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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. Wow. my boss and I were talking for about twenty minutes today about Wii games, and he seemed really interested in Rock Band for the Wii. I don't think he knows about this yet.
  2. So happy birthday! 25 is just this side of old, and it only gets harder from here on!
  3. So, Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates. Worth it or not? I didn't even know it was out, honestly. I sort of liked the Gamecube one, but getting together with the gang and having charged GBAs and link cables was sort of iffy. We did it, of course. We managed several nights scattered over a few months to playing it. But with reviews going all over the pace, and a lack of WiFi multiplayer, I have to wonder if it's worth getting at all. I doubt that my friends will get it as well, and while I did buy Mario Kart and a few DSs for my friend so we could all play, I doubt that will work again (as well as being rather expensive). Anyone got it, and if so, what's your opinion on getting it?
  4. That's dangerous thinking there, buddy. With Jack's very public actions, he's the perfect example of an over-zealous twit. By having him out there in the spotlight, he makes every other anti-video game effort look stupid by association. Remember when that church group denied they were working with Thompson? He said in one of his annoying emails that he was working with them a part of a study or something. They immediately sent out a press release that he was not part of any study at all, and they would appreciate it if he would never use their name again. That's his true usefulness. Let him stand out on the corner, ranting and screaming all he wants. No one would dare stand along with him, because he simply devalues the entire effort made by others like him. Besides, do you really want someone to replace him? Someone that actually has tact and can act like a normal person? Think about how much damage someone with a pretty face and coherent arguments could do. Leave the idiot in his place. Let him make a fool of himself and his agenda. It's in our best interests for now.
  5. Maybe if you were half as cool as everyone else, you'd drop in a few times and say "hey guys wat's goin on hear!?" and then you would have learned this fact two days earlier. Also, I'd donate for that monolith headstone. Seriously, I would.
  6. That makes you part of that 5% of snakers that weren't assholes, then. The remaining 95% consisted mostly of people that thought they could snake well, and would disconnect when you passed them after they wiped out on the side of the road for the billionth time.
  7. Making your boost dependent upon the amount of time you power slide/drift is awesome for me, because that's how I learned to drift in Mario Kart DS. I could hold onto a power slide for several seconds with some effort, and I routinely took entire sections of courses that way. Sure, I may not have always come in first, but I managed to hold my own against a few snakers. So, now will I be called cheap?
  8. I have nothing to say, because it has been said for me.
  9. I ran that through Bable Fish and Firefox crashed one me. About that one manga site... since there is obviously licensed manga on it, isn't posting the address publicly against the rules? On the other hand, it has all of 20th Century Boys, so I'm kind of grey on the subject now.
  10. INDEED. I'm glad I came in here after they were taken down.
  11. DID YOU MEAN: Because I'm pretty sure that just getting the music from a show doesn't mean you've watched it. I've got soundtracks to stuff I've never even heard of before, and even though I've had all the time in the world to go see them, I still haven't. Just trying to clear up some minor confusion from your post.
  12. It's Saturday and I helped someone move. I don't NEED TO READ THE THREAD!
  13. EDIT: Note to self. Remember which thread you're posting in.
  14. Yes, because someone has an opinion that differs from your own. Therefore, he is a dunce. And wrong. VERY wrong. If he didn't like it, then that just means there's one more copy of the game for you to buy. OOOHH NOOOOES!
  15. Because he makes money off of it? Because that's how he got his Wii? Because he's a strong supporter of free market economics?
  16. Updates to front page, including revised WIP lockdown date. Also, submissions for joining project are back, due to some lost remixes and remixers.
  17. Addicted to Curry was actually kind of decent. And YOu have to go through 20th Century Boys. That is a law now. I just had it passed through the UN and now Interpol can nail your ass for not reading it when you have the chance. I can do that sort of thing. I'm a "friend".
  18. So, everyone else says topic creator sucks and he's a whiner, but no one calls them on it. I use a generic post that covers the usual things people would say, as a joke, and I get not only the topic creator, but someone else, telling me I am being mean. It's because I'm Canadian, isn't it. You all are fucking anti-Canadian! Aren't you? Don't den it, you raci... nationalists? Countyists? What's the word I'm looking for here? Whatever it is, that's what you all are! Fuck you all, I'm going ice fishing!
  19. Yeah, what's the deal with Subspace Emissary? I'm hearing lots of negative reviews and complaints about it.
  20. Like Bahamut said, he moved it. Also, someone was going to say it, so now that it's out the way, no one else will. Calm down, skippy. You'll live longer.
  21. Don't we already have a Smash Bros thread/this forum is not your personal blog/Livejournal comment.
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