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JH Sounds

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Everything posted by JH Sounds

  1. Ah, so the artwork contest was just a ploy to garner attention. Spamtron indeed...
  2. I was actually going to suggest that possibility, as a joke.
  3. Hm... A bit of the source reminds me of a certain other video game tune. My remix plays up the similarities.
  4. I was gonna try to set a new record by posting a mix early, but I think I can sweeten what I have if I keep it longer.
  5. I gotta deal with my nasal allergies somehow.
  6. Congratulations. We oughta have dual-source contests more often.
  7. I thought this thread had something to do with Australia.
  8. I was gonna ask you to clarify your "6th one" comment, but you'd probably just accelerate your multi-posting.
  9. The questions I had were answered, at least.
  10. I'm no action fan. I'm more like a plot fiend, so I pretty much HAD to watch Revolutions after I saw Reloaded. I needed to know where the threads went, if anywhere.
  11. The Spirit + Sin City's art style = I imagine the weird gut feeling I had after seeing the trailer would be intensely magnified if I choose to watch the film. Not gonna risk that...
  12. Sounds more like a game level than a studio.
  13. I knew my buyer's remorse would kick in eventually, but I never thought I'd feel it this way.
  14. Haha awesome. I was just thinking about remixing a certain tune on my own when this announcement came up. I guess I'll donate the source to upcoming PRC instead.
  15. Bumped so I can remind myself to start doing this again.
  16. Hm... The link doesn't seem to work. I'll try again later. EDIT: Okay, I got it. The woodwind melody is a bit syncopated in spots, so I'd suggest drums or other percussion to help establish the rhythm. There also seems to be no bass, but I suppose that's okay considering the "forest" concept. I hope this helps.
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