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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. While I haven't tried any of the Grado line, I can tell you that a good pair of headphones will make a massive difference. I also had the usual cheap headphones for years, and I listened to the same CDs on the same machines for a long time. It wasn't until I picked up a set of Sennheiser PX-100s that I realized how much of the music I was missing. I plugged them into my computer and listened to the same MP3s I had for the last few years. I noticed background vocals I never heard before. Why? The headphones I used before were so low-quality, they couldn't even reproduce the background stuff in compressed audio. They were that bad. So yeah, a really good set of headphones will make a giant difference. The money you spend on them will be an investment, and a wise one at that. As for the Grado SR60, it seems to get a few minuses for being uncomfortable after a few hours of use. If you're going to be listening to anything for a few hours, you really need that comfort. A bad set will ruin the whole experience. If you plan on ever using them while you're out and about, the size and weight are factors as well. If you're going to use them at home, then it's not a problem. Just think of how you will use said headphones. That will determine what you should get. Also, there was a sticky in the Remixing section that dealt with the different brands. I think it's still there.
  2. Anything taken in large enough amounts can kill you. But no one has ever heard of someone dying from drinking lots of water. I'm not surprised that people see this incident as strange.
  3. You know that stuff corrodes metals, right? Think what it must do to your stomach!
  4. No! Only I Can Post This Story! I Brought It To You! Only Me! EDIT: WTF? No all caps? God damn it. There goes my entire "yelling real loud to show sarcastic tone" post.
  5. Already mentioned in the Wii thread. I know, because I put it there myself last week.
  6. It's a touchy subject, and several of the threads where people talked about it have been deleted. Overall, a very heavy-handed attempt to clean up after the mess.
  7. How can you be forced to install a program from a site? Windows will tell you when something wants to be installed, and give you the choice. And who in their right mind would click on spambot links in the first place? I guess this thread is more aimed at the idiots than anyone else.
  8. I didn't like them either. I found the only good part of Diddy Kong Racing to be the plane. That's it. There were other kart racing games. I didn't really see any difference between Mario Kart and Diddy Kong Racing that warranted any support on my end. And Majora's Mask... the entire game looked and felt like someone opened up a level editor and tried to use everything in it. The layout of the levels and towns, the overly vivid colors, the plain, recycled characters... everything just felt uninspired. And the whole three-days thing never caught my interest. I understand it's the entire basis of the game, but I found it frustrating and restrictive. A game series based upon exploring the world as much as you want, suddenly having a time limit? Even if you can go back in time and redo the same three days over and over... why? I ended up using walkthroughs to get anywhere in the game, and then when i read further ahead, I just stopped playing at about half-way. I felt no compelling reason to continue.
  9. The same way he finds everything: quickly, and without drawing attention to himself.
  10. Sony. Insert foot directly to mouth.
  11. Did you hear the one about a woman that died in a contest to get a Wii? The reason? She couldn't take a wee! That's a new cause of death: water intoxication.
  12. Anyone want a significant discount on a PS3? No problem. Just trade in your PS2, your second controller and your memory card. Now you have a system that also plays PS2 games, and it only cost you $400 to $500! AWESOME DEAL! Who in their right mind would take this trade? Get rid of a system with shitloads of games for it, that only costs a little over a hundred bucks, and get rid of not only your extra controller, but your memory card as well? For a system that only has one controller (with no rumble and an unused tilt feature), no pack-in game, and you still have to pay three to four times as much for?
  13. Quite frankly... not much. I'm not trying to b an asshole here, but there's nothing about this at all that makes me think "huh, intersting," or even "maybe I will watch it all the way through." I couldn't. It's just boring. Nothing in the video matches up in any way with the music. There's no punch, or even a tickle. It's flat.
  14. If Poinko gets into this, I can guarantee you that he will win. He's doing the artwork for the Pokemon project.
  15. No, she totally meant the Nintendo 360. Nintendo bought Microsoft last night. Didn't you read the thread?
  16. So. Uh... about that Blu-Ray DVD format... I don't know if it's going to catch on now. The porn business isn't going to support it. The best part? It's not the porn companies that don't want to use Blu-Ray; it's Sony. Sony has allegedly threatened to take the licenses away of anyone who would publish porn on Blu-Ray. From the article: Porn is supposed to be the majority of DVD sales, and VHS porn must have been pretty big. Even with the internet supplying quicker and cheaper (even free) porn, there will still be people that buy DVDs. Or in this case, HD-DVDs. Looks like Sony's format took another hit. Anyone still want me to believe that the PS3 is a good value as a movie player? I see less and less of a chance that Blu-Ray will even be around in a few years. Only if all the major movie studios go with it, will we see it stick around. At that point, however, we'll have two different formats still fighting each other.
  17. With a few exceptions (notably, OoT and MM for Link), the people shown in the games are supposed to be either reincarnations or random people with the same name. Ganon is usually the same guy, depending upon the game. Since there's supposed to be some connection between Oot and WW, it's supposed to be the same Ganon. But never having completed it, I can't be sure. For the most part, all the games are supposed to be separate. I don't know why everybody is so keen on this whole timeline stuff. I've never thought that any of them were in any real order, and that the entire series was just revisions and reinventions of the same basic story. That's why they're so similar. And you know what? I still enjoyed them, regardless of any connection they were supposed to have with each other.
  18. But now he actually has to go through the judging process like the rest of us.
  19. Actually, for that matter, what kind of resources are there for members here that want to OCR-up their stuff? Besides the hoodies and such, stuff like Winamp skins, OCR wallpaper, forum skins (I think there's a few out there) and other stuff like that. I know most of it would be fan-made, not "official" in the sense. But there must be quite a lot out there by now.
  20. Can we still modhate? God damn, these new smileys suck. Blue? It looks like the damn thing is choking on a chicken bone or something.
  21. Oh my god.. talk about sensationalistic journalism. Short story: some reporter is saying that kids will download porn on their Wii. I have to wonder how many of these sorts of stories are in some way started or backed by the target system's competition... Throw a few bucks towards a couple of PTAs or groups, and mention how easy it is for kids to do something "bad" on the other guys hardware. Considering some of the shit that went down in the last few year, I wouldn't be surprised if it were true.
  22. It has to do with Bluetooth. Sometimes, it just likes to forget it's supposed to be linked to some hardware.
  23. I never play table-top/pen-and-paper RPGs. And whenever my friends (how not only play, and also create them) ask me why I don't play, I can't tell them, "In the unlikely event of a virus that only targets RPGers, I will be immune, thus healthy enough to go get help." They don't ask me much anymore... Sort of like my response to people who ask me when I'm going to have kids.
  24. Considering your average CS player only exercises his hands when playing, and his mouth when eating cheetos, I highly doubt they would be up for a game that involves actually walking, let alone sanding up.
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