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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. I just now noticed that in that stingray pic, the water isn't just some sort of river or something, it's a floating stream of water that curves around and above itself. And there's no ground underneath it. So that means it's floating in space. Which is awesomer than before. Now I really have to get this game.
  2. Wha... but... how... not own a DS? Wow. Are you poor? Or live in a third-world country? Are you Amish, but hide it pretty well from the others? How does one even remotely involved in video games not own a DS? Do you want my DS (non lite)? It still works fine, and you can have it for free. Or maybe all of us pitch in and we buy you one. I am shocked.
  3. I still got my Dreamland 2 cart. No, you can't have it. Not yours. Mine.
  4. FUCK YEAH! Still got my cart in my desk, right next to me. I think it was my first new, non-pawn shop game.
  5. Wow, those new pics of Mario Galaxy look awesome. I have to see what this one is all about. It's in a giant bedroom in space? It's an illusion? I don't know, but it's gigantic and full of awesome. I hope you can actually enter that mansion in the background. For some reason, surfing on the back of a stingray seems fun. But not if you're Steve Irwin. Now it looks like I will have to buy Galaxy for sure. There goes my budget for winter.
  6. Hmm... as a pokémon fan, I'm interested in the Pokémon Farm thing... but not too interested. I mean, Mii-style pokes, walking around a farm and not doing anything? If there were some sort of leveling up or training feature, that might be sort of fun for a while... I don't know, I would have to try it out first, and it would have to be a free demo or something. Also, Mario Kart with bikes?
  7. Depending upon the application method, there are ways to avoid both. First, apply the screen protector in a hot, steamy bathroom. The water vapor clings to airborne dust particles and causes them to settle to the floor. The steam also does the same for hairs and fur, as well as pollen... basically, the whole "dust" thing. Second, use a credit card to smooth the protector out as you apply it. This will force air bubbles out.
  8. That sounds like permission to make a thread for every single game any of us have ever played. Thanks DS!
  9. Yeah, there isn't a Zelda: PH thread yet. It's just been mentioned in the DS thread a bit. Yay for another topic to follow! I've been interested in this game, but with slower work (and less income), and some really big exams that I really should prepare for, I don't think I get it yet. Not to mention that I also have a half-dozen Wii VC games I downloaded and never played yet. Hopefully, this is going to be a very long, boring winter. And then, after all those other games have been played and their use has been gotten, then, I shall go get Phantom Hourglass.
  10. I just find it funny how Sony was saying that PS2 compatibility was a really important thing for them, and then they do this. Not surprised, because anyone could have seen this coming. But definitely funny.
  11. Yeah... I don't use those. I've never been able to get AIM to work for some reason, and Yahoo is a dick about wanting to send me lots of spam no matter what I tell them, so I avoid them if possible. IRC channel? Firefox has a plug-in irc thing that works pretty well. Check for Chatzilla. irc://irc.enterthegame.com/clanocr in case you're wondering.
  12. What did you ask for them? Spiritombs are actually rather hot trades right now, so the exchange is usually kind of high.
  13. Yeah, it's back up. No idea what it is. Sounds slightly familiar, but it may just have been used in some 4chan flash I once saw.
  14. It would help if the link actually went to a functioning page or file. Maybe you maxed its bandwidth out already?
  15. You should be able to just plug in a network cable from one to the other. I'm not entirely sure, but that sounds right.
  16. One of each, please. When can we do the trading? And are you sure you don't want anything in return?
  17. "Strongest" is a kind of loose term. Stats alone don't mean much, just as having an awesome movepool is worthless without the stats to back them up. If you're interested in the Over Used (OU) tier, where you have big powerhouses and skillful use of slimmer, sneakier pokes, then I would suggest heading on over to smogon.com for some ideas. Hit up this area in particular, where they go over the accepted standard movesets for various pokémon. These guys tend to play a lot more than most people, so they've pretty much covered all the metagame stuff, and know how the game mechanics work. Resident OCRer OmegaDonut hails from there, by the way.
  18. Sure. By any chance, did you check out the IVs on your Darkrai? Mine is... well... bad. HP is middle range, Speed was actually pretty high, and everything else was rock-bottom. Zeros across the board. Well, it's not like I was planning on using it any way, but still... Ah well, at least I have one. Now to just find someone with a spare Celebi, Lugia, Ho-oh, Arceus, and Shaymin. Yeah, like that's going to happen.
  19. And with all those SNES and Genesis roms you'll be playing on it, it will be even sexier!
  20. I can see everything just fine. All the videos and pics are there.
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