpha version two-player? http://www.starcraft2.com/features/battlereports/1.xml They show a bunch of newer units and some random map features, including "high yield" resources that give out more minerals and gas than usual, as well as natural obstructions that can be blasted away to gain access to other areas. I think I also saw some small groves of trees that your units can hide in from other ground units. The thing is, I don't remember seeing or hearing about a lot of these new units before, and the official site doesn't list them anywhere. You guys still up for some deep space RTSing next year?
  25. Leave the kids alone. They will learn on their own in time. That is the way of our world.
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